Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding is a Japanese BL series about a celebrity chef, a magazine editor, and the significant age gap in their romance. The main character is in his...
Love in the Big City is a Korean BL series about a gay writer and his dating experiences. The main character is a single young man looking for romance. He...
Blue Boys is a Korean BL series about a newly dating couple and their emotional drama. The main character is a writer who reconnects with a friend from school. Sparks...
Jazz for Two is a Korean high school BL series about a group of music students and their relationship drama. The main character is a teenage pianist with a strict...
Eccentric Romance is a Korean BL series about two university friends investigating a campus killer. After joining a gym, the main characters meet a hunky personal trainer. Although their new...
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo is a Korean BL series about two teenagers who befriend each other in a quiet town. The main character is a moody high school...
Fake Buddies is a Korean BL series about a man and a woman in a phony romance. The main character appears to be happily in love with his university girlfriend....
My Damn Business is a Korean office BL series about two employees at a struggling company. During a staff layoff, the main character is the only employee who can keep...
The Time of Fever is a Korean BL series about two teenagers in a coastal town. After his father's death, the main character and his mother return to their hometown...
Boys Be Brave! is a Korean BL series about a group of quirky university students. Although the main character does well in school, he remains perpetually single. He lacks the...
Blossom Campus is a Korean BL series about two lonely university students. The main characters begin as strangers, but they keep encountering each other on campus. After an awkward introduction,...
Love Is Like a Cat is a Korean BL series about an actor and a dog cafe owner. The main character is a young celebrity who reluctantly joins a reality...