Neko ni Naritai Tamagawa-kun is a short Japanese BL anime about two men who meet at a cat café. The main character often feels stressed over his job at a...
Me, Him, and You is a Japanese BL series about three roommates in a love triangle. After starting a new job at a café, the main character befriends the owner's...
Gangster Like Me Got a Boyfriend is a Korean BL series about a financially struggling musician and his wealthy partner. The main character is broke and unable to pay off...
My Man's Man is a Korean BL series about a university student who grows suspicious of her partner and his best friend. The main character is a steady relationship with...
Can a Freeloader Make It as a Secretary? is a short Japanese BL series about a company president and his new assistant. After getting dumped, the main character applies for...
I'm Your Pet is a Japanese BL series about two heartbroken men who cross paths late at night. The main character is devastated when he catches his girlfriend kissing another...
Love Is A Poison is a Japanese BL series about a successful lawyer and his relationship with a mysterious flirt. The main character is a top attorney who prides himself...
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru: More Please! is the sequel to the Japanese BL movie, continuing the ambiguous love story between two best friends who live together. The main...
Seoul Blues is a Korean BL series that explores a complicated love triangle among three childhood friends. The main character confesses his feelings to a close friend, only to be...
Love in the Big City is a Korean movie about a free-spirited young woman and her gay best friend. The main character is still in the closet. When a university...
The Nipple Talk is a Taiwanese series about a group of friends and their spicy love lives. The main character is confident in her sexuality. With no plans to settle...
Love in the Big City is a Korean BL series about a gay writer and his dating experiences. The main character is a single young man looking for romance. He...