Kuso Miso Technique is a Japanese 18+ BL anime special about two strangers who hook up in a public restroom. After having wild sex in a washroom stall, they break all barriers and become closely acquainted. The couple goes on an adventurous journey with absurd shenanigans. They encounter evil villains who want to end their lives. The protagonists must find a way to escape each dangerous situation together.
The crude comedy and vulgar scenarios in Kuso Miso Technique may appeal to people with a peculiar sense of humour. It is as funny as a fart joke. Personally, I don't find this anime entertaining. From the pointless plot to the lewd sex scenes, I watch everything unfold with shock, confusion, and embarrassment. The rough-looking visuals add to the awkwardness, while the gay content is more of a comedic gag than anything meaningful.
Kuso Miso Technique Summary
Anime Info:
Japan (2024)
Kuso Miso Technique is a happy & funny anime.

Michishita is a prep school student at Yamakawa Art School. During an art lesson, his teacher suffers an embarrassing accident. He spends the rest of his time occupying the school washroom. The class was dismissed due to this incident, and students could go home early. However, Michishita feels inconvenienced because he needs to pee, but his teacher won't let anyone enter. So, Michishita heads toward a nearby restroom in the park.
Upon arriving at the park, Michishita meets a handsome stranger. Abe is a car mechanic sitting on the park bench. As the two men make eye contact, Michishita blushes because he finds Abe incredibly attractive. Abe picks up the signals and starts unzipping his jumpsuit, eventually revealing his cock. "Shall we do it?" Abe asks confidently. "Let's do it." Michishita agrees. They head inside a washroom stall and proceed to have wild sex. After becoming closely acquainted, the couple spends time together and goes on an unexpected adventure.
Kuso Miso Technique Cast
Sorate (ソラテ)

Michishita is an ordinary prep school student at Yamakawa Art School. After classes are dismissed early one day, he heads to the park's public restroom to pee. There, Michishita meets a handsome stranger and forms an immediate attraction. They hook up inside the washroom stall.

Sorate (ソラテ) is a Japanese actor. He voiced one of the leading roles in the 2024 BL anime special, Kuso Miso Technique.
Yoshiro Sasaki (佐々木喜朗)

Abe is a handsome car mechanic who loiters at the park, a popular cruising spot for gay men. When Michishita arrives, the two men make eye contact and form an instant connection. Abe sexually propositions Michishita, who gladly accepts the offer. They head inside the public restroom for a steamy hookup.
Yoshiro Sasaki

Yoshiro Sasaki (佐々木喜朗) is a Japanese actor. His alias is Pierre Ito. He is born on November 9, 1989. He voices one of the leading characters in the 2024 anime, Kuso Miso Technique.
Supporting Cast


Kuso Miso Technique Review
Drama Review Score: 2.0

Kuso Miso Technique is like the equivalent of a fart joke. It might be considered funny by people with a peculiar sense of humour. For many others, including myself, watching this anime will cause shock, confusion, or embarrassment. The lowbrow comedy isn't entertaining. Instead of laughing, I cringe at the crude writing and vulgar scenarios. I want to be polite and pretend it has a quirky charm, but there is none. Kuso Miso Technique isn't even camp enough to be hilariously bad. I just find everything awkward.
The story divides itself into three parts. The first arc introduces two strangers who meet during an anonymous hookup. They fuck inside a washroom stall, but the protagonist suddenly has to pee in the middle of sex. As the situation escalates, the wacky reactions and naughty toilet humour are supposed to be funny. Did I laugh? No, not for a second. But I guess, in some corners of the internet, fans treat this moment as a beloved meme. He urinates inside another guy, hahaha! I don't get it. Maybe I'm missing the cultural context to appreciate such scintillating wit.
The second arc takes an unexpectedly dark turn. A serial killer suddenly arrives and begins his reign of terror. The bizarre events unfold like a senseless slasher story, which includes gory scenes with rape, blood, corpses, and the maniac killer uttering the line, "Blame my giant penis!" The circumstances are so ridiculously exaggerated that you may react with fear, distress, or uncomfortable laughter due to the morbid humour. Personally, I was disturbed as hell. How did the bonkers plot get to this point!? This anime is so fucking weird!
Kuso Miso Technique shouldn't be classified as BL. The romance between Michishita and Abe is almost nonexistent. The story wants to pretend these two horny strangers found true love after cruising in a public restroom, but it's a stretch. While they have a raunchy encounter with suggestive undertones, nothing explicit is shown on screen. The anime either censors the nudity or cuts away to safe imagery. Only the dialogue is obscene since Abe talks like a caricature of a porn star. Otherwise, the gay content is more like a comedic gag than anything meaningful.
The Kuso Miso Technique anime comes from an interesting background. It started as a crowdfunding project and earned enough support from fans of the original work. It's cool to see the creators revive a short erotic manga from decades ago and turn it into a thirty-minute animated story. Despite the dumb antics in the plot, this project shows a wild imagination with its ideas. If nothing else, I respect the creativity. Sadly, the adaptation suffers from subpar visuals. From the dated art style to the awkward 3D animation, the scenes look rough and unpolished.
Kuso Miso Technique has a bizarre ending that aligns with the random shenanigans from the rest of the plot. The final scene leaves me stunned, unsure of what I've just completed. Initially, I thought about not reviewing this anime. The absurd story isn't meant to be taken seriously, so overanalyzing it feels like a fool's errand. However, I had already lost half an hour of my life on this nonsense, so I may as well waste more time writing about it. Overall, Kuso Miso Technique is pointless gibberish. From the unfunny jokes to the incoherent writing, everything about it baffles me.
Absurd story
Kuso Miso Technique has a bizarre plot that unfolds pointlessly and incoherently. The random nonsense leaves me shocked, confused, and embarrassed.
Raunchy romance
Michishita and Abe have a raunchy hookup in a public restroom, but nothing explicit appears on screen. Their romance is practically nonexistent. The gay content is a comedic gag and not meaningful.
Rough visuals
This crowdfunded anime suffers from lacklustre visuals. Its dated art style and awkward 3D animation leave a poor impression. Many scenes look rough and unpolished.
Sad ending
Kuso Miso Technique has a sad ending as the main characters meet gruesome fates. The last scene is as random and disjointed as the rest of the plot. WTF did I just watch!?
Vulgar artistry
The humour is too crass, relying on vulgar jokes and exaggerated shock value that doesn't appeal to me. Some may enjoy the absurdity, but I feel awkward and uncomfortable with the comedy.
Kuso Miso Technique is an incoherent and over-the-top anime that I find utterly unfunny. I am baffled by the pointless plot and bewildered by its lowbrow humour.
Kuso Miso Technique Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date April 1, 2024
- End Date April 1, 2024
- Episodes 1 episode
- Episode Length 30 minutes
Kuso Miso Technique has a total of 1 episode. It is a short BL anime, and you can finish the entire special in around 30 minutes. Kuso Miso Technique released on April 1, 2024. Initially, the project started as a crowdfunding campaign that successfully reached its financial goals.
Kuso Miso Technique is adapted from a Japanese manga. The original work is made by Junichi Yamakawa (山川純一), an artist who specializes in drawing bara. Maki Ito (伊藤魔鬼) is the director of this anime special.
Kuso Miso Technique Information
- MyAnimeList Kuso Miso Technique MyAnimeList
- Twitter Kuso Miso Technique Twitter
- Website Kuso Miso Technique website
- Wikipedia Kuso Miso Technique Wikipedia
- Wikipedia くそみそテクニック Wikipedia
Junichi Yamakawa (山川純一) is a Japanese artist who specializes in drawing bara. His manga, Kuso Miso Technique, was adapted into a short anime special in 2024.