Given: On the Other Hand is a short special for the popular Japanese BL anime. The story continues with the events that occurred after the first movie. The main character spends a lazy summer in remedial classes. He notices that his boyfriend has spent less time with him recently and hangs out with their bandmate instead. As their relationship drifts apart, the couple must confront their feelings and work on communicating more.
As a twenty-minute anime special, Given: On the Other Hand uses its time wisely to tell a cute story with the beloved characters. I appreciate the focus on the couple's relationship, navigating the intricacies of a newly dating couple. There's a nice mix of humour, flirtation, and sentimentality. However, the special is ultimately too short and must compromise its storytelling. The storyline needs more development to leave a bigger impact.
Given On the Other Hand Summary
ギヴン うらがわの存在
Anime Info:
Japan (2021)
School romance
Given: On the Other Hand is a nice & heartwarming BL anime.

Uenoyama is a high school student and guitarist for an amateur rock band. The band consists of four members: Mafuyu (vocalist), Haruki (bassist), and Kaji (drummer). Haruki and Kaji are university students, whereas Uenoyama and Mafuyu are still in high school. Despite their age differences, the four of them get along well.
Mafuyu joined the band recently. He experienced a rush of adrenaline after performing for his first live audience. Feeling inspired, Mafuyu is interested in learning more about music. He asks for mentoring help from Kaji, who has extensive musical knowledge and experience. The pair would hang out at Kaji's house or attend concerts this summer. Mafuyu finds these sessions rewarding, and he's growing more as a musician.
After their first live performance, Uenoyama kissed Mafuyu. They confessed their feelings for each other and became boyfriends soon afterwards. Although they started dating, the couple hasn't spent much time together lately. Mafuyu is always busy with Kaji, while Uenoyama is stuck in school taking remedial classes. Uenoyama starts getting annoyed by his boyfriend's busy schedule. Why does it seem like Mafuyu and Kaji are always hanging out together?
Given On the Other Hand Cast
Yuuma Uchida (内田雄馬)

Uenoyama is a high school student and Mafuyu's boyfriend. He and Mafuyu are in a rock band called the Given, which also includes Haruki and Kaji. Due to his poor grades, Uenoyama is stuck taking summer remedial classes. Lately, he has noticed that he hasn't been spending much time with Mafuyu. The couple's relationship is starting to drift apart.
Yuma Uchida

Yuma Uchida (内田雄馬) is a Japanese actor. He is born on September 21, 1992. His BL portfolio includes voicing the lead characters in various BL anime series, including Banana Fish (2018), Given (2019), and Twilight Out of Focus (2024).
Shogo Yano (矢野奨吾)

Mafuyu is a high school student and Uenoyama's boyfriend. The two of them are in a rock band, where Mafuyu is the vocalist. Before joining, he doesn't have much musical experience. He didn't even know how to play the guitar. Mafuyu wants to expand his knowledge by learning from Kaji and views him as a mentor. As they spend time together, Uenoyama seems annoyed that he's drifting apart from his boyfriend.
Shogo Yano

Shogo Yano (矢野奨吾) is a Japanese actor. He is born on March 19, 1989. His BL roles includes voicing the lead character in the 2019 anime series, Given. He also stars in the Given movie sequels.
Supporting Cast

Takuya Eguchi (江口拓也)

Masatomo Nakazawa (中澤まさとも)

Fumiya Imai (今井文也)

Taito Ban (坂泰斗)

Kengo Takanashi (高梨謙吾)

Hirosato Amano (天野宏郷)
Cast Highlights
DRAMAtical Murder
Akihiko's voice actor (Masatomo Nakazawa) is the lead of the 2014 BL anime, DRAMAtical Murder. The series is based on the famous visual novel.
Banana Fish
Uenoyama's voice actor (Takuya Eguchi) is the lead of the 2018 anime series Banana Fish.
Twilight Out of Focus
The voice actors for Uenoyama, Haruki, and Kaji (Yuma Uchida, Masatomo Nakazawa & Takuya Eguchi) are in the 2024 anime series, Twilight Out of Focus.
Given On the Other Hand Review
Anime Review Score: 7.7

Given: On the Other Hand is a short twenty-minute anime special. The story's timeline occurs after the first movie but before the second film, so it's like a transition between the two. It doesn't contain significant plot development, meaning you can jump directly from the first to the second movie without missing much. With that said, the Given special provides additional context to help you understand the characters better. It's worth a watch if you want to flesh out the storyline more.
The anime special does several things well. What I like most about it is the focus on romance. The series and movies have sophisticated storylines with character growth or meaningful themes. As a result, the relationship arc must share the spotlight with all the other plots. In contrast, this short special feels less busy. It benefits from a simpler narrative, which only concentrates on the newly dating couple. Given: On the Other Hand includes several exchanges between Uenoyama and Mafuyu, fleshing out their attraction. I understand their relationship dynamics much better now.
Early on, jealousy strikes Uenoyama. He's annoyed his boyfriend spends too much time with Kaji during the summer. The conflict quickly escalates, leading to a memorable confrontation in the classroom. Their exchange is full of fun flirtation. Previously, the couple's first kiss came during an emotionally charged moment. In this special, they share physical affection in a more relaxed setting. Even without the high-stakes drama, Uenoyama and Mafuyu still have an exciting spark. I enjoy seeing them behave romantically in a casual interaction.
Sex is on Uenoyama's mind. His self-consciousness creates funny scenes, highlighting the character's hilariously neurotic personality. Unlike Uenoyama, Mafuyu isn't preoccupied with physical intimacy. Instead, he's still grieving over his ex-boyfriend, so starting a new relationship doesn't come naturally to him. Mafuyu's vulnerability adds complexity to the story. Beyond romantic fluff and sexual tension, this anime special continues Mafuyu's journey as he struggles to move on from past trauma. The original anime's emotional depth echoes in this short special.
Despite a few emotional moments, Given: On the Other Hand is mostly lighthearted. The story prefers a relaxed tone and never becomes too angsty. I like how it injects humour with various jokes and gags. My favourite is whenever Uenoyama and Hiiragi interact, as both hot-headed characters clash over a hilarious rivalry. This anime understands how to write their funny banter, especially the scenes that compare them to adorable cats. Most fans only remember Given for its emotional drama, but this special reminds you that it also has a cheeky sense of humour.
Given: On the Other Hand suffers due to its short length. Despite the playful jokes and romantic moments, this twenty-minute special doesn't have time to build an extensive narrative. It must compromise some depth in the plot, especially near the end. I would've loved to see the music performances during the competition, yet it skips over these scenes entirely. Also, the anime never dives deeply into its themes and repeats the same messages as the original series. As much as Given: On the Other Hand entertains me, it isn't a substantial story and never reaches great heights. Ultimately, it's just a cute piece of romantic fluff, but I still enjoy the special for what it is.
Simple story
Given: On the Other Hand explores Uenoyama & Mafuyu's bond as a newly dating couple. Although too short to be substantial, the playful jokes and romantic moments are enjoyable.
Decent romance
The anime includes several fun exchanges between the couple, showcasing various facets of their relationship. From fun flirtation to emotional intimacy, they grow closer after this special.
Vibrant visuals
Like the original series, the anime special features bright and vibrant visuals. Several scenes look particularly striking, bringing out the elegant emotions of the moment.
Happy ending
Given: On the Other Hand has a happy ending, as Uenoyama & Mafuyu strengthen their relationship by learning to communicate better. Sadly, the special is too short and ends abruptly.
Playful style
This anime special maintains a playful mood and never takes itself too seriously. My favourite joke is the comedic gag that compares Hiiragi and Uenoyama to adorable cats!
Given: On the Other Hand is a short anime special that enriches the couple's relationship with cute romantic fluff. Although the story is light, I still enjoy the playful jokes and affectionate moments.
Given On the Other Hand Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date December 1, 2021
- End Date December 1, 2021
- Episodes 1 episode
- Episode Length 22 minutes
Given: On the Other Hand has 1 episode. It is around22 minutes long. This is a short anime, and you can finish the entire special in around 20 minutes.
Given is adapted from a Japanese BL manga. The original work is made by Natsuki Kizu (キヅナツキ). Akiyo Ohashi (大橋明代) is the director of Given: On the Other Hand.
Given has various entries in its anime franchise. It started as an 11-episode series in 2019. It followed up with the first movie sequel in 2020, a short drama special in 2021, and two more film sequels in 2024. There is also a live-action drama adaptation in 2021. I highly recommend following the story in chronological order, starting with the excellent anime.
Given began as an eleven-episode anime series. It started on July 12, 2019 and finished on September 20, 2019. Before watching any of the movie sequels, you should first complete the anime series.
Movie #1
Given Movie is the first movie sequel released during August 2020. It focuses on the love story between Haruki and Akihiko. You should watch the film before starting Given: On the Other Hand.
Movie #2
Given Movie 2: Hiiragi Mix is the second movie sequel released in January 2024. It continues after the events of the first movie (and drama special). You should watch the movie after Given: On the Other Hand.
Movie #3
Given Movie 3: Umi is the third movie sequel released during September 2024. It continues after the events of the second movie.
The Given series also released a live action drama, which contained six episodes. It started on July 17, 2021 and ended on August 21, 2021. The story is roughly the same as the anime.
Given On the Other Hand Information
- Crunchyroll Given: On the Other Hand Crunchyroll
- MyAnimeList Given: On the Other Hand MyAnimeList
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