Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
There's Love That Starts From Mistaken Identity is a Japanese BL series about a twin pretending to be his brother. When the main character runs out of money, his sibling...
Happy of the End is a Japanese crime BL series about two men whose lives become intertwined after a failed one-night stand. After getting dumped by his wealthy lover, the...
Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who become university roommates. As suggested by their families, the main characters move into the same apartment to...
Playboyy is a Thai BL series about the investigation of a missing university student. The main characters have a friend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. A year later, his brother arrives...
Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main...
Cherry Magic Thailand is the Thai remake of the famous Japanese BL series. The main character is a single office worker with low self-esteem. Suddenly, he gains the power to read...
Perfect Propose is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who start living together. As kids, they once joked about marrying each other. The pair lost contact during their youth,...
7 Days Before Valentine is a Thai fantasy BL series about a cupid with deadly powers. After a recent breakup, the main character wants to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend. He meets...
Beside You is a Thai fantasy BL series about two boyfriends and their cat. The main character lives with his partner and enjoys domestic bliss. They raise a pampered pet, which...
Twins is a Thai sports BL drama about a volleyball team. A pair of identical twins separated after their parents' divorce. Years later, both have become aspiring university athletes. The main...
My New Boss Is Goofy is a Japanese anime series about an office employee and his mentor. The main character recently quit his job at a toxic workplace. His old employer...