After Sundown is a Thai supernatural horror BL movie in a historical setting. The main character grew up in the countryside. One day, a wealthy family acquaintance offers him a...
Step by Step is a Thai BL series about an office employee and his boss. When the main character starts working for a corporation, he struggles to fit in with the...
Beyond the Star is a Thai BL series about an up-and-coming boy band. The main characters are trainees at a new talent agency. They must undergo singing and dancing lessons before...
Middleman's Love is a Thai BL comedy series about two office employees. After a new intern joins the company, the main character helps him settle in the workplace. They develop a...
Bake Me Please is a Thai BL series about a pastry chef and his new assistant. The main character used to sell homemade delicacies with his grandmother in a humble small...
Colorful Melody is a Thai BL series about a musician and a painter. The main character arrives in the countryside and teaches music to schoolchildren. He befriends the art teacher, forming...
My Dear Gangster Oppa is a Thai BL series about two online gamers from different walks of life. The main character is a lonely student who turns to video games for...
Venus in the Sky is a Thai BL series about two university friends reuniting after a failed love confession. Three years ago, the main character was heartbroken when his college roommate...
Kiseki: Dear to Me is a Taiwanese crime BL series about a high school student and a gangster. The main character encounters an injured man who threatens him for medical assistance....
Old Narcissus is a Japanese gay movie about a senior man who pays a young escort for pleasure and companionship. The main character is in his seventies and has a famous...
Only Friends is a Thai BL series about a group of university students involved in complicated relationship drama. The main character is kind, intelligent, and sexually inexperienced. His buddy introduces him...