Childhood is a Thai BL short movie about a teenage crush. The main character is a high school student who enjoys spending time with his best friend. They used to do...
Behind the Shadows is a Korean historical BL drama with a gay main character. A young noble from a wealthy family is best friends with his male companion. They remained close...
Pure Vanilla is a Singapore BL short movie about a cafe owner and his assistant. It also released a film sequel, Pure Vanilla: Recipe for Romance, continuing the couple's romance...
Kiseki: Dear to Me is a Taiwanese crime BL series about a high school student and a gangster. The main character encounters an injured man who threatens him for medical assistance....
Old Narcissus is a Japanese gay movie about a senior man who pays a young escort for pleasure and companionship. The main character is in his seventies and has a famous...
Let's Eat Together, Aki and Haru is a Japanese BL movie about two roommates. The main characters are university students who rent a house and move in together. These best...
Only Friends is a Thai BL series about a group of university students involved in complicated relationship drama. The main character is kind, intelligent, and sexually inexperienced. His buddy introduces him...
Bump Up Business is a Korean BL series about an up-and-coming boy group. The main character is a rookie about to make his debut. His agency pairs him with an experienced...
My Personal Weatherman is a Japanese BL series about the steamy relationship between a meteorologist and his secret lover. The main character is a struggling manga artist who doesn't make money...
Love in Translation is a Thai BL series about the two owners of a general goods shop. The main characters meet through a mutual acquaintance. Despite not getting along, they want...
Crazy Handsome Rich is a Thai BL series about a butler working for a wealthy family. The main character is a market vendor from a poor upbringing. His friend recruits him...