Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
Pit Babe is a Thai BL series about a race car driver and his fanboy. The main character is famous for his talent and achievements in the racing circuit. He used...
Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese series about three siblings and their relationship drama. The main character is the youngest child in her family. She clashes with her traditional parents,...
VIP Only is a Taiwanese BL series about a restauranteur and a loyal customer. The main character is an author working on his next novel. He uses his favourite beef noodle...
I Feel You Linger in the Air is a Thai historical BL series with a fantasy twist. After an accident, the main character regains consciousness and finds himself stuck in the...
Behind the Shadows is a Korean historical BL drama with a gay main character. A young noble from a wealthy family is best friends with his male companion. They remained close...
Venus in the Sky is a Thai BL series about two university friends reuniting after a failed love confession. Three years ago, the main character was heartbroken when his college roommate...
Old Narcissus is a Japanese gay movie about a senior man who pays a young escort for pleasure and companionship. The main character is in his seventies and has a famous...
One Room Angel is a Japanese fantasy series about a loner and his mysterious new roommate. The main character is a convenience store worker who feels disgruntled about his pitiful life....
You Are Mine is a Taiwanese office BL series about a business executive and his assistant. The main character has started a new job as a secretary. His boss is notoriously...
Only Friends is a Thai BL series about a group of university students involved in complicated relationship drama. The main character is kind, intelligent, and sexually inexperienced. His buddy introduces him...