My New Boss Is Goofy is a Japanese anime series about an office employee and his mentor. The main character recently quit his job at a toxic workplace. His old employer...
Mask Danshi is a Japanese BL anime about a shy high school student. The protagonist is self-conscious and always wears a mask to hide his appearance. He catches the interest of...
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation is the movie sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It continues the sweet love story of a high school couple who recently started dating. The main...
Mignon is an 18+ Korean BL anime series about a cage fighter and his intense relationship with a doctor. The main character is an up-and-rising boxer who participates in arena...
Buddy Daddies is a Japanese anime series about two professional assassins who must raise a kid together. During a shootout, the protagonists killed a four-year-old girl's father, leaving her parentless. They...
Mori no Kuma-san, Toumin-chuu is a Japanese 18+ BL anime series with humanoid animals. The protagonist is a gentle bear who finds an orphaned baby dog and adopts him in his...
Dakaichi: Spain Arc is the movie sequel of the Japanese BL anime series, Dakaichi. This film continues the volatile love story between two famous actors. The protagonist travels to Spain to...
Someone Else's BL Cartoon is a Korean BL anime about a high school romance. The story focuses on a straight-laced student who befriends a delinquent in his class. They develop an...
Partner's Territory is a short slice-of-life Korean BL anime. The first episode is a quick prologue that describes a critical moment in a gay couple's relationship. The second episode is an...
Sasaki and Miyano is a BL anime series about the tender love story between two high school students. The main character is a BL fanatic who befriends an upperclassman, introducing...
Fairy Ranmaru is a fantasy anime series with homoerotic undertones. The story focuses on five fairies from a fallen kingdom. They descend to the human world, using magical superpowers to...
Papa Datte, Shitai is an 18+ BL anime about a single father and his young housekeeper. The main character is a divorced dad busy with a full-time job and raising his...