Neko ni Naritai Tamagawa-kun is a short Japanese BL anime about two men who meet at a cat café. The main character often feels stressed over his job at a...
My Sunshine is a Japanese movie about a skating coach and his two students. After moving to a small town, the main character teaches figure skating to a young girl....
The Time of Huan Nan is a Taiwanese gay movie about a time traveller who transports three decades into the past. The main character struggles to care for his father,...
Can a Freeloader Make It as a Secretary? is a short Japanese BL series about a company president and his new assistant. After getting dumped, the main character applies for...
Falling for My Boss is a short Korean BL series about a love triangle in a flower shop. The main character runs a small business selling flowers. He's wary of...
Actors High! is a Japanese comedy series about two actors reluctant to star in a BL drama. The main character is a producer tasked with preparing the cast before filming...
Escape is a Korean movie about a soldier who plans to defect from his country's dictatorship. The main character works for the North Korean military. Each night, he carefully maps...
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru: More Please! is the sequel to the Japanese BL movie, continuing the ambiguous love story between two best friends who live together. The main...
A Balloon's Landing is a Taiwanese movie about a disgraced writer, a tour guide, and their budding bromance. The main character is a Hong Kong author who faces plagiarism allegations....
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding is a Japanese BL series about a celebrity chef, a magazine editor, and the significant age gap in their romance. The main character is in his...
High School Return of a Gangster is a Korean non-BL series about a gang leader who gets reincarnated as a teenager. The main character is feared as a dangerous mob...
Y Journey: Stay Like a Local is a Thai BL anthology series with six short stories. Each episode focuses on a couple's adventure at a picturesque location. Some destinations include sandy...