Boys Be Brave! is a Korean BL series about a group of quirky university students. Although the main character does well in school, he remains perpetually single. He lacks the...
Blossom Campus is a Korean BL series about two lonely university students. The main characters begin as strangers, but they keep encountering each other on campus. After an awkward introduction,...
Love Is Like a Cat is a Korean BL series about an actor and a dog cafe owner. The main character is a young celebrity who reluctantly joins a reality...
Given Movie 2: Hiiragi Mix is the second film sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It follows a group of aspiring musicians and their romantic endeavours. The main character...
Given: On the Other Hand is a short special for the popular Japanese BL anime. The story continues with the events that occurred after the first movie. The main character...
Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
There's Love That Starts From Mistaken Identity is a Japanese BL series about a twin pretending to be his brother. When the main character runs out of money, his sibling...
Sugar Dog Life is a Japanese BL series about a police officer, a convenience store worker, and their ambiguous relationship. The main character is a university student who works a...
I Hear the Sunspot is a Japanese BL series about a university student with severe hearing loss. The main character feels self-conscious about his condition and struggles to adjust to school...
Takara's Treasure is a Japanese BL series about the romance between a university freshman and the senior he idolizes. Years ago, the main character met a kind stranger and shared...
Cosmetic Playlover is a Japanese BL series about two beauty advisors at a make-up boutique. The main character is hardworking and passionate about his job. He tries to inspire his...
Happy of the End is a Japanese crime BL series about two men whose lives become intertwined after a failed one-night stand. After getting dumped by his wealthy lover, the...