7 Days Before Valentine is a Thai fantasy BL series about a cupid with deadly powers. After a recent breakup, the main character wants to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend. He meets a mysterious angel who grants magical wishes with a dangerous twist. Each night, the protagonist can erase anyone's existence from the world. He uses the ability recklessly to reconnect with his former lover, yet there are unforeseen consequences.
I like the innovative premise behind 7 Days Before Valentine, which offers a different take from most BL dramas. The intelligent story focuses on morality instead of romance. Its philosophical messages encourage viewers to think about how we lead our lives. Despite some meaningful moments, the series feels tedious. The slow narrative takes too long to get to the point. Each episode has long-winded dialogue, unnecessary filler, and excessive angst.
7 Days Before Valentine Summary
7 วันก่อนวาเลนไทน์
Series Info:
Thailand (2023)
7 Days Before Valentine is a sad & emotional BL drama.

It is a week before Valentine's Day. Sunshine, also known as Sun, is shooting a drama. He feels self-conscious about his insignificant role. This struggling actor is hardly famous despite auditioning and booking small gigs. As filming wraps up, the crew invites him to a staff party on Valentine's Day. Sun declines the offer since he has already made plans with his boyfriend. He bought tickets for a romantic trip overseas.
Sun wants to surprise Rain with the vacation plans over dinner at the restaurant. Before their date, Sun visits a flower shop. The mysterious owner, Tete, runs this store. He also employs Jared, his assistant. Sun has thought of a unique romantic present. For the next seven mornings until Valentine's Day, he asks the flower shop to send a rose to his boyfriend. The owner claims this arrangement feels impersonal, so Sun changes his plans. Instead, he asks the store to deliver the flowers to his apartment. Sun will personally give the rose to Rain.
Sun and Rain meet at the restaurant for their dinner date. Sun surprises his boyfriend with the overseas trip. He has saved up a lot of money to purchase these tickets. However, Rain responds by breaking up with him. Rain has felt dissatisfied with their relationship for a while. The couple spent too much time apart, especially while Sun was filming the drama in recent weeks. Rain believes their romance has fizzled out.
After dinner, Rain's new boyfriend, Air, is waiting for him. Sun is upset and accuses his ex of cheating on him. As tempers flare, they get into a violent fight. Rain lashes out at Sun, calling him selfish and immature. He claims Sun is in love with himself and incapable of loving others. "Grow up and stop throwing fits!" Sun is heartbroken after hearing his ex-boyfriend's insults. He returns to the apartment, drunk and demoralized.
To Sun's surprise, a mysterious man awaits him at home. Q introduces himself as a "cupid reaper" who can grant wishes, but there's a wicked twist. Q gives Sun the magical power of destruction. Sun can eliminate anyone's existence from history for the next seven days. Each midnight, he gets to erase a person from the universe. Doing so will alter the timelines and memories. Without thinking, Sun already knows whom to eliminate. He wakes up the following day, shocked by the consequences of his reckless actions.
7 Days Before Valentine Cast
Atom Nathaphop Kanjanteak (อะตอม ณฐาภพ เคนจันทึก)

Sunshine, also known as Sun, is an unknown actor who feels self-conscious about his lack of fame. He is dating Rain and wants to surprise his boyfriend with a vacation on Valentine's Day. Instead, he is shocked to be dumped a week earlier. After meeting Q, Sun gains the power to eliminate anyone from existence. He hopes to erase the right people to reconcile with Rain.
Atom Nathaphop Kanjanteak

Atom Nathaphop Kanjanteak (อะตอม ณฐาภพ เคนจันทึก) is a Thai actor. He is born on October 10, 2003. His first BL leading role is the 2023 drama, 7 Days Before Valentine. He has a supporting role in the 2023 series, Bake Me Please. In addition, Atom is a finalist in the 2022 Mister International Thailand pageant.
Jet Somjet Saejang (เจตน์ สมเจตน์ แซ่จาง)

Q is a mysterious man who shows up at Sunshine's apartment on the night of his breakup. Q introduces himself as the cupid reaper. He grants Sun the power to eliminate anyone's existence from the universe. Despite being divine, Q looks and acts like a regular human. In his spare time, he enjoys taking baths.
Jet Somjet Saejang

Jet Somjet Saejang (เจตน์ สมเจตน์ แซ่จาง) is a Thai actor. He is born on February 16, 1999. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Why You… Y Me? He is the lead of the 2023 drama, 7 Days Before Valentine.
Thank Ekdanai Jaisa-ard (แต๊ง เอกดนัย ใจสะอาด)

Rain is a cafe owner and Sunshine's boyfriend. A week before Valentine's Day, Rain suggests they break up. Ending the relationship has been on his mind a lot. He feels they have drifted apart recently. Rain also met Mek, his new lover. After the breakup, Sunshine is desperate to reunite with him.
Thank Ekdanai Jaisa-ard

Thank Ekdanai Jaisa-ard (แต๊ง เอกดนัย ใจสะอาด) is a Thai actor. He is born on October 24, 1994. His first BL project is the 2023 drama, 7 Days Before Valentine.
Supporting Cast

Zax Nattapat Suthisawan (แซ็ก ณัฐภัทร สุทธิสวรรค์)

Oat Methapon Eakrittigrai (โอ๊ต เมธพนธ์ เอกฤทธิไกร)

Vit Pacharapon Jantieng (วิทย์ พชรพล จั่นเที่ยง)

Air's dad

Min Patreeya Payom (มิน พัทฑรียา พยอม)

Earth Teerapat Samchai (เอิร์ธ ธีรภัทร สามชัย)


Pooh Poohrin Pattanawiriyawanich (ภู ภูรินท์ พัฒนวิริยะวาณิช)

Photo Patawee Klamudom (โฟโต้ ปฐวี คร้ามอุดม)

Gene Kasidit (จีน กษิดิศ)



Q's dad

Songkran Rangsan Panyaruen (สงกรานต์ รังสรรค์ ปัญญาเรือน)

Boss Arawit Klinyoo (บอส เอราวิทย์ กลิ่นอยู่)



Cast Highlights
- The actor who portrays Sunshine (Atom) has a supporting role in the 2023 Thai BL series Bake Me Please.
- Q's actor (Jet) appears in the 2022 music drama Why You… Y Me? His character is one of the secondary couples.
- Air's actor (Zax) has a supporting role in the 2022 sports drama Our Days. He portrays a basketball player.
- Preaw's actor (Hunter) is the lead of the teen BL series You and My Star (2023).
7 Days Before Valentine Review
Drama Review Score: 6.6

Imagine having the power to erase anyone from history. You say a name and wake up the next day as if that person never existed. 7 Days Before Valentine explores this innovative premise, intriguing me with all its possibilities. Unlike many BL dramas, the story focuses on morality instead of romance. The protagonist eliminates his opponents recklessly. Soon, he realizes the moral gravity of being an executioner. As each decision brings consequences, 7 Days Before Valentine delves into ethical dilemmas and introspection.
Despite a fascinating concept, the series is often slow and tedious. The lengthy narrative takes a while to get to the point. Before the meaningful events occur, there's plenty of unnecessary filler. From cryptic exchanges to random interactions, these trivial scenes have little significance besides occupying time. They prolong the plot's pacing to the extent that I feel bored. The series also has an issue of long-winded conversations. Instead of concise dialogue, the characters would ramble mundanely or speak abstractly. The more the discourse drags on, the less interested I become.
I wish I liked 7 Days Before Valentine better because the story is creative and sometimes compelling. Since every disappearance alters the timeline, the butterfly effect creates unexpected ripples in Sunshine's life. Some of the plot twists are exciting! This thought-provoking drama also tackles philosophical themes. It raises ethical questions about the power of deciding whether someone lives or dies, which mirrors similar real-world dilemmas. In addition, the series includes intelligent messages about relationships, politics, and life. I respond well to its social commentary.
The story emphasizes Sunshine's character flaws to explain why his ex dumped him. As the plot progresses, he becomes an increasingly unlikeable protagonist. Sun gets on my nerves with his pettiness, recklessness, and cluelessness. His decisions to erase certain people seem irresponsible, but he acts shocked and outraged by the repercussions. Sun's ignorance enrages me, so I root for his downfall. The series redeems him in the end, which works to some extent. Yet, we must endure so much frustrating behaviour before this dumbass learns his lesson.
Although Sun's actor (Atom) dazzles with his bright smile and divine physique, he falters during dramatic encounters. Some scenes, like the breakup in Episode 1, require a serious approach. Yet, his hamminess and hysteria turn the performances into a joke. Atom and his costar (Jet) tend to overact, trying too hard to force out emotions. I prefer more subtlety than overwrought theatrics. 7 Days Before Valentine is also quite angsty, especially in the second half. The bleak, excessive melodrama takes a psychological toll on my mood, making the series harder to enjoy.
7 Days Before Valentine improves during the last few episodes. With poignant climaxes and significant character growth, the series becomes more interesting. I like seeing Sun and Q strengthen their bond, albeit not enough. The couple's romantic connection is still underdeveloped. While the finale promotes positive messages, I have mixed feelings about the journey. Too much of the narrative is bogged down by dull filler and redundant dialogue. The story could be trimmed into eight episodes or less. Despite its creative potential, 7 Days Before Valentine bores me.
Tedious story
7 Days Before Valentine has creative ideas and explores ethical dilemmas intelligently. However, the slow narrative suffers from tedious filler, longwinded conversations, and excessive angst.
Poignant romance
The series focuses on the couple's breakup rather than falling in love. Near the end, Q and Sun strengthen their emotional bond. Yet, their romantic connection remains underdeveloped.
Hammy acting
Sunshine's actor (Atom) is hammy and veers into hysterical reactions, undermining the serious drama. Both leads tend to overact, trying too hard to force out emotions.
Happy ending
7 Days Before Valentine has a happy ending where Sunshine experiences positive character growth. He becomes more enlightened about himself and his relationships.
Striking artistry
The series has an artsy aesthetic and uses lighting effectively to create ambiance. Some shots appear visually striking. I also enjoy the skin-friendly displays from Atom, who boasts a divine physique.
7 Days Before Valentine has creative ideas, intelligent messages & philosophical themes about morality. The slow narrative takes too long to get to the point. I'm often bored by the angsty melodrama.
7 Days Before Valentine Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date November 2, 2023
- End Date February 7, 2024
- Episodes 12 episodes
- Episode Length 40 to 45 minutes
7 Days Before Valentine has a total of 12 episodes. Each episode is around 40 to 45 minutes long. It a long BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 9 hours. 7 Days Before Valentine started on November 2, 2023 and finished on February 7, 2024. Yes, it ends exactly seven days before Valentine's Day!
Episode Reviews
Episode 1
Sunshine's actor (Atom) has a ripped physique. He looks hunky in the opening scene. I don't like his performance during the breakup. This episode has too much filler. The interesting part is in the end.
Episode 2
Erasing a person comes with heavy ethical consequences. Despite the innovative premise, I find the series dull so far. Some scenes and conversations feel trivial, included only to fill the time.
Episode 3
Don't erase the activist! Erase the people who abducted him! Geez, Sun is pissing me off. I hate how he uses this power. The story is slow. An episode about the ex-boyfriend's ex-boyfriend isn't exciting.
Episode 4
After four episodes, I don't see Sun & Rain's relationship working out. Even during their first meeting, they seem awkward together. The story should include positive memories to establish their bond.
Episode 5
Those scenes at the start of the episode feel like filler. The debate scene is too long. A couple clashing over politics is a realistic source of conflict. Ugh, Sun is ignorant. I support Rain. Dump his ass!
Episode 6
OMFG. Sun is so fucking dumb. I can't believe a gay guy would erase the progressive politician over the homophobe denying marriage equality. Sun infuriates me and keeps deleting the wrong people!
Episode 7
Sun's crying scenes are too hysterical. He looks awkward when forcing emotions to come out. Now that he's directly affected, Sun understands the moral gravity of deleting people's existences.
Episode 8
Ugh, the story has become so tedious. From the excessive crying to the cryptic conversations, I'm bored instead of feeling stimulated. These last two episodes feel so heavy with all the angst.
Episode 9
Finally, Sun erases himself! I've wanted this to happen for quite a while. I like Sun & Q's meaningful conversation at the end of the episode. This series has poignant moments & intelligent messages.
Episode 10
This has been the most romantic episode so far. It makes up for the lack of BL content previously. I like how Q & Sun spend the day enjoying each other's company. I can feel their bond strengthening.
Episode 11
Q's backstory is interesting, especially the ethical dilemma with his dad. I wish we learned more about him earlier instead of the supporting cast. I'm curious about what happens after Q vanishes.
Episode 12
7 Days Before Valentine has a positive ending that promotes character growth. I like that Sun becomes enlightened about himself and his relationships. I'm glad he makes amends with everyone.
7 Days Before Valentine Information
- MyDramaList 7 Days Before Valentine MyDramaList
- Twitter 7 Days Before Valentine Twitter
- YouTube 7 Days Before Valentine YouTube
Bandai Bar

Bandai Bar is a Thai studio. Its portfolio of work includes the 2023 series, 7 Days Before Valentine. This drama is the studio's first BL project.
Tu Punnasak Sukee (พรรณศักดิ์ สุขี) is a Thai director. He directed the 2022 BL series, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us. His portfolio of work also includes the 2023 drama, 7 Days Before Valentine.