Chastity High is a Japanese high school series with a BL subplot. The main character attends a prestigious academy that forbids its students from dating. If caught, any rule breakers...
Love in the Big City is a Korean BL series about a gay writer and his dating experiences. The main character is a single young man looking for romance. He...
The Time of Fever is a Korean BL series about two teenagers in a coastal town. After his father's death, the main character and his mother return to their hometown...
Kuso Miso Technique is a Japanese 18+ BL anime special about two strangers who hook up in a public restroom. After having wild sex in a washroom stall, they break...
The Outing is a Thai series about the toxic relationship drama during a company retreat. There's a BL subplot for one of the couples. The main characters are three business executives...
Dead Friend Forever is a Thai horror BL series about a group of friends and the scary events in a secluded cabin. The main character plans to move overseas. His former...
After School is a Taiwanese coming-of-age movie about a cram school. The story has a significant LGBTQ+ focus. The main character and his best friend are teenage troublemakers. They play classroom...
Shadow is a Thai supernatural series about a mysterious all-boys school. One of the leads is openly gay. The main character is a new transfer student who experiences strange nightmares....
Colorful Melody is a Thai BL series about a musician and a painter. The main character arrives in the countryside and teaches music to schoolchildren. He befriends the art teacher, forming...
Childhood is a Thai BL short movie about a teenage crush. The main character is a high school student who enjoys spending time with his best friend. They used to do...
Behind the Shadows is a Korean historical BL drama with a gay main character. A young noble from a wealthy family is best friends with his male companion. They remained close...
Mr. Cinderella 2 is the sequel to the Vietnamese BL series, continuing the romance between a doctor and a reformed gangster. The second season begins years later after the leads...