Given Movie 2: Hiiragi Mix is the second film sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It follows a group of aspiring musicians and their romantic endeavours. The main character...
Given: On the Other Hand is a short special for the popular Japanese BL anime. The story continues with the events that occurred after the first movie. The main character...
Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 3 is the 2024 sequel to the Japanese BL comedy franchise. The third series continues the story of a goofy university student...
Love Is Better the Second Time Around is a Japanese BL series about a former couple who reunites years later and rekindles their romance. The main character is surprised to...
My Strawberry Film is a Japanese high school BL series about a group of friends and their secret unrequited feelings. One day, the trio discovers old footage of a mysterious...
Happy Ending is a Korean BL series about two high school students with ambiguous feelings for each other. The main character is an adult reminiscing about his teenage experiences. Years ago,...
Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun is a Japanese BL series about a high school teacher and a delinquent student. The main character used to be an unruly troublemaker who skips classes and...
Love for Love's Sake is a Korean fantasy BL series where the main character unknowingly enters a virtual game. The simulation takes him to the past, where he relives his high...
Night Dream is a Thai BL series about three high school friends in a love triangle. The trio used to be close as teenagers. After a family tragedy, the main...
After School is a Taiwanese coming-of-age movie about a cram school. The story has a significant LGBTQ+ focus. The main character and his best friend are teenage troublemakers. They play classroom...
So Long, See You Tomorrow is a Korean movie with a storytelling twist, which unveils as the plot progresses. The main character is a gay high school student who develops...