Love for Love's Sake is a Korean fantasy BL series where the main character unknowingly enters a virtual game. The simulation takes him to the past, where he relives his high...
Kiseki: Dear to Me is a Taiwanese crime BL series about a high school student and a gangster. The main character encounters an injured man who threatens him for medical assistance....
Minato's Laundromat 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL series. It continues the romance between a laundromat owner and his young lover. Although they started dating recently, the main...
The Luminous Solution is a Thai fantasy BL series about a coffee shop that grants wishes. The main character is in a committed relationship with his successful boyfriend. However, he...
Past-Senger is a Thai BL series about a time traveller trapped in the future. After passing his university entrance exams, the main character disrespects the sacred worship ceremony and calls it...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
Jack o' Frost is a Japanese BL series about a protagonist who gets amnesia after his recent breakup. The main character injures himself and loses his short-term memory. His ex-boyfriend commits...
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner is a Korean BL series about an office romance with a fantasy twist. The protagonist is supposed to start his dream job. Unexpectedly, he transfers...
First Love Again is a Korean fantasy BL series about a reincarnated man searching for his long-lost love. The protagonist is a famous author who carries the memories from his two...
Fairy Ranmaru is a fantasy anime series with homoerotic undertones. The story focuses on five fairies from a fallen kingdom. They descend to the human world, using magical superpowers to...
Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...