Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend is a Japanese BL series about a picture-perfect marriage falling apart. The female lead character enjoys blissful matrimony with her sweet, sensitive husband. However, she feels discontent about their passionless sex life. The protagonist doesn't know her husband is secretly dating a younger man. Discovering their affair shatters her views on love, intimacy, and happiness.
With a title like Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend, this BL series is destined for sordid melodrama. Occasionally, I'm entertained by the juicy scandals and outlandish plot twists. However, the dreary storyline loses my interest after a while. I don't care about the main characters or their joyless relationship scenes. I struggle to understand why they are together and what they love about each other.
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Summary
Series Info:
Japan (2023)
Total Episodes:
10 episodes
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend is a spicy BL drama.

Misaki is a happily married high school teacher. Misaki's friends and coworkers envy her blissful matrimonial life, which seems picture-perfect on the surface. She seems smitten with her husband Yuuki. Misaki enjoys Yuuki's sweet, sensitive nature. They first met at a dating mixer, where their views on relationships aligned. "These events make me feel I'm a commodity than a human being," Misaki once said, a sentiment Yuuki agreed with wholeheartedly.
However, Misaki is dissatisfied with their sex life. Despite their emotional bond, her husband doesn't initiate physical intimacy. Yuuki often goes to bed early and claims to be exhausted. Eventually, Misaki reaches her breaking point and vents about their lack of passion. The couple never makes love unless Misaki actively pursues it. "I don't think sex is equal to love," Yukki explains. Nonetheless, he promises to celebrate their anniversary with a physically affectionate evening.
Recently, Misaki reconnected with her friend Maki. They used to be close. However, Maki once warned her about Yuuki, claiming he wasn't compatible. Instead of being happy about her friend's engagement, Maki implied Misaki should break up with her fiancé. That ominous remark troubled Misaki. Furthermore, Maki harboured romantic feelings for her friend. Maki once confessed her love, but Misaki rejected her and didn't feel the same way.
At the time, Misaki didn't question her love for Maki. She was smitten with him. Yet, Misaki now examines her marriage and wonders whether her friend had a valid point. Misaki and Maki stayed in touch after their recent reunion. Maki gladly invites her to meals and casual hangouts. She introduces Masaki to Daichi, her cheeky roommate. Despite Maki and Daichi's close bond, they are not dating. Maki is still single.
Misaki is excited about her upcoming anniversary. She dresses up in a sexy outfit, prepares a fancy candlelit dinner, and feels determined to make it an unforgettable night. As Misaki waits for her husband to return home, she suddenly hears a noise outside the door. What Misaki sees is shocking. In a single moment, her illusion of an idyllic marriage is destroyed. Misaki's husband, Yuuki, is not the faithful spouse she once thought he was.
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Trailer
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Cast
Akane Hotta (堀田茜)

Misaki is a happily married high school teacher. Her friends and coworkers all admire Masaki's blissful matrimony. She seems smitten with her husband, Yuuki. However, Misaki is frustrated by their lack of sex life. Her sweet and sensitive husband never initiates physical intimacy. Misaki must be the one to make all the advances in her marriage.
Akane Hotta

Akane Hotta (堀田茜) is a Japanese actress. She is born on October 26, 1992. Her first BL project is the 2023 series, Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend.
Yuki Furukawa (古川雄輝)

Yuuki is Misaki's husband. They first met at a singles mixer event, bonding over similar views. Yuuki agrees with Misaki's opinion about being judged and commodified. After getting married, the couple enjoys a blissful domestic life in a cozy apartment flat. However, Yuuki never initiates physical intimacy, leaving Misaki dissatisfied.
Yuki Furukawa

Yuki Furukawa (古川雄輝) is a Japanese actor. He is born on December 18, 1987. His first BL project is the 2020 movie, Restart After Come Back Home. He also stars in the 2023 series, Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend.
Kyoya Honda (本田響矢)

Shyuuhei is a freelance artist. Despite being academically gifted, he gave up the prospects of a medical school to pursue his dreams of being an artist. Shyuuhei doesn't like living conventionally. He is the man who comes between Misaki and Yuuki, changing the couple's marriage forever.
Kyoya Honda

Kyoya Honda (本田響矢) is a Japanese actor. He is born on June 20, 1999. His first BL series is the 2023 drama, Jack o' Frost. He also stars in Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend (2023). Kyoda is a supporting character with a gay subplot in the 2024 drama, Chastity High.
Supporting Cast

Rei Okamoto (岡本玲)

Takato Nagata (永田崇人)

Harumi Shuhama (しゅはまはるみ)


Amu Fukao (深尾あむ)

Kana Harada (原田佳奈)

Umeno Uno (宇乃うめの)

Zuru Onodera (小野寺ずる)

Misaki's coworker

Yuuki's client

Yuuki's dad

Yuuki's mom
Cast Highlights
Yuki Furukawa
Yuuki's actor is the star of the 2020 Japanese BL movie Restart After Come Back Home.
Kyoya Honda
Shyuuhei's actor is the lead of the 2023 Japanese BL series Jack o' Frost.
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Review
Drama Review Score: 6.0

The beginning of Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend amused me. I giggled inappropriately at the outrageous plot, scandalous twists, and messy melodrama. My favourite scene is when the protagonist discards her lingerie in the trash after her gay husband refuses to have sex. There goes a perfectly good bra! Sadly, the series loses momentum after the affair unravels. Episodes come and go tediously, not registering with me in the long term. It presents a dreary relationship drama than a fun, campy story.
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend challenges the notion of conventional romances. Society makes us believe a traditional relationship should be between one man and one woman. This BL drama presents an alternate version of love outside of the usual marital structure. Although the story begins with a sleazy affair, this series explores sexuality, attraction, and polyamory. Eventually, the characters discover they can love each other without conforming to societal norms. Despite these complex themes, the story's execution is dull. I felt bored during many uneventful episodes.
I'm not attached to the three leads. They don't have warm personalities. Out of the trio, Yuuki receives the worst development. The story depicts him as a predictable stereotype of a closeted gay man. He's defined by his sexuality. Misaki should have left her cheating spouse long ago. Yet, she lives in denial, makes excuses for him, and welcomes his secret lover. Her behaviour baffles me. Shyuuhei can't overcome his awful introduction as a homewrecker who knowingly comes in between a married couple. He is an unsympathetic spokesperson for polyamorous relationships.
There isn't enough emphasis on highlighting the intimacy between the leads. Despite being married for years, Misaki and Yuuki act like unfamiliar strangers. I don't sense tenderness in their interactions. Likewise, Yuuki and Shyuuhei display little chemistry. From awkward kisses to passionless flirting, these lovers don't convince me they desire each other. None of the relationships have depth. The series should include more scenes with the protagonists bonding and communicating. Instead, it spends too much time on irrelevant subplots with the supporting cast.
The lousy script doesn't showcase the performers' charisma. Shyuuhei's actor (Kyoya Honda) made a better impression in another BL drama earlier this year. In this series, he lacks the spark and charm brought to his previous role. Similarly, Yuuki's actor (Yuki Furukawa) seems unengaged with his character. He mopes around gloomily for ten episodes without displaying range. These two share zero rapport and don't seem believable as a couple. Also, Yuki kisses his female costar more passionately than his male partner, undermining the premise of the love triangle.
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend has a happy ending for the characters. They find a way to make their relationship dynamic work, even though the arrangement may seem unusual. I appreciate the meaningful themes about defying tradition and pursuing happiness on your own terms. On the one hand, this love story offers thought-provoking messages. On the other hand, the poorly constructed narrative, underdeveloped characters, and lacklustre performances diminish the emotional impact. This BL drama falls short on many metrics and fails to impress me.
Unconventional story
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend challenges the notion of traditional romances. Despite the meaningful themes, the relationship melodrama is dreary and tedious.
Passionless romance
There isn't enough emphasis on the relationships between the leads. Misaki and Yuuki don't seem familiar with each other. Likewise, Yuuki and Shyuuhei display little romantic passion together.
Unengaging acting
The actors share no chemistry and don't bring charisma to their roles. Yuuki's actor (Yuki Furukawa) kisses his female costar more passionately than his male partner.
Happy ending
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend has a happy ending for all the characters. They defy conventional norms and find a way to make their unusual relationship dynamic work.
Decent artistry
This series offers decent visuals that meet acceptable standards. With that said, nothing stands out as particularly memorable. Many scenes take place in a small dinky apartment flat.
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend offers an intriguing perspective on non-traditional romances. The dull story, gloomy characters, and lacklustre acting diminish the emotional impact.
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date March 28, 2023
- End Date April 11, 2023
- Episodes 10 episodes
- Episode Length 24 minutes
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend has a total of 10 episodes. Each episode is around 24 minutes long. It is a short BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in around 4 hours. Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend started on March 28, 2023 and ended on April 11, 2023.
Episode Summaries
Episode 1
Why are they kissing outside the door!? LMAO. I want Misaki to dump her cheating husband and hook up with her friend. Imagine if a married couple breaks up to be with their gay lovers? Iconic~
Episode 2
I can't stop giggling at Misaki discarding her lingerie because her husband is gay. 😂 So far, this series has hit pitch-perfect campness. OMG. Yuuki's lover used to be Misaki's student!? I'M SCREAMING!
Episode 3
Why does Yuuki kiss his wife more passionately than his gay lover? That undermines the premise of this BL drama, right? 😓 LMAO at Misaki's student sending her teacher a selfie with a condom.
Episode 4
This episode is really boring. I find all the main characters unlikeable. Misaki is living in denial, and it's sad to watch. The story hardly develops Yuuki or explores his POV. He has no depth.
Episode 5
Misaki's behaviour confuses me. Why invite your husband's boyfriend to live together!? Are they becoming a throuple? This BL series resembles a low-rent parody version of More Than Words.
Episode 6
I like the thought-provoking chats in this episode. Shyuuhei's POV is interesting, regardless of whether I agree with his views. However, I don't sense romance between any of the characters.
Episode 7
Why is Misaki flirting with Daichi? Eww, I don't want this boring pair. Misaki should be falling in love with Maki instead. Why is the series not capitalizing on such an obvious GL storyline?
Episode 8
The series doesn't spend enough time highlighting the bond between the three main characters. I don't understand Misaki. Why does she put up with this throuple? What does she get out of it?
Episode 9
I have no emotional attachment to these characters. After nine episodes, I still hardly know Yuuki. Also, I'd scrap the subplots with the supporting cast. They don't add much to the series.
Episode 10
Interestingly, Misaki is a part of two throuples. One trio with Yuuki & Shyuuhei and another trio with her friends. The story implies Misaki has found an unconventional happiness between both groups.
Me My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Info
Ayano Ayano (綾野綾乃) is the creator of Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend. The story is also known as Watashi to Otto to Otto no Kareshi.
Yutaka Tsunemachi (常間地裕) , Kozue Sasaki (佐々木梢), and Yukihisa Shichiji (七字幸久) are the directors of Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend.
I swear the whole time I was watching this show I was thinking “damn this bisexual twink”
This show was very bad it became funny ,there were times I felt bad for the wife and I tried to sympathize with her but I couldn’t because I felt like she caused her problems tbh (not her husband cheating on her) but her choosing to stay,like whyyyyyyy do you keep punishing yourself for this man . He is not all that .
Well the show is a bit campy imo lol .
Yeah, I wanted to sympathize with Misaki's situation initially. By the end, I was just bored, confused, and aggravated by her lol.
I enjoyed the first two episodes because they were hilariously campy! Unfortunately, the show just became dumb and boring afterwards. Still, the story can be pretty funny if you don't take it seriously.
I particularly love the high school teacher who stalks her coworker, takes pictures of her going home with two men, and then sends blackmail photos from the bathroom stall. Does this woman think she's in Pretty Little Liars? She cracks me up. 😂
Legit the only part I remember from the final episode is that Misaki said somethiing along the line "brb Im gonna kill myself" that shit took me out LMAO.