Unknown is a Taiwanese BL series about two orphans who grow up together. The main character comes from an abusive home. After losing his mother, he must look after his...
Love in the Big City is a Korean BL series about a gay writer and his dating experiences. The main character is a single young man looking for romance. He...
Love Is Like a Cat is a Korean BL series about an actor and a dog cafe owner. The main character is a young celebrity who reluctantly joins a reality...
Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main...
Cherry Magic Thailand is the Thai remake of the famous Japanese BL series. The main character is a single office worker with low self-esteem. Suddenly, he gains the power to read...
Perfect Propose is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who start living together. As kids, they once joked about marrying each other. The pair lost contact during their youth,...
Cooking Crush is a Thai BL series about an aspiring chef in culinary school. One day, the main character stumbles upon a hungry medical student and prepares a free meal for...
Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
Make a Wish is a Thai fantasy BL series about a doctor who sees ghosts. Since birth, the main character can communicate with undead spirits. He feels troubled by his power,...
7 Days Before Valentine is a Thai fantasy BL series about a cupid with deadly powers. After a recent breakup, the main character wants to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend. He meets...
Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun is a Japanese BL series about a high school teacher and a delinquent student. The main character used to be an unruly troublemaker who skips classes and...
Twins is a Thai sports BL drama about a volleyball team. A pair of identical twins separated after their parents' divorce. Years later, both have become aspiring university athletes. The main...