Jack o' Frost is a Japanese BL series about a protagonist who gets amnesia after his recent breakup. The main character injures himself and loses his short-term memory. His ex-boyfriend commits to taking care of him. However, he hides their former relationship and pretends they are only roommates. The couple spends time together in a shared apartment, rediscovering what they once loved about each other.
An intimate tale of romance and redemption, Jack o' Frost is a mature BL series with sophisticated themes. It examines a couple's bittersweet relationship drama, from their domestic bliss to their devastating breakup. The dignified story conveys delicate emotions, thoughtful introspection, and poignant recollections. The talented actors bring tenderness to their roles, portraying their fragile characters with heartfelt sensitivity.
Jack o' Frost Summary
Series Info:
Japan (2023)
Total Episodes:
6 episodes
Jack o' Frost is a mature & interesting BL drama.

Fumiya and Ritsu are a couple who live together in an apartment. However, their relationship isn't doing well. They have a heated argument on the night of Ritsu's birthday. Fumiya is aggravated enough to suggest that they break up. Ritsu is heartbroken, storming out of the flat with tears in his eyes. He doesn't return home for the rest of the night.
The following day, Fumiya discovers his ex-boyfriend has been in an accident. Ritsu was struck by a bicycle and incurred head injury trauma. Although Ritsu doesn't need to be hospitalized, he seems physically frail. Fumiya puts aside their recent breakup to take care of his injured lover. That night, Fumiya sleeps on the couch instead of sharing the same bed with Ritsu.
As Ritsu heals, he seems to be in better spirits. However, Fumiya wants to discuss their relationship and continue their breakup conversation before the accident. Ritsu appears confused and doesn't know what he is talking about. Eventually, Fumiya figures out his ex has amnesia. Ritsu admits that he can't recall his short-term memory. In particular, he cannot remember anything to do with Fumiya.
Shockingly, Ritsu has no idea who Fumiya is and cannot recall their history together. Ritsu assumes they are merely roommates. Instead of revealing the truth, Fumiya keeps their past a secret. He plays along and pretends to be a close friend. Secretly, Fumiya enjoys having a fresh start with his ex. Their domestic bliss reminds him of when their relationship first started.
As Ritsu recovers, he returns to his ordinary routine. He works as a freelance illustrator and slowly regains his passion for drawing. In the past, Ritsu prioritized work over his relationship, which irked his boyfriend. But now, Ritsu changed his behaviour and cherishes spending time with Fumiya. They do everything together. Fumiya rediscovers what he loved about Ritsu in the first place. However, he remains haunted by the unpleasant memories of their past.
Jack O'Frost Trailer
Jack o' Frost Cast
Kyoya Honda (本田響矢)

Ritsu is Fumiya's boyfriend. They live together in an apartment. However, the couple broke up on Ritsu's birthday due to a heated argument. After getting dumped, Ritsu injured himself and lost his memories, including his history with Fumiya. Ritsu works as a freelance illustrator. He has a younger brother, Shuji.
Kyoya Honda

Kyoya Honda (本田響矢) is a Japanese actor. He is born on June 20, 1999. His first BL series is the 2023 drama, Jack o' Frost. He also stars in Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend (2023). Kyoda is a supporting character with a gay subplot in the 2024 drama, Chastity High.
Kosuke Suzuki (鈴木康介)

Fumiya is Ritsu's ex. The couple lives together. During a tense argument, Fumiya suggested they should break up. After Ritsu got into an accident and lost his memories, Fumiya nursed him back to health. Fumiya doesn't reveal their romantic history and pretends they're merely roommates. Secretly, he enjoys getting a fresh start in their relationship.
Kosuke Suzuki

Kosuke Suzuki (鈴木康介) is a Japanese actor. He is born on December 19, 1997. His first BL project is the 2022 series Takara-kun and Amagi-kun. He stars in the 2023 drama, Jack o' Frost.
Supporting Cast

Shoot Mori (森愁斗)

Kilala Inori (祷キララ)

Leo Matsumoto (松本怜生)
Cast Highlights
Kyoya Honda
Ritsu's actor appears in the 2023 series Me, My Husband & My Husband's Lover. He portrays the husband's secret lover. He also has a gay subplot in the 2024 high school drama Chastity High.
Kosuke Suzuki
Fumiya's actor had a supporting role in the 2022 high school BL drama Takara-kun and Amagi-kun.
Celebrity Boys Are Untouchable
Both leads appear in the 2024 drama Celebrity Boys Are Untouchable, their one-year reunion since they filmed Jack o' Frost. Unfortunately, there is no BL content in this series.
Jack o' Frost Review
Drama Review Score: 8.4

Jack o' Frost is a mature BL series about two ex-boyfriends and their nuanced relationship drama. The couple breaks up in the opening scene after their affection has cooled off. The rest of the plot is dedicated to the characters rebuilding their broken bond and reigniting the passionate sparks. Contrary to the winter themes, this sentimental love story is filled with tremendous warmth. As the leads defrost their icy romance, Jack o' Frost promotes an empowering journey of reflection, reconciliation, and redemption.
The greatest strength of Jack o' Frost is its emotional sensitivity. The protagonists experience many delicate feelings, from happiness and optimism to sorrow and anxiety. Sometimes, they become secretly hopeful if their partner reciprocates a doting gesture. Other times, they are discouraged when their love does not seem mutual. This intimate BL drama showcases Ritsu and Fumiya's introspection vividly. Viewers can understand their thoughts, sympathize with their struggles, or celebrate their breakthroughs. Jack o' Frost has crafted intricate personal arcs for both leads.
In addition to the complex character development, Jack o' Frost delivers a deep and layered romance. The leads were once in love, yet both had made mistakes that contributed to their breakup. Fumiya's flashbacks depict a complicated relationship history. For every positive memory, there's a bittersweet moment of regret. As the past mixes with the present, it creates riveting suspense in the narrative. Viewers must speculate whether the former lovers can change their habits and overcome various interpersonal challenges. Or are they destined to repeat the same mistakes?
Despite the sophisticated themes, Jack o' Frost has pacing issues. The story progresses slowly, almost meandering at times. It doesn't reach crucial plot points until late in the series. Although not dull, there's a predictability to the sequence of events. You just want the narrative to speed up and reach the foreseeable climax. Also, Ritsu's memory loss is a clichéd fictional trope. He conveniently forgets anything to do with his ex. I'm not an expert on how the brain works, but his amnesia feels contrived. The improbable premise undermines the credibility of the relationship drama.
Jack o' Frost is supported by talented actors. Fumiya's performer (Kosuke Suzuki) portrays a sincere and vulnerable protagonist. All his giddy smiles, nervous glances, or distraught expressions come genuinely from the heart. He can manage the intensity of his reactions, which always feels appropriate for each corresponding situation. Likewise, his costar (Kyoya Honda) displays an alluring charisma. His appearance resembles an angel, from the purity in his eyes to the gracefulness of his mannerisms. He brings fragility, innocence, and tenderness to Ritsu's characterization.
Jack o' Frost peaks in Episode 5. Besides the exhilarating relationship drama, I also enjoy the sensual encounter. While the series emphasizes an emotional connection, it doesn't shy away from steamy physical intimacy on multiple occasions. In comparison, the finale is corny, straightforward, and lacks an adrenaline rush. Regardless, I appreciate the happy ending with heartwarming messages about forgiveness. Jack o' Frost has crafted a sensitive and perceptive love story that resonates profoundly. I feel inspired by the couple's growth, healing & rekindled attraction.
Introspective story
Jack o' Frost explores a couple's relationship drama with personal introspection and emotional sensitivity. Although slow and slightly cliched, the heartfelt story can evoke profound feelings.
Warm romance
The series depicts a nuanced romance, highlighting both bliss and torment. As the couple rebuilds their broken bond, their interactions are filled with warmth, sincerity, and passion.
Genuine acting
Fumiya's actor (Kosuke Suzuki) is genuine and vulnerable. Likewise, his costar (Kyoya Honda) is graceful and charismatic. His bright eyes convey purity, resembling an innocent angel.
Happy ending
Jack o' Frost has a happy ending with inspiring messages about the couple's growth, healing, and redemption. The corny finale lacks an adrenaline rush, but it is thematically satisfying.
Candid artistry
The series offers atmospheric visuals with cozy and candid vibes. However, several scenes are filmed in dark conditions with insufficient lighting. I want to see each romantic encounter clearly!
Jack o' Frost is an intimate BL series with complex themes about a couple's bittersweet relationship drama. Supported by talented actors, this delicate love story is thoughtful and emotional.
Jack o' Frost Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date February 17, 2023
- End Date March 31, 2023
- Episodes 6 episodes
- Episode Length 24 minutes
Jack o' Frost has a total of 6 episodes. Each episode is around 24 minutes long. It is a short BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 3 hours. Jack o' Frost started on February 17, 2023 and ended on March 31, 2023.
Episode 1
Episode 1 Review

Damn, the opening scene is intense. Breaking up with your boyfriend on his birthday is pretty harsh, right? Initially, we only see a part of the breakup scene without knowing all the details. It's hard to judge where the blame lies. This ambiguity works in the story's favour since the viewers don't take either character's side. Typically, one character gets vilified during a breakup. Jack o' Frost paints a hazy picture, allowing you to remain neutral and observe the dynamics. You don't begin the story hating Fumiya or Ritsu.
"I don't remember you at all." Oh damn. Hearing that line from your ex-boyfriend gotta hurt. Here's Fumiya, struggling with the agony and heavy weight of his recent breakup. Sitting across from him is his long-term partner, whose memories of you are completely blank. Your entire relationship history has been erased from his mind, almost like you never existed. I'm intrigued by how this first episode sets up the plot. I can't wait to see how the story develops!
I'm excited to see Fumiya's actor (Kosuke Suzuki) in a leading role. He impressed me as a supporting character in the 2022 BL series Takara-kun and Amagi-kun, exhibiting his likable charm even with limited screen time. The dramatic story in Jack o' Frost plays to his strengths, allowing Kosuke to display his sensitivity and emotional vulnerability. After finishing the series, I regard his acting skills even more favourably. It's an excellent showcase of his talents.

Ritsu's actor (Kyoya Honda) is so cute, hehe~ The first moment his looks got to me was when he put on that knit cap. Oh my god, this twink is too adorable. 😚 Throughout the series, I'm constantly spellbound by Kyoya's angelic appearance. His bright eyes, innocent smile, and graceful demeanour sparkle radiantly on screen. There's a fragile purity to his appearance. I look at Ritsu and feel a natural urge to cherish him.
By the way, I love the recent trend of young Japanese actors starring in BL dramas to launch their careers. Years ago, gay roles weren't trendy in Japan or East Asia. It used to be a pipe dream that handsome stars like Kyoya would approach an LGBTQ+ project. Nowadays, BL dramas are almost becoming a prerequisite to a newbie actor's CV. A breakout role (see My Beautiful Man, for example) can be an excellent platform to establish your fanbase, gain name recognition, and catapult you to stardom. I just love the cultural impact BL has on the entertainment industry.
Episode 2
Episode 2 Review

When Ritsu first announced his amnesia, a skeptical part of me thought he was FAKING IT. *lol* The hidden soap opera fan in me jumped out and fabricated an imaginary plot twist. I had 70/30 odds that Ritsu's memory loss was real vs. he devised a phony scheme to revive their relationship. As the plot develops, the probability of his deceit decreases. All the evidence indicates he isn't pretending. Plus, his character would be irredeemable if he lied about his condition.
I like how the story juxtaposes the past and the present, highlighting how the couple's relationship has changed. When the leads first met at the cafe, their rapport was full of warmth and familiarity. In contrast, their present interactions have cooled off. Fumiya keeps secrets and doesn't open up to his partner. The riveting part of Jack o' Frost is watching Ritsu and Fumiya rediscover their passion for each other. They reignite their romantic sparks, just like how it was when their courtship first started.
In this episode, Jack o' Frost shows Fumiya's discontent with his relationship has been brewing for a while. He doesn't suggest their breakup on a spontaneous whim. Instead, little frustrations have been eating away at him. A part of his problem was that he felt underappreciated. Ritsu continued working instead of enjoying a homemade meal with his beloved boyfriend. The slight might seem relatively insignificant, but it represented a larger pattern of neglect in their romance. The skipped meal was like a tiny seed of doubt that grew into unhealthy insecurity.

I love the emotional depth of Jack o' Frost. This sophisticated BL series has created many layers of vivid feelings in just two short episodes. Put yourself in Fumiya's shoes and imagine the complexity of his turmoil. First of all, he suffers from guilt. Fumiya initiated the breakup, causing his ex so much distress that he injured himself. "Because I said that to Ritsu…" He blames himself for this severe accident. Fumiya must carry the burden of hurting his ex, both physically and emotionally.
Second of all, he is in agony. Fumiya came out of a fresh breakup. Ending a long-term relationship is a traumatic experience for anyone. Typically, he should have the time and space to distance himself from his ex. It's part of the healing process. Yet, Fumiya never gets that opportunity. He becomes Ritsu's primary caretaker, and they continue living together in the same apartment. On the one hand, Fumiya grieves about losing a boyfriend. On the other hand, he can't separate himself from his old romance. Their blurred boundaries must be very confusing for him.
Third of all, Fumiya feels uncertain about the breakup. It weighs on his mind he made a mistake and said something rash in a heated moment. Fumiya was bothered by Ritsu's inattentiveness. The last straw was when his boyfriend booked a work appointment over their dinner plans. From Fumiya's POV, his partner didn't care about him. Yet, he learns Ritsu had been planning a secret couple's getaway. Unlike what Fumiya thought, his lover was invested in their romance. A heavy expression settles on Fumiya's face in the final scene, like he regrets ending their relationship.
Episode 3
Episode 3 Review

The relationship dynamic in Jack o' Frost cracks me up. In all my years of watching gay love stories, I've never seen a protagonist in the closet to his own boyfriend. Fumiya is the first of his kind. Everyone else, including siblings and neighbours, knows they're a couple. Somehow, the only clueless person is the boyfriend himself. I laugh whenever Ritsu says obliviously, "We must be VERY close." Fumiya should just tell Ritsu, right? The longer he hides their history, the more awkward the secret becomes.
Do you know what else cracks me up? Ritsu in his puffy jacket with an oversized scarf. What an inspired fashion choice from the wardrobe department. I can't properly articulate the appeal, but he looks like a human in a mecha suit. Just when I think this actor can't get any more adorable, he outdoes himself. The best part is whenever Ritsu gets bashful and hides his dainty little face underneath the coat, like a tortoise. Oh my god, he is so precious that it kills me~ 😙
The series produces a sombre atmosphere with its dim lighting conditions. The lack of illumination is a deliberate choice, creating a cozy and intimate vibe between the couple. Unfortunately, I'm not the biggest fan of this cinematic technique. I don't like watching scenes shrouded in darkness, especially when the characters have a romantic encounter. It appears Ritsu and Fumiya kissed passionately in this episode, but I can't say for sure due to the poor lighting. I will gladly sacrifice ambiance if it means seeing the characters kiss more clearly. Let there be light!
Jack Frost

Temperature is an ongoing motif in Jack o' Frost. Set during an icy winter, the characters constantly yearn for warmth amid this freezing season. They drink hot beverages, light furnaces, and start bonfires. They're surrounded by heat at their holiday getaway. The thermal energy symbolizes the couple's emotional affection. In a flashback, their passion intensified until it culminated in steamy sex. They make vigorous body contact, the most primitive way of generating heat.
In contrast, that passion evaporated during the second trip to the villa. Despite their multiple attempts to keep warm, Ritsu and Fumiya cannot rekindle their sparks anymore. Near the end of the episode, there's a symbolic moment. Ritsu takes off his clothes, making Fumiya worry about his coldness. The shirtless scene isn't just fanservice. It represents Ritsu's longing for warmth. "If you sleep on the couch, you'll catch a cold," Ritsu suggests. He invites Fumiya to the bedroom, hoping to reignite the diminished passion in their romance. Unfortunately, Fumiya refuses to engage.
The series reiterates its narrative themes by alluding to Jack Frost, a fictional character in Ritsu's drawing. Metaphorically, this mischievous winter fairy has cast a wicked spell on the lead couple. He cursed them with a chilly cooldown period in their relationship, draining all the existing passion. Their romance is dying of frigidness, and they must produce warmth to keep the love alive. The story focuses on Ritsu and Fumiya thawing their frozen emotions. They learn to open up, express themselves more, and convey their burning desire for one another.
Episode 4
Episode 4 Review

I like Ritsu and Fumiya's cute little exchanges at the start of the episode. These ordinary moments highlight a positive change in Ritsu's behaviour. His issue in the past was inattentiveness. The old Ritsu didn't dote on his boyfriend enough. In contrast, the new Ritsu shows his appreciation. He compliments Fumiya's cooking and appearance. He even sees Fumiya off before going to work, a small yet significant gesture of love. The amnesia has wiped away Ritsu's bad habits, allowing him to convey more affection.
Ugh, Fumiya behaves like such a jealous jerk in this episode. His snide comment toward Ritsu is totally uncalled for. Even so, I still sympathize with him when Ritsu doesn't hear his apology. Please take off your headphones and forgive him! 😢 This episode shows the couple's relationship issues don't just lie with Ritsu. Fumiya also shares some blame due to his insecurities. Fumiya has trouble controlling his emotions, prompting him to say reckless things in the heat of the moment. He did it once during the breakup. He did it again during this exchange. Both times, he regretted his words.
Is Fumiya still sleeping on the couch? Weirdly, Ritsu hasn't questioned their odd living arrangement. If they are supposed to be "roommates", why is there only one bed in the flat? Also, isn't Ritsu curious about who owns the apartment? In addition to losing his memories, the accident may have caused Ritsu to misplace his intuition. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that your relationship isn't just platonic. At least Ritsu is finally clued in at the end of the episode. Yes, I live for this type of juicy drama! Confront his lying ass!
Episode 5
Episode 5 Review

The first half of the episode is weak. The storyteller should cut the entire subplot with the (other) ex-boyfriend, who is unnecessary to the plot. However, the second half offers a dynamic rollercoaster of emotions. The scene begins festively with a celebration of love. Then, a minor quarrel spirals out of control until it destroys the relationship. The episode ends with not just one, but two breakups. I was utterly riveted throughout the epic sequence of events.
OMG, I didn't expect birthday sex! I assumed the only significant event that night was the breakup. At the start of the flashback, I strapped myself in for tears, angst, and arguments. Imagine my surprise when the leads got frisky on the couch. The way I *SCREAMED* when Fumiya licked the icing off Ritsu's lips. He used his whole damn wet, slobbery tongue! Oh my goodness, I was scandalized. This action-packed evening is full of surprises. I also love how Ritsu experienced sex, a breakup, an accident, and amnesia, all on the same day. Most iconic birthday ever!
"I can't imagine starting over with someone who hid something so important to me." Oh, what a devastating way to end the episode. Fumiya shouldn't have lied about their history. However, I understand his deceit comes from confusion and desperation. Fumiya broke up with the old Ritsu, who neglected his boyfriend and didn't cherish him. Yet, Fumiya fell in love with the new and improved Ritsu 2.0. This version rehabilitated himself, highlighting his best qualities. Fumiya remembered what he loved about Ritsu and believed their former romance was salvageable.
Fumiya didn't want the emotional baggage from their past to ruin the second chance at love. "Hi, remember me? I broke your heart before the accident!" is a mood-killer for any romance. Ritsu could have reacted adversely if he knew they were exes. Their domestic bliss and holiday retreat might not have occurred at all. Fumiya wanted a clean slate, leaving behind their troubled history. Yes, it was a selfish decision. Nonetheless, I can sympathize with both leads. I appreciate Jack o' Frost for creating a nuanced relationship dynamic, allowing me to understand their perspectives.
Episode 6
Ending Review

Jack o' Frost has a happy ending where Fumiya and Ritsu reconcile after settling their differences. However, the finale seems corny. From getting the neighbour's sage advice to running frantically across town, the events remind me this is a fictional melodrama. Also, what a ~convenient time~ for Ritsu to suddenly remember everything. If I was writing an amnesia story, I'd never make the protagonist regain his memories in the last episode. With this tired cliché, you should expect criticisms from snarky reviewers online.
Surprisingly, the most impactful moment of the finale was the relationship montage. The story includes flashbacks from Episode 1, reminding me of Fumiya's kindness. He took care of his ex-boyfriend before knowing Ritsu had amnesia. After their breakup, Fumiya could've cut ties and left Ritsu in his brother's care. Instead, he stayed behind to help his former lover navigate a crisis, showcasing his warmth and tenderness. The series has focused on Fumiya's perspective as he rediscovers what he loves about Ritsu. The finale changes POV, making Ritsu realize why Fumiya is so lovable.

I like the themes of forgiveness in the Jack o' Frost ending. As Ritsu recovers his memories, he recalls keeping a secret crush on his ex. Being honest with your feelings is tough. Ritsu learns to be more understanding of Fumiya's circumstances. Plus, Ritsu is not blameless. He has also made mistakes in their relationship. His neglect caused the breakup in the first place, yet Fumiya chose to forgive him and believe in a second chance. Ritsu now returns the favour. Part of being a couple is accepting minor offences and tolerating each other's imperfections.
"I won't start anything over." Ritsu gives my favourite line in the finale. The series has focused a lot on new beginnings. Fumiya wants to redo their relationship with a clean slate. However, that isn't the best approach. Instead of resetting and restarting a romance, it's better to learn and improve. Don't forget your past mistakes. Instead, remember what you have done wrong and try to do better. Ritsu and Fumiya shouldn't ignore their history together, no matter how troubled it may be. They must acknowledge their past and commit to a better future.
Jack o' Frost Information
- Gagaoolala Jack o' Frost Gagaoolala
- MyDramaList Jack o' Frost MyDramaList
- Viki Jack o' Frost Viki
- Website Jack o' Frost website
- Wikipedia ジャックフロスト Wikipedia

Tunku (トゥンク) is a Japanese BL studio. It began a project called Tunku Shower in 2022, which releases numerous BL dramas on the Japanese channel MBS. Tunku has made Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss (2022), Senpai, This Can't Be Love (2022), and Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (2022). It also created Eternal Yesterday (2022), Candy Color Paradox (2022), Jack Frost (2023), Tokyo in April is… (2023), and My Personal Weatherman (2023).
Yuka Yasukawa (安川有果) is a Japanese director. She and Natsuki Takahashi (高橋名月) worked on the 2023 BL series Jack o' Frost together. She also worked on the 2024 series Love Is Better the Second Time Around and co-directed the 2024 high school drama, Chastity High.
Natsuki Takahashi (高橋名月) is a Japanese director who co-directed the 2023 BL series Jack o' Frost together with Yuka Yasukawa (安川有果). She also wrote the screenplay for the 2024 BL drama, My Strawberry Film.
There was a moment early on when I thought that Ritsu was feigning amnesia and that both leads were in their own way pretending that the breakup never happened to save the relationship. But, psych, Ritsu’s selective amnesia was apparently real. I appreciate the way that both men accepted that were culpable in the end, and that the love triangle between Ritsu, Fumiya, and that enormous scarf was elegantly resolved.
Although neither the narrative nor the passion are as intense, the subtlety and sophistication of this project remind me of my favorite Japanese series, Old Fashion Cupcake. The nostalgia, the yearning, the introspection, and the tea-stained palette all warm the cockles of my wintery heart.
Building on what Heliotrope remarked- this series would have jumped a notch if Ritsu was pretending to have amnesia- now that's a big lie that would have equaled Fumiya's deception. I also am not a fan of the "now is your last chance to xxxxx" followed by frantic search scene- not fitting with the overall subtlety of the series.
Loved your delving into the Jack Frost themes- I only caught some of the things you explored:)
A good series and this studio does serious for me better than fluffy – Eternal Yesterday is also top notch.
Again, thanks for your in-depth review. I agree with your general assessment of this drama. For me, it was between a B+ and an A- BL, having some minor flaws, not quite an A, but feeling more than just a B.
I really liked how they both started after Ritsu's memory loss, not telling the other what was going on. I found this unique and engaging from the onset. I've never seen a drama with a case of amnesia where everyone isn't aware of what's going on. Letting this reveal happen slowly added to the richness of the story, increasing the initial tension like stewing in a pressure cooker. This led to some interesting developments. Personally, I liked how the story played out with two exceptions.
First, the typical third-act breakup felt forced by how unreasonable the amnesic Ritsu was acting. Up to that point, Ritsu was caring and then switched into a-hole mode. Not wanting to hear the reasoning behind the lie of why Fumiya hid their true relationship, not being upfront they were boyfriends who had just broken up, didn't jive for me with Ritsu's character. Nor did it sit well with me how unsympathetic Ritsu was toward Fumiya's underlying motivations of wanting to reset the relationship, given the alternative was to part ways. Much like you noted, their reconciliation also felt corny and rushed, especially in not showing them being together much after the last kiss. I kept wondering if they would really stick together given their underlying issues that didn't seem fully resolved.
Second, as with a lot of BL dramas, Jack O' Frost one felt too short. Most BLs are on a shoestring budget, so I can't criticize too much, but it's hard to overlook the overall rushed feeling of this BL. I would have liked to see more time spent before the revelation of the lie to see them get closer to being together again. Having Ritsu slowly regain his memories would have given the BL more opportunity to explore their dynamic. Given how Ritsu hid not remembering at the beginning, it would have fit better in his character to not say anything initially when he learned they had been together and spent time gently prodding Fumiya to be more forthcoming. And if Fumiya had continued to lie, then Ritsu's anger would have come across as more well-deserved than the tantrum he threw. Finally, given the BL's brevity, Jack O' Frost spent too much time in the apartment, and for that reason, this series felt claustrophobic in addition to feeling constrained.
Still, aside from those minor quibbles, Jack O' Frost hit several more notes on key despite its few missteps, giving it an overall poignant ending for me.
What a wonderful story! Thank you, BLW, for recommending this series. It's probably my favorite Japanese BL series, with the possible exception of Eternal Yesterday. Loved both leads. Their warmth, gentleness, and affection had me enthralled throughout. With remembrance as its central theme, this series reminded me of France's greatest novel, A La Recherche du Temps Perdu (In Search of Lost Time), in which memory serves as a reservoir and catalyst for the most beautiful experiences. Looking forward to a great new crop of movies, series, and reviews this year!