Living With Him – Series Review & Ending Explained

Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two university roommates.

Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who become university roommates. As suggested by their families, the main characters move into the same apartment to save rent. After drifting apart over the years, living together brings them closer together. The protagonist enjoys their close bond. However, he picks up subtle signs that his companion may have a secret crush on him.

I'm charmed by Living With Him, a sweet and sincere BL drama that wins me over with its wholesomeness. From sentimental messages to positive affirmations, the heartwarming story is bursting with positivity. My favourite romantic trope involves seeing friends turn into lovers, and this series captures the emotional journey beautifully. I adore both main characters, who have endearing personalities and share the coziest rapport.

Living With Him Summary



Series Info:

Japan (2024)


3 hours

Total Episodes:

8 episodes




Living With Him is a nice and heartwarming BL drama.


Ryota and Kazuhiro are childhood friends.

Kazuhiro and Ryota are childhood best friends who attended the same elementary school. They once shared a close bond and even hosted sleepovers in each other's houses. One of their favourite activities was playing board games throughout the night. However, the pair drifted apart over the years, especially after they attended different high schools. They don't hang out anymore.

The tall, handsome Kazuhiro is a campus heartthrob with many female admirers. He frequently receives love confessions from his classmates. However, he declines most of them. On rare occasions when he dates, these relationships never last long. Instead of focusing on his love life, Kazuhiro invests his time in practicing baseball. In his senior year, he comes very close to playing baseball professionally.

Unlike his athletic friend, Ryota is less ambitious. This carefree teenager doesn't participate in his school's extracurricular activities. Instead, he helps out around the house with domestic chores. Ryota's responsibilities include preparing meals for his family. Coming from a single-parent family, he is close to his single mother and two younger sisters. Mana and Saki like to tease their older brother, but it's clear they adore him.

One day, Ryota's mom meets with Kazuhito's mom. They discover their sons are attending the same university. They suggest their children move into the same apartment together. This way, they can look after each other and save on rent. Ryota and Kazuhiro agree to the living arrangement. Despite some initial awkwardness, the two roommates quickly rediscover their easygoing bond. They're happy to get reacquainted.

As the pair catches up, Ryota is surprised to learn a few things about his friend's life. Firstly, Kazuhiro has suffered an injury and doesn't play baseball anymore. Secondly, he is single and keeps getting dumped by his girlfriends. Ryota can't understand why Kazuhiro struggles with his love life. In his eyes, his friend is a total catch. Ryota is determined to figure out why Kazuhiro has unsuccessful dates.

Living With Him Cast



Sho Sakai (坂井翔)

Ryota is portrayed by the Japanese actor Sho Sakai (坂井翔).

Ryota is Kazuhiro's childhood friend. They used to have a close bond, although the pair drifted apart over the past few years. Ryota has a warm and carefree personality. He comes from a single-parent family and has a close relationship with his two younger sisters. Ryota helps out with household errands, especially the cooking.

Sho Sakai

Sho Sakai (坂井翔) is a Japanese actor. He is born on June 6, 2001.

Sho Sakai (坂井翔) is a Japanese actor. He is born on June 6, 2001. His first BL leading role is the 2024 drama, Living With Him. He has a supporting role in the 2023 series, Takara-kun and Amagi-kun.


Ryuga Sato (佐藤瑠雅)

Kazuhiro is portrayed by the Japanese actor Ryuga Sato (佐藤瑠雅).

Kazuhiro is Ryota's childhood friend, although the pair stopped hanging out as they grew older. As suggested by their families, they became university roommates and shared an apartment. Living together has helped them rekindle their bond. In high school, Kazuhiro used to be a talented baseball player and came close to going pro.

Ryuga Sato

Ryuga Sato (佐藤瑠雅) is a Japanese actor. He is born on April 17, 2001.

Ryuga Sato (佐藤瑠雅) is a Japanese actor. He is born on April 17, 2001. His first BL project is the 2024 drama, Living With Him.

Supporting Cast

Yoshida is portrayed by the Japanese actress Hinami Mori (森日菜美).


Hinami Mori (森日菜美)

Haruna is portrayed by the Japanese actor Rei Sawamura (沢村玲).


Rei Sawamura (沢村玲)

Mana is portrayed by the Japanese actress Mone Akitani (秋谷百音).


Mone Akitani (秋谷百音)

Saki is portrayed by the Japanese actress Miu Arai (新井美羽).


Miu Arai (新井美羽)

Saeko is portrayed by the Japanese actress Kumiko Endo (遠藤久美子).


Kumiko Endo (遠藤久美子)

Yurie is portrayed by the Japanese actress Yuko Fueki (笛木優子).


Yuko Fueki (笛木優子)

Young Ryota is portrayed by the Japanese actor Kento Saito (齋藤絢永).

Young Ryota

Kento Saito (齋藤絢永)

Young Kazuhiro is portrayed by the Japanese actor Toya Shimizu (志水透哉).

Young Kazuhito

Toya Shimizu (志水透哉)

Cast Highlights

  • Ryota's actor (Sho Sakai) has a supporting role in the 2022 Japanese BL drama Takara-kun and Amagi-kun.
  • The actor who portrays Haruna (Rei Sawamura) is the star of the 2024 series Happy of the End.

Living With Him Review


Drama Review Score: 8.8

Ryota and Kazuhiro share an apartment together.

Living With Him has won me over with a sweet love story that warms my heart. From the positive messages to the sentimental exchanges, each episode breathes happiness into me. The characters have kind personalities, support each other, and behave unproblematically. It's the type of wholesome BL drama a family can watch without worrying about offensive content. Imagine if you have a child or younger sibling beside you. Living With Him is gentle enough that you'd feel comfortable enjoying the series together.

With a simple premise and a straightforward plot, some viewers may describe Living With Him as mundane. However, I love that the series is remarkably ordinary. The leads seem down-to-earth, while their interactions are casual and easygoing. Many lighthearted moments capture the playful rapport between close friends. Although the drama may be low-stakes, it is emotionally nuanced. Each scene explores the characters' subtle feelings, which evolve over time. The storyteller fleshes out the protagonists and their perspectives, so we always understand what they think or feel about each other.

Living With Him focuses on the emotional bond between Ryota and Kazuhito. Their exchanges are low-key, like eating meals in their shared apartment, playing board games in the bedroom, or meeting with family and friends. Some BL dramas convey love through over-the-top fantasy scenarios. In contrast, this series nurtures romance in an everyday environment, making the couple's connection relatable. Some fans will be upset about the lack of physical passion, which amounts to a few hugs and faint kisses. This family-friendly relationship may feel too safe for your tastes.

Love stories between childhood friends are my favourite, and Living With Him has served this trope like a tasty five-course meal. As Ryota and Kazuhito transition from friendship to romance, I'm a hungry BL fan who eats up every moment of their emotional turmoil. I am captivated by their awkward nerves, secret yearning, and wishful thinking. The pair goes on a lengthy journey as they come to terms with their feelings. The drama drags on toward the end, but not to the point that it aggravates me. For the most part, this series avoids heavy angst and keeps the mood light.

The soft and soothing visuals create a cozy atmosphere, making the emotions in each scene more intimate. Kazuhito's actor (Ryuga Sato) looks particularly dreamy in many shots as the camera captures his best angles. However, both leads are slightly forceful when it comes to emoting. Ryota's actor (Sho Sakai) looks unnatural when laughing or feigning surprise, almost like he wants to squeeze out the emotion. With that said, I still think their performances are fine. They fulfill their roles as needed and deliver enough enthusiasm to engage the viewers.

Living With Him has a happy ending that makes me go "aww~" and smile fondly. I finish this uplifting drama with a heart full of positive vibes. As much as I enjoy the story's sentimentality, it lacks complexity. I wish it could've gone deeper with the narrative themes and developed the romance even more. The BL genre is so crowded nowadays that you need profound content to stand out, whereas Living With Him may be too mild-mannered and mundane by comparison. Still, I have a soft spot for this simple series, which portrays the friends-to-lovers trope elegantly.


Wholesome story

Living With Him tells a simple, sweet love story between childhood friends. Despite the low-stakes plot, the storytelling is elegant, thoughtfully crafted, and contains emotional nuances.

Relatable romance

Although lacking in physical passion, the series highlights Ryota & Kazuhito's emotional bond. They grow closer through ordinary moments of domestic bliss, making their connection relatable.

Average acting

Both leads deliver enough enthusiasm to engage the viewers. However, they can come off as slightly forceful when emoting, especially Ryota's actor (Sho Sakai) and his unnatural expressions.

Happy ending

Living With Him has a happy ending as Ryota and Kazuhito confirm their feelings for each other. The sentimental scenes and positive messages leave me smiling fondly.

Cozy artistry

The soft, soothing visuals create a cozy atmosphere that enriches the emotional tone of the series. The camera captures the leads beautifully. Kazuhito looks particularly dreamy in many scenes.


Living With Him is a gentle, feel-good BL drama that delivers a wholesome friends-to-lovers romance. I adore the heartwarming exchanges and positive vibes throughout the story.

Living With Him Episodes

Episode Guide

Ryota and Kazuhiro kiss in the kitchen.

Living With Him has a total of 8 episodes. Each episode is around 24 minutes long. It is a medium-length BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 3 hours. Living With Him started on April 12, 2024 and ended its last episode on May 31, 2024.

Living With Him is adapted from a Japanese manga. The original story is made by Toworu Miyata (宮田トヲル).

Episode 1
Episode 2

Episode 1

Episode 1 Review
Ryota and Kazuhiro move into an apartment.

I like the premise of this BL drama. Two childhood friends reconnect after moving into an apartment together. This living arrangement is the perfect setup for a cozy romance, allowing for many scenarios of domestic bliss. I like that Ryota and Kazuhiro are old friends who have drifted apart over the years, but now they're catching up again. They share a history together, so their relationship has a pre-existing foundation. Yet, they're still rediscovering each other as young adults. There's a mix of familiarity and novelty to their interactions.

OMG. Why are Ryota and Kazuhito acting like such a couple already? It's only the first episode, guys! 😅 Getting matching cups and shopping for furniture together is giving off the energy of a long-term couple in their love nest. But I secretly love it, hahaha~ Go ahead, do more couple activities together! I like it when BL characters do platonic activities that are thinly veiled romantic gestures.

"I will find your faults from a girlfriend's perspective." LOL, what is this exercise? In real life, I would never suggest doing this with a friend. It's just begging for awkwardness and unnecessary drama. Of course, Ryota doesn't find anything wrong because Kazuhiro is basically perfect in his eyes. "You're handsome, kind, athletic…" Whoa, these compliments are starting to sound like you're the one crushing on him~ Is there something you want to share with the class, Ryota? 🤭

Episode 2

Episode 2 Review
Ryota and Kazuhiro hold hands in the kitchen.

During a conversation, Ryota casually mentions Yoshida (the female friend) is good-looking. Kazuhiro flashes a look of nervous apprehension before replying, "Huh? Is that so? I'm not really sure…" Oh my gosh. If I were Ryota, Kazuhiro's response would have triggered my gaydar. Ping, ping, ping. It's the vagueness and uncertainty in his tone, as if Kazuhiro doesn't know how to react inconspicuously to his straight friend talking about girls. Kazuhiro tries to play it cool, but I know what you are~

The episode ends with Ryota's hilarious version of the gay test. He wants to find out if Kazuhiro has feelings for him. Rather than asking the question directly, Ryota makes a series of bizarre requests. Can we hold hands? Can we hug? Can we kiss??? LMAOOOO. Ryota, what are you doing!? I thought the whole point was to be subtle and avoid being awkward with your friend. Instead, this guy has thrown all decorum out the window and asks for an absurdly intimate gesture. What would happen if Kazuhiro said yes? OMFG. 😅

Episode 3

Episode 3 Review
Ryota and Kazuhiro put their faces close to each other.

OMG. The kitchen scene was soooo awkward, but I secretly love it~ A self-conscious Kazuhiro rejects the kiss despite having a secret crush on his friend. Then, Ryota tries to play off the moment as a joke. I can't imagine how Kazuhiro must feel about his friend's mixed signals. First, you suddenly want to kiss me! After you get my hopes up, you change your tune and pretend your feelings for me aren't serious. Talk about an emotional whiplash!

I love seeing Ryota's interactions with his family. From the easygoing banter to the affectionate teasing, their exchanges exude a natural warmth. We don't know what happened to Ryota's dad, but he isn't in the picture. Ryota was raised in a loving home with a single mom and two younger sisters, which partially explains his gentle temperament. He's considerate, doting, and attentive around them. These family scenes help me understand his character and form a positive impression of him.

After the family dinner, Ryota walks his mom and sisters to the bus stop at night. It might be a tiny gesture, but it highlights his thoughtfulness and sense of responsibility. I appreciate these little details that enrich a character's personality. I also like hearing the mom and sisters' conversation at the bus stop. As they share their thoughts on Ryota and Kazuhiro, we hear a different perspective on how others perceive our protagonists. This insight adds another dimension to their characterizations, helping us understand them better.

Ryota and Kazuhiro play board games.

Kazuhiro's love confession comes unexpectedly in the middle of this episode, catching me off-guard. Typically, these milestones are placed at the end of the episode, so I was like omg we're ahead of schedule! When confronted over his feelings, Kazuhiro admits to having a crush on Ryota. I appreciate his honesty in this moment. Despite being put on the spot, he opens up and becomes vulnerable. As Kazuhiro explains calmly and maturely, he handles himself very well. His poised response raises my opinion of his character.

Kazuhiro explains why he rejected the kiss earlier. "It's not that I don't want to kiss you. But if you're not interested, I don't like the idea of it happening by force." Wow, we love a respectful king. All the other problematic BL dramas are found in a ditch! Kazuhiro's attitude is admirable. Even though Ryota offered to kiss earlier, Kazuhiro could tell it wasn't sincere. He doesn't want them to kiss just because there's an opportunity. Instead, he wants this intimate moment to feel genuine, consensual, and meaningful for both of them. Good for him!

"Besides kissing, is there something else you want me to do?" LMAO, why did my mind go to a naughty place? Despite my perverse thoughts, I understand Ryota's question comes from good intentions. After rejecting the love confession earlier, he wants to check in on his friend. "Isn't it tough living together while holding onto these feelings and pretending like nothing happened?" I commend Ryota's ability to empathize and see the situation from his friend's perspective. The protagonists are thoughtful toward each other, teaching us how to treat others with kindness

Ryota hugs Kazuhiro in bed.

Kazuhiro and Ryota have a sleepover, a cute callback to their childhood experiences. They play board games and eat snacks, highlighting their cozy friendship. Yet, this sleepover is also a vaguely romantic moment. Seeing two grown men share a tiny bed feels physically intimate, and it doesn't seem as innocent as a childhood sleepover. Despite Ryota's earlier rejection, we're starting to see the line between friendship and romance become blurred.

At the end of the episode, we see a flashback between Ryota and Kazuhiro during a childhood sleepover. On the surface, the two kids are talking about the scary movie. Kazuhiro tries to appear brave, but Ryota tells him not to pretend and that feeling scared is normal. The discussions of pretenses and normalcy remind me of a gay-coded conversation. The series subtly alludes to Kazuhiro's hidden feelings. He's pretending around others, but Ryota comforts him by reiterating that these feelings are normal. If you read between the lines, the subtext is powerful.

Episode 4

Episode 4 Review
Kazuhiro puts an arm around Ryota's shoulder.

This episode focuses on Ryota and Kazuhiro's strained relationship after the love confession. First, we see Ryota recoiling when Kazuhiro puts an arm around his shoulder. It's supposed to be a friendly gesture, but Ryota feels self-conscious since he attaches a romantic sentiment to their physical contact. Later, Kazuhiro works the whole shift even though his boss allows him to leave early. It's sad he'd prefer to do extra work instead of going home and facing Ryota. He feels awkward about their relationship. 😢

Ryota and Haruna (the male friend with glasses) have a meal on campus. Haruna gives a comedic reaction to the spicy curry, but Ryota barely cracks a smile and makes an excuse to leave early. Later in the episode, Ryota has a late-night meal with Kazuhiro. Their cup noodles aren't fancy, but Ryota seems relaxed and smiles delightfully. The storyteller juxtaposes these two scenes to highlight how Ryota's feelings for Kazuhiro run deeper than friendship. His behaviour around Kazuhiro appears more comfortable than around a platonic acquaintance like Haruna.

While preparing the cup noodles, Ryota struggles to reach the supplies on the cabinet's top shelf. Kazuhiro comes over and leans over Ryota's body to help him grab the items. I like this visual a lot. Firstly, it highlights their height difference. Secondly, it teases the proximity between them. The cinematographer has picked a clever way to build tension and hint at the couple's growing attraction.

Episode 5

Episode 5 Review
Kazuhiro eats a grilled skewer.

Our protagonists go on a camping trip, but they must borrow a lighter from the female campers. Did you notice how Kazuhiro would stop Ryota from speaking to them? Whenever Ryota volunteers, Kazuhiro immediately reacts, "NO!!! You stay! I'll go talk!" The story never explains his odd behaviour, but I have a theory that Kazuhiro's jealousy is acting up. He doesn't want to take any chances and have Ryota mingling with that group of girls lmao~ Calm down, they aren't gonna steal your man!

After the camping trip, Ryota scrolls through his phone to browse all the pictures they took together. Oh my godddd, there are a million photos of Kazuhiro in the camera roll. WHOA. He went a little overboard, don't you think? Typically, you'd only have this obsessive amount of pictures for someone you're dating. It's like Ryota couldn't resist capturing Kazuhiro from every moment and angle. Someone is smitten!

Yoshida still has lingering feelings for Kazuhiro after their breakup. During the work party, he admits to her about having a one-sided crush on a secret someone. She handles the news well and tells him, "I'm not going to pry into who you're interested in, but I'm rooting for you."  That's a very mature response. I like that Yoshida supports her ex-boyfriend while still respecting his privacy. Their conversation is low-key, but it's another example where Living With Him demonstrates empathy and thoughtfulness.

Episode 6

Episode 6 Review
Kazuhiro and Yoshida dated during high school.

Oh, I love this flashback episode. It fills the missing gaps in Ryota and Kazuhiro's backstory. The story describes how the two drifted apart over the years simply because they weren't classmates. Although the reason seems ordinary, it happens in real life as we grow into different social circles. I also appreciate learning more about the ups and downs of Kazuhiro's baseball career. I'm sad for him, knowing he came close to achieving his ambitions. 😢

In Episode 2, Haruna joked about Yoshida stalking Kazuhiro and forcing him to be in a relationship with her. At the time, I thought he was just exaggerating. But then, we see Yoshida & Kazuhiro's relationship during the flashback, and I realize Haruna was kinda right about her lmao~ Damn, she was persistent! 😆 With that said, I respect an assertive queen who goes after what she wants. I also admire how she dumped Kazuhiro instead of letting him string her along in a loveless relationship. Good for her!

"What should you do when you feel like you're losing yourself?" Kazuhiro asks Ryota for advice after feeling demoralized about his injury. Imagine not talking to your friend for years, but he shows up one day to quiz you philosophically. I laughed at Ryota's snarky reply: "Sudden deep question, huh?" 😅 Ryota gives an earnest answer about staying true to yourself. He doesn't say anything profound, but it motivates Kazuhiro to work hard again. I like seeing this moment between them. It's cute and uplifting!

Episode 7

Episode 7 Review
Ryota breaks the cup that Kazuhiro bought for him.

The relationship drama has dragged on, becoming particularly noticeable in this episode. Kazuhiro confessed earlier, and Ryota now realizes he feels the same about his friend. They should just get together already! What are you waiting for!? Although I prefer a quick resolution, I still have some patience left. I'm not annoyed yet. Besides, I like learning more about Ryota's perspective as he comes to terms with his feelings. His various insecurities give this romance more depth. Ultimately, the final hurdle he must overcome is himself.

Ryota shows off the bento boxes he makes for his younger sisters. Yoshida is impressed by his work and asks, "Is there room for an older sister?" Hehe, that's funny. 😄 Yoshida also teases Ryota about making food for Kazuhiro, which he denies with a blush. Ooh, everyone is starting to pick up on these two being an item~

Ryota meets Kazuhiro's mom near the end of the episode. She expresses her hopes for her son's future: "Eventually, I want him to run this inn with his wife." Her statement sounds innocuous, but as BL fans, we all understand the implications. Just the word "wife" has me paralyzed with dread and anxiety. Living With Him is a gentle series and doesn't include homophobic content. Nonetheless, the story is realistic about heteronormative expectations. It creates conflict by alluding to how Kazuhiro is presumed to find a female partner.

Episode 7
Episode 8

Episode 8

Ending Review
Ryota and Kazuhiro kiss in the finale.

Haruna has some funny lines in the finale. "Do you know my hobby? It's observing people." The way he has phrased this statement sounds so hilariously odd. Then again, my hobby is watching BL, so I shouldn't judge. 😅 Another clever line is when Haruna says, "He'll shower you with a lethal dose of affection." It's an amusing way to describe someone's love. Overall, I like the writing in Living With Him, which often shows an understated wit.

Ryota's conflict comes from the fear of prejudice, some of which he has internalized. His statements, "I don't want Tanaka to be looked at weirdly" and "He doesn't have a future with me", are common concerns about same-sex relationships. Faced with societal judgment, you lean into your insecurities and talk yourself out of pursuing this romance. Thankfully, Haruna offers a thoughtful argument: "Do you think dating him would be a waste of your time and happiness?" I love their gentle chat, filled with positive reassurances. Haruna is like a love advisor for Ryota's first gay relationship.

As Ryota admits to his feelings, there's a clumsiness to his love confession. He messes up his words initially, which I find endearing and relatable. Despite feeling flustered, his tone comes across as sincere. I also like Kazuhiro's teary-eyed response to the confession. His reaction is a mixture of pure joy and overwhelming disbelief. The couple reaffirms their love with two kisses, one initiated by each partner, confirming they're on the same page with their feelings. Aww, I'm just grinning from ear to ear. I'm so happy for them! 🥹

Living With Him has a happy ending where Ryota and Kazuhiro become a couple.

After Ryota and Kazuhiro become a couple, the series references some familiar symbolism from past episodes. We see the matching cups from Episode 1 and the fireworks from Episode 5. Also, a recurring theme is that Ryota eats alone, representing his growing distance from Kazuhiro. In the finale, the couple finally shares a meal again. I like seeing these details, like the mementoes from various points of their relationship journey. I become an emotional sap, going "aww~" whenever I see the cups, fireworks, and homemade meal. 🥹

I love the bedroom scene, which is so beautifully done. Ryota and Kazuhiro are in bed, sharing one pillow and facing each other. They hold hands while exchanging gentle kisses. The moment is quiet without music. We only hear their soft voices and the sound of birds chirping in the background. The warm glow of the morning sun envelops them as they smile at each other, creating a subdued yet elegant atmosphere. It's such an ordinary moment at the start of their relationship, but it shows the comfort and warmth they'll share as a couple.

The final scene is a seemingly mundane chat in the kitchen. Ryota talks about making omelette rice, but there's a hidden subtext. "If you get the hang of it, it's not that hard. If you're too early, it gets messed up. And if you're too late, it burns. You have to get it just right." His words allude to the timing of a love confession, one of the central plots in this series. I love how the story wraps up by delivering a meaningful thematic message, but it's packaged within an ordinary conversation. Living With Him can be subtle and clever with its metaphors, which I love!

Living With Him Information


Toworu Miyata (宮田トヲル) is a Japanese artist. The manga Living With Him was adapted into a live-action drama in 2024.


Ayaka Kato (加藤綾佳) is a Japanese director. Her first BL project is the 2022 drama, Old Fashion Cupcake. She also worked on Naked Dining (2023), My Personal Weatherman (2023), and Living With Him (2024).

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