Actors High! is a Japanese comedy series about two actors reluctant to star in a BL drama. The main character is a producer tasked with preparing the cast before filming...
You Want Some? is a Korean BL series about two university students competing to seduce each other. The main character is annoyed that girls constantly reject his confessions. He realizes...
Love in the Apocalypse is a Korean BL series about two office employees navigating their final days before the world ends. A meteorite is set to strike the planet in...
Our Golden Times is a Hong Kong BL series about an engaged man who reunites with his teenage crush. The main character is about to get married. While his fiancée...
Blue Complex is a Korean BL series about three competitive swimmers on a university team. The main character is a former diver who unexpectedly joins the swim team. While his...
Blue Boys is a Korean BL series about a newly dating couple and their emotional drama. The main character is a writer who reconnects with a friend from school. Sparks...
Fake Buddies is a Korean BL series about a man and a woman in a phony romance. The main character appears to be happily in love with his university girlfriend....
My Damn Business is a Korean office BL series about two employees at a struggling company. During a staff layoff, the main character is the only employee who can keep...
Gray Shelter is a sad Korean BL series about the rocky relationship between two stepbrothers. After their parents remarried, the main characters lived together in an abusive household. The siblings...
Given: On the Other Hand is a short special for the popular Japanese BL anime. The story continues with the events that occurred after the first movie. The main character...
Kuso Miso Technique is a Japanese 18+ BL anime special about two strangers who hook up in a public restroom. After having wild sex in a washroom stall, they break...
There's Love That Starts From Mistaken Identity is a Japanese BL series about a twin pretending to be his brother. When the main character runs out of money, his sibling...