Seoul Blues is a Korean BL series that explores a complicated love triangle among three childhood friends. The main character confesses his feelings to a close friend, only to be...
Fragile is a Korean high school series with a hidden BL subplot. After being ostracized by her classmates, the main character struggles with rumours about her reputation. She befriends a...
Love in the Big City is a Korean BL series about a gay writer and his dating experiences. The main character is a single young man looking for romance. He...
Bad Guy is a Korean BL series about an engaged man meeting his ex-boyfriend before the wedding. The main character is about to marry his fiancée. However, he has a...
Fake Buddies is a Korean BL series about a man and a woman in a phony romance. The main character appears to be happily in love with his university girlfriend....
Sugar Dog Life is a Japanese BL series about a police officer, a convenience store worker, and their ambiguous relationship. The main character is a university student who works a...
My Strawberry Film is a Japanese high school BL series about a group of friends and their secret unrequited feelings. One day, the trio discovers old footage of a mysterious...
The Outing is a Thai series about the toxic relationship drama during a company retreat. There's a BL subplot for one of the couples. The main characters are three business executives...
Although I Love You and You is a Japanese BL series about a small restaurant owner and an office worker. After his last breakup, the main character only focuses on running...
Cooking Crush is a Thai BL series about an aspiring chef in culinary school. One day, the main character stumbles upon a hungry medical student and prepares a free meal for...
Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
Twins is a Thai sports BL drama about a volleyball team. A pair of identical twins separated after their parents' divorce. Years later, both have become aspiring university athletes. The main...