My Strawberry Film – Series Review & Episode Guide

My Strawberry Film is a Japanese BL series about a group of high school students who investigate the origins of an old movie.

My Strawberry Film is a Japanese high school BL series about a group of friends and their secret unrequited feelings. One day, the trio discovers old footage of a mysterious teenage girl. They are enchanted by her beauty and begin investigating her identity. As their search deepens, the protagonists must confront their hidden desires toward each other. Soon, the blurred line between friendship and romance complicates everyone's relationships.

Between the thin plot and the shallow characterizations, My Strawberry Film fails to deliver a captivating story. The series begins with a barely intriguing premise, which becomes even less interesting as it progresses. It tries to introduce love triangles and unrequited love, but these bland high school relationships go nowhere. BL fans won't be satisfied with the romances that never take off. I'm also underwhelmed by the cast and their inexperienced acting abilities.

My Strawberry Film Summary



Series Info:

Japan (2024)


3 hours

Total Episodes:

8 episodes


School romance


My Strawberry Film is a sad & emotional BL drama.


Ryo, Hikari, and Chika are a group of friends in high school.

Ryo and Hikaru are high school students who have become best friends despite their opposite personalities. Ryo is quiet and reserved, preferring to listen to music over socializing with others. He's often found with a pair of headphones over his ears. In contrast, Hikaru is loud and extroverted. He is always buzzing with excitable energy, unlike his companion.

Hikaru takes the initiative to approach Ryo and befriends him. The energetic teenager has successfully brought his shy friend out of his shell. They hang out together during lunch and after school. The pair is often joined by Chika, a cheerful classmate who sits near them in homeroom. Chika gets along with Hikaru and likes to banter with him. At the same time, she enjoys spending time with Ryo in intimate exchanges.

Recently, the trio of friends is hanging out in an abandoned school warehouse. They discover old film footage featuring a beautiful teenage girl on the school rooftop. Hikaru is smitten with her ethereal appearance and wants to learn more about her background. He convinces Ryo and Chika to participate in an investigation for fun. These three amateur sleuths begin their search, asking various teachers whether they know the girl from the film.

The trio doesn't find much relevant information during their investigation. They still know little about the mysterious girl's identity, which disappoints Hikaru. Just then, a new exchange student joins their class. To their surprise, Minami looks almost identical to the girl from the abandoned film. Despite the uncanny resemblance, Minami denies any connections. She doesn't know why there is school footage of her lookalike.

Minami starts hanging out with the trio after Chika befriends her. The four would hang out in the school warehouse while investigating the mysterious film. Hikaru becomes smitten with Minami and wants to ask her out. Ryo pretends to be nonchalant, but he seems bothered by Hikaru and Minami's new bond. Chika notices Ryo's loneliness while grappling with her own unrequited feelings. She has a secret crush on Ryo, which her friend doesn't seem likely to reciprocate.

My Strawberry Film Cast



Ryusei Fukada (深田竜生)

Ryo is portrayed by the Japanese actor Ryusei Fukada (深田竜生).

Ryo is a quiet high school student who likes listening to music. He is friends with Hikaru and Chika. Unbeknownst to them, he has a secret crush on Hikaru. However, Ryo won't confess his feelings, fearing they won't be reciprocated.

Ryusei Fukada

Ryusei Fukada (深田竜生) is a Japanese actor. He is born on April 13, 2022.

Ryusei Fukada (深田竜生) is a Japanese actor. He is born on April 13, 2022. His first BL project is the 2024 series, My Strawberry Film.


Rei Yabana (矢花黎)

Hikaru is portrayed by the Japanese actor Rei Yabana (矢花黎).

Hikaru is an outgoing high school student with an energetic personality. He develops a keen interest in a mysterious girl found in a vintage movie. He is friends with Ryo and Chika. Hikaru doesn't know Ryo has a secret crush on him.

Rei Yabana

Rei Yabana (矢花黎) is a Japanese drama. He is born on August 10, 2000. His first BL series is the 2024 drama, My Strawberry Film.


Mizuki Yoshida (吉田美月喜)

Chika is portrayed by Japanese actress Mizuki Yoshida (吉田美月喜).

Chika is an easygoing high school student who hangs out with Ryo and Hikaru. The trio of friends began investigating the origins of a mysterious old movie. Chika has a secret crush on Ryo. However, she hasn't confessed her feelings to him yet.

Mizuki Yoshida

Mizuki Yoshida (吉田美月喜) is a Japanese actress. She is born on March 10, 2003.

Mizuki Yoshida (吉田美月喜) is a Japanese actress. She is born on March 10, 2003. Her first BL project is the 2024 drama, My Strawberry Film.


Ririka Tanabe (田鍋梨々花)

Minami is portrayed by the Japanese actress Ririka Tanabe (田鍋梨々花).

Minami is the mysterious exchange student who becomes classmates with Ryo, Hikaru, and Chika. They quickly befriend Minami and bring her into their social circle. She develops a bond with Hikaru, spending time alone at the cafe. Their friendship doesn't go unnoticed by Ryo and Chika.

Ririka Tanabe

Ririka Tanabe (田鍋梨々花) is a Japanese actress. She is born on December 24, 2003.

Ririka Tanabe (田鍋梨々花) is a Japanese actress. She is born on December 24, 2003. Her first BL series is the 2024 drama, My Strawberry Film.

Supporting Cast

Matsuoka is portrayed by the Japanese actress Hijiri Kojima (小島聖).


Hijiri Kojima (小島聖)

Hashi is portrayed by the Japanese actor Hijiri Kojima (小島聖).


Hijiri Kojima (小島聖)

My Strawberry Film Review


Drama Review Score: 5.9

Ryo and Hikari have a friendly hug.

My Strawberry Film has an uninspiring storyline based on an odd premise. A group of high school friends investigates the origins of a vintage movie. They want to find out the identity of a random girl in the footage. If you assume the characters will uncover anything meaningful, please lower your expectations. This mystery is merely a plot device, giving the protagonists a reason to spend time together. Instead, the main focus of My Strawberry Film is on exploring the romantic feelings between the characters.

Much of the plot revolves around unrequited love. Chika has a crush on Ryo, who is secretly smitten with Hikaru, but he develops an interest in Minami instead. The four leads experience longing, confusion, and heartbreak while navigating their feelings. Unfortunately, My Strawberry Film doesn't deliver much substance or sophistication. The characterizations are too shallow, so you hardly know anything about the protagonists beyond one or two defining traits. Their relationships are also underdeveloped. There are no bonding moments, cherished memories, or special experiences to make the viewers feel emotionally invested.

My Strawberry Film has BL content, at least in theory. Ryo's secret crush on Hikaru is supposed to be a significant plot. I keep waiting for their platonic relationship to evolve, but it never does. They remain stuck in the friend zone. Don't get your hopes up because nothing happens between them. Ryo and Hikaru don't even share many scenes together. Half the time, they're in separate subplots with the female characters. The lack of romantic development is disappointing for a series marketed toward BL fans. We only get a flimsy bromance instead of a real couple.

The cast seems young and inexperienced, especially Ryo's performer (Ryusei Fukada). His character is supposed to be a sensitive soul tormented by unrequited love, but this actor can't convey the depth of emotion needed. He looks like a sad Eeyore with one facial expression for every occasion. Chika's actress (Mizuki Yoshida) also struggles in her role. Some of the crying scenes don't reflect her best effort. On a positive note, I like the actress who plays Minami (Ririka Tanabe). She has a classic ethereal beauty that gives her a mesmerizing screen presence.

Episode after episode, My Strawberry Film fails to impress. To be fair, it was never bad enough to be unwatchable. I completed the series, understood the plot, and didn't consider quitting midway to do something else. I can't say the same for every awful drama reviewed on BL Watcher. Yet, my viewing experience was pretty bland. I sat through each episode in constant indifference, occasionally checking my pulse to ensure my heart hadn't gone numb. Watching My Strawberry Film is like eating plain bread for three hours straight. Sure, I can stomach it, but there's no enjoyment.

My Strawberry Film becomes so angsty toward the end. The last few episodes feel bleak as all the characters mope around gloomily. Even Hikaru, the bubbly one in the group, seems miserable. I wish the storyteller could've infused more enthusiasm into the narrative. It's too preoccupied with moody teenage drama and doesn't spend enough time highlighting the joy of adolescence. Overall, My Strawberry Film has an underwhelming story with an unsatisfying romance. I finish the series feeling bored, irritated, and frustrated by its mediocrity.


Bland story

My Strawberry Film has an uninspiring premise as the characters investigate an old movie and develop secret crushes. Each episode passes blandly without stirring up much of a reaction from me.

Lacklustre romance

Although there's a BL storyline in My Strawberry Film, the romantic content is minimal. Don't set high expectations because nothing happens between Ryo and Hikaru besides a flimsy bromance.

Novice acting

The newbie cast lacks experience. Ryo's actor (Ryusei Fukada) has the same facial expression for every scene, failing to convey the necessary emotions. His other costars also struggle in their roles.

Uninspiring ending

Remember the mysterious girl from the film? We discover her identity in the finale. I'm not surprised by who she is, but the series should've developed the character's backstory in the earlier episodes.

Subdued artistry

This series is more subdued than your typical BL dramas. From muted colours to modest wardrobes, everything feels toned down to reflect a quieter tone.


My Strawberry Film is a bland and boring BL drama with an uninspiring story. The shallow characters, dull relationships, and inexperienced acting all fail to impress.

My Strawberry Film Episodes

Episode Guide

Ryo and Hikari have a friendly chat.

My Strawberry Film has a total of 8 episodes. Each episode is around 24 minutes long. It is a medium-length BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in around 3 hours. My Strawberry Film started on February 16, 2024 and finished its last episode on April 5, 2024.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8

My Strawberry Film Information


Ryo Kawasaki (川崎僚) is a Japanese director. She has worked on Minato's Laundromat 2 (2023), At 25:00 in Akasaka (2024), and My Strawberry Film (2024).

  1. I'm so happy to see you posting new reviews. We missed you very much! :3 For us you are a real spiritual guide to navigate this sea of ​​BL XD


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