Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo is a Korean BL series about two teenagers who befriend each other in a quiet town. The main character is a moody high school...
Blossom Campus is a Korean BL series about two lonely university students. The main characters begin as strangers, but they keep encountering each other on campus. After an awkward introduction,...
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 3 is the 2024 sequel to the Japanese BL comedy franchise. The third series continues the story of a goofy university student...
The Perfect Prince Loves Me, the Side Character?! is a Japanese 18+ BL anime series about a fantasy romance. The protagonist is reincarnated into the fictional universe of a magical...
My Strawberry Film is a Japanese high school BL series about a group of friends and their secret unrequited feelings. One day, the trio discovers old footage of a mysterious...
Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main...
Although I Love You and You is a Japanese BL series about a small restaurant owner and an office worker. After his last breakup, the main character only focuses on running...
For Him is a Thai BL series about a university student and his mysterious new suitor. The main character recently broke up with his scumbag boyfriend. He meets a charming stranger...
Cooking Crush is a Thai BL series about an aspiring chef in culinary school. One day, the main character stumbles upon a hungry medical student and prepares a free meal for...
Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
7 Days Before Valentine is a Thai fantasy BL series about a cupid with deadly powers. After a recent breakup, the main character wants to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend. He meets...
Pit Babe is a Thai BL series about a race car driver and his fanboy. The main character is famous for his talent and achievements in the racing circuit. He used...