Mr. Cinderella 2 is the sequel to the Vietnamese BL series, continuing the romance between a doctor and a reformed gangster. The second season begins years later after the leads...
I Cannot Reach You is a Japanese high school BL series about two childhood best friends. The main character is secretly infatuated with his companion. However, he fears confessing his feelings...
Let's Eat Together, Aki and Haru is a Japanese BL movie about two roommates. The main characters are university students who rent a house and move in together. These best...
You Are Mine is a Taiwanese office BL series about a business executive and his assistant. The main character has started a new job as a secretary. His boss is notoriously...
Only Friends is a Thai BL series about a group of university students involved in complicated relationship drama. The main character is kind, intelligent, and sexually inexperienced. His buddy introduces him...
Shimbashi Koi Story 3 is the third season of the Japanese BL series. This sequel continues the story of a couple who met at a bear bar. The main character maintains...
Mask Danshi is a Japanese BL anime about a shy high school student. The protagonist is self-conscious and always wears a mask to hide his appearance. He catches the interest of...
My Goofy Deskmate is a Vietnamese slice-of-life high school BL series. The main character has a close rapport with his best friend. They spend all their time together and know each...
Bump Up Business is a Korean BL series about an up-and-coming boy group. The main character is a rookie about to make his debut. His agency pairs him with an experienced...
My Personal Weatherman is a Japanese BL series about the steamy relationship between a meteorologist and his secret lover. The main character is a struggling manga artist who doesn't make money...
Love in Translation is a Thai BL series about the two owners of a general goods shop. The main characters meet through a mutual acquaintance. Despite not getting along, they want...