Blue Complex is a Korean BL series about three competitive swimmers on a university team. The main character is a former diver who unexpectedly joins the swim team. While his...
Escape is a Korean movie about a soldier who plans to defect from his country's dictatorship. The main character works for the North Korean military. Each night, he carefully maps...
Love Is A Poison is a Japanese BL series about a successful lawyer and his relationship with a mysterious flirt. The main character is a top attorney who prides himself...
First Note of Love is a Taiwanese BL series about the romance between a singer and a songwriter. The main character is a famous band member who left the spotlight...
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru: More Please! is the sequel to the Japanese BL movie, continuing the ambiguous love story between two best friends who live together. The main...
Seoul Blues is a Korean BL series that explores a complicated love triangle among three childhood friends. The main character confesses his feelings to a close friend, only to be...
Love in the Big City is a Korean movie about a free-spirited young woman and her gay best friend. The main character is still in the closet. When a university...
A Balloon's Landing is a Taiwanese movie about a disgraced writer, a tour guide, and their budding bromance. The main character is a Hong Kong author who faces plagiarism allegations....
Unknown is a Taiwanese BL series about two orphans who grow up together. The main character comes from an abusive home. After losing his mother, he must look after his...
The Nipple Talk is a Taiwanese series about a group of friends and their spicy love lives. The main character is confident in her sexuality. With no plans to settle...
Smells Like Green Spirit is a Japanese BL series about a bullied high school student from a rural town. The main character is a gentle teenager mocked for his long...