Brothers BL Series Summary
Brothers รักนะพี่ชาย รักนายครับผม
Series Info:
Thailand (2021)
Brothers is a cute & sweet BL drama.

Chol is an intelligent high school student who gets top grades at school. One day, his father announces that he has remarried, introducing Chol's new stepmother and stepbrother into the family. They will now live together in the same house. The announcement startles Chol, who's used to being the only child in the family. He reacts poorly to his kind stepmom and his pesky older stepbrother Prab.
Prab is an extroverted senior high school student, currently studying to become a teacher. He's also part of a band with his friends, Tri, Mab, and Mob. At school, the two stepbrothers constantly feud due to the noise from Prab's band, which interrupts Chol's photography club activities. Chol doesn't like Prab at first and hates sharing the same bedroom with him. However, Prab's enthusiasm rubs off on Chol, and the two stepbrothers eventually develop a close bond.
Chol is an avid photographer who aspires to become a professional. His teachers are alarmed by Chol's decision to study communication arts in university when his grades would've qualified him for more academic prospects. They keep pressuring him to apply for med school, even though Chol doesn't seem interested. Chol's father is more understanding, allowing his son to pursue his hobby as a future career, albeit reluctantly.
Although Chol has no intention of becoming a doctor, he still receives private tutoring lessons from Khul, a university student currently in med school. Chol has a secret crush on Khul, using their tutorials to get closer together. However, Khul doesn't reciprocate these feelings and seems more interested in Chol's neighbour. Every time Khul visits Chol, he makes a pitstop at the house next door to flirt with Kaow, a talented baker who runs his own home business.
Unlike Chol, his best friend Maping is studying to become a doctor. Maping is simply following his family's footsteps, even though he isn't that smart and has little interest in medicine. While Maping is passionate about plants and gardening, he doesn't dare to follow his passion like Chol. Lately, the new teaching intern Mhok has taken a keen interest in Maping, giving him one-on-one lessons to boost his grades. However, Mhok's extra attention towards Maping has not gone unnoticed, raising suspicions among the faculty and students.
Brothers BL Series Cast
Chol Phu Phuwarit Thungnonsung (ภูวฤทธิ์ทุ่งโนนสูง) Phu Instagram

Chol is an intelligent high school student who gets the top marks in his grade. After his father got married, Chol became stepbrothers with Prab, a senior student in his school. Chol is in the photography club and loves to take pictures. He wants to study communication arts in university, a decision that shocks his teachers who believe Chol should go to med school instead.
Prab Folk Touch Inthirat (ธรรศ อินทร์ธิราช) Folk Instagram

Prab is a senior high school student and Chol's older stepbrother. Cheeky and extroverted, Prab is close with his mom and makes an effort to bond with his new family. He is part of a band with his friends at school, although their practices constantly disrupt Chol's photography club. Prab gets good grades at school and wants to become a teacher for his career.
Khul Pan Nantawat Sriwiwat (ป่าน นันทวัฒน์ ศรีวิวัฒน์) Pan Instagram

Khul is a university student currently studying to become a doctor. He is good friends with Long, a fellow med school student. He also works as Chol's tutor, helping him learn the STEM subjects. Although Chol has a crush on his tutor, Khul doesn't reciprocate these feelings. Khul likes to flirt with Chol's next-door neighbour Kaow.
Kaow Leang Pitak Phasuthonmekphat (เหลียง พิทักษ์ พสุธเมฆพัฒน์) Leang Instagram

Kaow is Chol's neighbour who lives next door. He is a talented baker and runs his own successful business from inside his house. Kaow has been flirting with Chol's tutor Khul for quite a while, although the two of them still haven't initiated a relationship with each other. Kaow lives alone and has a bad relationship with his family.
Maping Piti Dusitsaan (สตางค์ ปิติ ดุสิตศานติ์) Satang Instagram

Maping is a high school student and Chol's best friend. He comes from a family of doctors, who pressures him to study medicine just like them. Maping's real passion is in botany and he likes to take care of the school garden. Instead of pursuing his hobby, Maping feels like he has no choice but to attend med school, just like what his family wants.
Mhok Tommy Pasith Teeka-uttamakorn (ทอมมี่ พาสิศร์ ฑีฆาอุตมากร) Tommy Instagram

Mhok is a new teaching intern at Chol and Maping's school. He teaches the chemistry subject. Mhok makes a terrible first impression with Maping, humiliating him in front of the entire class. Later, Mhok feels bad and pays extra attention to Maping, helping him with his studies. Their one-on-one tutoring sessions have raised rumours around the school, especially when Mhok insists on meeting Maping outside school campus.
Supporting Cast

Chol's dad
Mad Paramat Chisuwan (มัฎศ์ ปรมัฎศ์ ชัยสุวรรณ)

Prab's mom
Candy Rakkaen (แคนดี้ รากแก่น)

Combat Panumas Khangrangdee (คอมแบท ภาณุมาศ แข็งแรงดี)

Boss Bulaset Phusinchokwongsa (บอส บูลเศรษฐ์ ภูสินโชควงศา)

Chawatkom Senawat (ชวัฒคมน์ เสนะวั)

Kan Krittikorn Jaruthammaporn (หลง กฤติกร จารุธรรมาภรณ์)

Omo Pakkaphon Teeraratsakul (อีคิว พณิชพล ธีระรัตน์สกุล)

EQ Panitchaphon Teeraratsakul (โอโม่ พรรคพล ธีระรัตน์สกุล)

Mac Kridtat Satharanond (แม็ค กฤตธัช สาทรานนท์)

Teacher #1
Tom Ratchaneekorn Panmanee (รชนีกร พันธุ์มณี)

Teacher #2
Ae Chutina Naiyana (เอ้ ชุติมา นัยนา)

Teacher #3
Aon Kevlin Kortland (เกวลิน คอตแลนด์)

Siraphob Emdee (สิรภพ เอมดี)

Cast highlights
- The actor playing Prab (Folk) previously starred in the 2019 BL series Thank God It's Friday.
- The actress playing Prab's mother (Candy Rakkaen) also had a role in the 2021 BL drama Siew Sum Noi. Once again, she played the mom character of another BL lead.
Brothers BL Series Review
Drama Review Score: 5.7

Brothers might have the notable distinction as the first BL series where I don't want any BL storyline to occur. Admittedly, I was reluctant to watch this drama based on its title alone. If I never have to watch another stepbrother romance for the rest of my life, I would be perfectly content. It's a tired, lazy, and unimaginative trope that needs to fall to the wayside. Please, no more. All stepbrothers in the BL genre need to take a step back from each other!
What makes the central romance in Brothers egregious is that it emphasizes the sibling connection heavily. The drama keeps promoting family-oriented mantras like "You are my brother!", "Family first!" & "Blood is thicker than water!" The constant reminders about these lovestruck brothers are obnoxious as hell. Plus, the family scenes and the romantic scenes mix together until the line becomes blurred. I guess that's expected from a BL series called Brothers, but it doesn't make their intimate relationship feel any less squicky.
Still, BL dramas are famous for featuring multiple relationships, and I watched Brothers hopeful that the secondary love story might appeal to me instead. Imagine my horror upon discovering there's a romance between a teacher and a high school student. OH MY GOD NO. 🤢 I haven't even made it halfway through one episode, and every moral fibre in my body is already being tested. First borderline incest, now a teacher-student affair. Is there any taboo relationship trope that Brothers won't fetishize!?
Against my better judgment, I continued watching Brothers just to see how uncomfortable it makes me. To be fair, the early episodes aren't really that bad. Since the leads are still on platonic terms, their scenes are chaste, lighthearted, and sweet. I like how Chol warms up to his new family, going from hostility to sentimentality. Chol's journey feels momentous when he treats his stepmother kindly or starts calling her mom. At times, the family focus in Brothers can be one of its strengths, leading to enjoyable character dynamics with an emotional punch.
Brothers falters any time it focuses on the romances, which make up the bulk of the story. Even without their stepbrother connection, Chol and Prab are an annoying couple fuelled by childishness, jealousy, and clichés. Both characters feel emotionally immature, like they aren't ready for adulthood, let alone a relationship. Then, there's the sordid teacher-student affair, which is obviously reprehensible and oversteps any ethical boundaries. The other filler romances are too insignificant, barely making an impact, like droplets of water in the big pond of BL.
The two young leads (Phu and Folk) save Brothers from being a total catastrophe. Both are naturally charismatic, bringing a likability to their characters even when I'm against their romance. Some cringey moments would be unwatchable with a pair of weaker actors at the helm. Nonetheless, the two of them can't elevate Brothers to anything above a middling mediocrity. My heart drops when the ending reveals that Season 2 is in the works. Please, no more. Let's make the world a better place without producing a sequel for this problematic BL drama.
Story Review
Okay story

Maybe Brothers would've worked better if it was even more of a family drama. No, I'm not asking for more stepbrother romance, but make the dad and mom integral to the storyline instead of being peripheral characters. The most successful storylines in this drama are all related to the family. Any time Chol interacts with his father or his stepmother, there're compelling emotions involved. So, let's bring in more siblings, cousins, grandparents, in-laws, ex-husbands & pesky relatives from out of town!
Although not perfect, at least the family storylines were more interesting than the generic school campus scenes. There's nothing special about the love triangles, secret admirers, or creepy teacher-student dynamic that we haven't seen before. The only remotely intriguing school storyline was how the teachers pressured Chol to go to med school. That subplot could've expanded more, like maybe Chol reconsiders becoming a doctor after his dad's hospitalization. It had the potential to be interesting, but needed that extra oomph.
Otherwise, I think Brothers would benefit from a greater focus on the family aspects. Once again, I'm not advocating for more stepbrother smooches, but let's explore the family dynamics deeper. For example, show us the relationship between Prab and his stepfather, which was hardly addressed. Or introduce conflict between the leads over how Chol had been treating his stepmom. I guarantee you these storylines would be more interesting than Chol and Prab getting jealous over their tedious love triangles with Khul, Nick, Tri, or Sam.
Acting Review
Decent acting

The two young actors (Phu and Folk) in Brothers impressed me with how natural their performances were. Not only do these leads share a good rapport, but they also exuded an inherent charisma that made their characters likable. As you know, I was very resistant towards the stepbrother romance, but the actors were charming enough that they almost made some of the scenes bearable to watch.
The rest of the cast seemed kinda wooden, to be honest. Everyone else felt like they were just going through the motions, not bringing much life to their performances. I know the script didn't give the supporting cast much to work with, so they also have limited room to act.
Ending Review
Happy ending

I liked the clever bit of continuity in the ending, using the dad's past relationship history to explain why he changed his mind. With that said, I found the last-minute drama silly and ridiculous. Why is the dad okay with his son dating his stepson only if Chol attends medical school? Is there some kind of unspoken rule where doctors are more qualified to have stepbrother romances than photographers?
The Brothers ending felt phoned-in and didn't make much sense to me, as if there were missing scenes that would explain some gaps in the narrative. Chol and Prab suddenly became a lovey-dovey couple without warning. Then, their parents just abruptly walked in on them kissing. Their relationship was dragged out tediously for the first twelve episodes, only for all this contrived drama to unfold in the finale.
Since I've been rooting against Chol & Prab, I'd probably hate whatever ending as long as the two stepsiblings are still romantically involved. Yes, I'm a hopeless masochist watching a ten-hour BL series called BROTHERS and then expecting them not to end up as a couple. Maybe one day in the distant future, there'll finally be a pair of stepbrothers in a BL drama that remains platonic towards each other. 😞
Brothers BL Series Couples
Chol and Prab

Well, you know what you're signing up for with a BL series called Brothers. Obviously, I didn't expect the relationship between Chol and Prab to stay platonic, but I was still dreading their romance as it escalated. Even in the beginning, their ~platonic~ scenes were already a little cringey. Imagine how much worse Brothers gets once the attraction forms.
Chol and Prab are annoying to watch. The way Prab treats his young brother is like taking care of a mentally undeveloped toddler. Brothers thinks moments like Prab drying his stepbrother's hair are somehow romantic, but they overdo it so often that I wonder if Chol is just lazy or spoiled. Every time Prab coddles Chol, it feels patronizing rather than protective. Your brother is on the verge of adulthood, yet you behave like he's incapable of autonomy.
I also hate the many love triangles between them. Generic love interests get introduced left and right, bringing the same repetitive drama. Half their relationship is just Chol or Prab getting jealous of each other. Not only is this romance boring, but it's icky when they call each other brothers and then immediately flirt hardcore. Either you're family or you're lovers, you can't be both!
Prab and Nick

Since I didn't want Chol and Prab to end up together, I was obviously rooting for Nick to come in between their unholy romance. 😈 Sadly, Nick never developed beyond the archetype of a persistent love rival. It's as if his only personality trait is to compete against Chol for Prab's affections. How are we meant to take this love triangle seriously when Nick's characterization is so flat?
Nonetheless, some of Nick's scenes are kinda hilarious, because he's seemingly omniscient when it comes to interrupting Chol x Prab moments. Every time the two stepbrothers are about to spend time together at school, you can bet Nick will pop up right away to cockblock them. There was literally a scene of Chol and Prab holding hands as Nick grabbed his friend's arm and dragged him away. The love triangle conflict is so on the nose that I have to laugh.
Also, can we talk about the last Nick scene? It featured a chat between Prab and Nick, with the latter admitting defeat over his unrequited love. During the scene, Prab puts a hat on his friend's head. The hat has the word LOSER written in big capital letters. I'm gagging at the blatant disrespect towards Nick's character. I know he lost the love triangle, but you don't literally have to make him wear the loser hat. 🤡
Chol and Tri

At the end of Episode 10, Chol's friend Tri reveals that he is The Frog Prince. During the series, Chol has been communicating chummily with an anonymous friend over text messages. Chol believes the frog prince is secretly Prab, but Brothers pulls a switcheroo when Tri unveils his secret identity instead. As Tri confesses his hidden love, Chol stares back at him with a blank expression, trying hard to remember this character's name. Who exactly are you again? 😞
Other than the hilariously awkward revelation scene, this love triangle was entirely pointless. It adds another unnecessary complication to the Chol and Prab romance, as if they can't function without a third love interest pining after one of them. Anyway, Tri kindly backed away into oblivion once it became obvious that he couldn't overcome the stepbrother romance. How boring. 🥱
Oh, and there's also that WEIRD throuple romance with Tri and the twins, which…wtf? At first, I thought their flirting was done in a joking way, but then the scenes were kinda taken seriously and I was very confused. It's as if Brothers thought the stepsibling relationship wasn't incestuous enough, so they added in TWINS and THROUPLES for the lolz.
Maping and Mhok

Wow, I hated this romance so much. I don't know why Brothers felt the need to include a teacher-student affair, but whatever transpired between Maping and Mhok is the worst part of the series. Even though Mhok is only a teaching intern instead of a full-fledged teacher, this distinction doesn't make his actions any less predatory. The power dynamic is wrong, the age difference is wrong, and the overstepping of boundaries is wrong. Mhok is a gigantic creeper and should be banned from any school campuses.
To be fair, nothing amorous happened between them and Brothers did condemn their relationship in the end. However, we were still subjected to twelve episodes of their icky and tedious relationship scenes. On one hand, Brothers wants to take the moral high ground and pretend like they don't endorse the teacher-student affair. On the other hand, it gives us dozens of borderline romantic moments between the characters, secretly relishing the illicit nature of their exchanges.
I can't give you a detailed review of their relationship because I tuned out during any scene where Maping and Mhok interacted. Keeping both eyes closed was the only way to endure their problematic storyline. Besides Mhok, did anyone suspect that other teacher Pon was also subtly flirting with Maping? Imagine if Brothers doubled down on the teacher-student affair with two teachers seducing the same student. 😱 Fortunately, the series isn't totally depraved and doesn't entertain that route. Good news everyone, we only have one sexual predator instead of two!
Khul and Kaow

The Khul and Kaow relationship was pretty dull. It took me a while to even figure out Kaow was supposed to be the neighbour. I kept thinking, who's this random guy? Why does he make inexplicable appearances around Chol's house? They were better off making Kaow an older brother, a cousin, or another relative so he doesn't feel completely isolated from the main plot.
Most of the Khul and Kaow scenes feel banal. They would flirt mindlessly with each other while making no progress in their relationship. The stagnant romance dragged on until Episode 10, where Khul suddenly went berserk from pent-up sexual tension. On the one hand, his character was totally in the wrong for lashing out at Kaow. On the other hand, I perked up because it was the first time anything interesting happened with this couple. Finally, I thought, some drama!
However, the tension quickly got resolved as the two of them became an official couple. Afterwards, Khul and Kaow settled into their usual routine, which consisted of even more frivolous flirting scenes. Although I appreciate them as the only other pairing to kiss and show physical affection, they were sadly not that exciting to watch. Sorry. 😞
Chol and Khul

Chol's crush on Khul went nowhere interesting, other than adding even more jealousy conflicts into the overloaded plot. When Prab isn't seething over Chol and Khul as a couple, he moves on to sulking over Chol and Tri instead. Wow, what riveting drama. So original. 😑
Khul's character could've been utilized more effectively. Maybe make him more influential in Chol's university decision. Let's have the two characters talk about the practicality of studying photography vs. going to med school. Since Chol looks up to Khul as a mentor, his advice would weigh more than his self-centred teachers. Either Khul could make Chol change his mind about university or reaffirm that he's making the right decision.
Instead, Khul was like, "oh okay lol~" when he found out Chol didn't plan on going to med school. This guy doesn't pretend to care about why he has been tutoring math & science to someone who wants to become a photographer. It's so obvious that Khul was only interested in getting a paycheque and flirting with the next-door neighbour. Chol can become a doctor, photographer, or whatever, as long as you keep paying him after every tutoring lesson!
Q and Long

The Q and Long romance was almost completely irrelevant to the main plot. The peripheral pairing is introduced late in the series, making a minimal impact. Both are minor characters with no development or personalities, so it's hard to feel emotionally invested in these nobodies. If the two actors aren't cute, there would be nothing to make you care about this filler romance.
Weirdly, all their relationship scenes revolve around food deliveries, which is ridiculous but also hilarious lol. Imagine if you ordered a meal online and then initiated a spontaneous romance with your Uber Eats driver during those thirty seconds of interaction. That's how random the Q and Long romance feels.
Uncle Chan & Auntie Prang

Right away, Brothers started on a confusing note because it seemed like Chol's dad suddenly got married to Prab's mom without telling his kid. You'd think any sensible father would acquaint his son with his new stepfamily before they moved in together. Yet, Chol seemed utterly blindsided by the announcement, as if his dad sprung this surprise on him at the last possible moment. It's a shaky way to start the series, undermining the credibility of the premise from the get-go.
However, the twist in their relationship is that Uncle Chan & Auntie Prang had a secret extramarital affair because they both CHEATED on their spouses. 😮 Their scandalous romance might explain why Chol's dad felt reluctant to introduce his mistress to his son. Upon this shocking discovery, Chol's initial reaction was to blame his stepmom for being a filthy homewrecker. Umm okay, your dad also committed adultery, but sure direct all your anger towards her… 🙄
Later, the dad tried to justify his infidelity, stating that his parents forced him into an arranged marriage. After getting married, he realized that Auntie Prang was his ~one true love~ all along. I mean, you still cheated, but okay sure. 😒 Anyway, this illicit love affair becomes a trump card once the dad finds out about his son and stepson's romance. The questionable logic is that since the parents committed borderline adultery, their sons are allowed to commit borderline incest too…
Brothers BL Series Ending Explained
Ending explained

Brothers has a happy ending where Chol and Prab are allowed to be a couple after winning over their father's approval. Previously, the dad got upset when he stumbled upon his sons making out in the kitchen. He gave them a weird ultimatum. Either Prab has to go to university overseas, or Chol must attend medical school instead of studying photography. The sacrifices prove that Chol and Prab take their relationship seriously, and only then will the dad accept them as a couple.
Although Prab is willing to study in Australia, Chol would rather give up his photographer dreams to stay with his boyfriend. He goes on a last-minute studying binge, which is stressful and exhausting. Upset about his suffering, Prab once again offers to go overseas so that Chol won't force himself to go to med school. Chol doesn't understand why Prab would want to leave him for another country. A heated disagreement flares up between them, leading to lots of tension within the family.
Finally, Auntie Prang reminds her husband about what happened in the past, because his parents had also tried forcing him into an arranged marriage. Seeing the parallels between their relationship woes, Uncle Chan softens his original stance. He changes his mind, permitting Chol and Prab to become a couple without any requirements. He only urges them to keep their relationship low-key. The final scene jumps forward a year later as Chol graduates from high school. He is joined by his family, friends & boyfriend, who celebrate the happy day together.
Brothers Season 2

The most unpleasant shock occurs during the final moments of the ending, where it announces there will be a Brothers Season 2. Apparently, a planned sequel is in the works, presumably with the same characters and following events in their university years.
I cannot fathom why Brothers needs a second season when none of the pairings have inspired me. What stories could they possibly want to tell in the sequel with these characters? Will Chol's father marry another mistress and introduce a new stepbrother for his son to fall in love with? Or will Maping hook up with a university professor in med school? Oh my god, I shudder to think what other inappropriate relationship tropes will be included in Brothers Season 2.
Personally, I'm against the idea of Brothers extending into a second season. The story has come to a natural conclusion and there's no need to continue the stepbrother romance. It should be a one-and-done project that falls into oblivion over time. Let's release the cast and staff so they can attach themselves to better BL projects please.
Brothers BL Series Episodes
Episode Guide
Brothers has a total of 13 episodes. Each episode is around 45 minutes long. This is a long BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 10 hours. Brothers began airing on February 5, 2021 and finished its run on April 30, 2021.
⭐ Best episode
Episode 4

Episode 4 was a fun episode, almost fooling me into thinking Brothers was Not That Bad as a series. The first half of the episode focused on Prab's university interview, except that he grabbed the wrong portfolio folder in the morning. Chol skips school, misses a test, and even gets arrested just to deliver the portfolio to his brother before the interview. When told that missing the test will affect his GPA, Chol shrugs it off and says he can live with a 3.9. BALLER MOVE. 😄
The second half of the episode was also fun, as parents leave the house for a week to go on their honeymoon. Prab and Chol spend the week together, except Chol gets injured during a playfight. Somehow, Khul decides to move in to take care of Chol, leading to some pretty fun scenarios with their living arrangements.
💕 Most romantic episode
Episode 13

In the final episode, Chol and Prab finally go from brothers to boyfriends. They kiss, confess their love for each other, and come out in the open about their relationship. The first twelve episodes teased us about their relationship, whereas they finally become a couple in Episode 13.
It should be noted that Episode 13 has some deleted footage, which actually explains when and how the two main characters became boyfriends. I have NO idea why Brothers didn't include the most important scene of the series in the episode, but it fills the missing gaps from the finale.
😡 Most triggering episode
Episode 8

Episode 8 introduces Sam, a famous international photographer whom Chol idolizes. Chol meets his role model in this episode, working under him as an intern. Unfortunately, Sam is a TOTAL DIVA and gives Chol attitude for not being "professional" on set.
Suddenly, Chol gets called away because his father was hospitalized after a health scare. Chol returns to school afterwards, visibly shaken by what happened to his dad. Sam dares to YELL at Chol for not focusing on his work. Dude, his dad almost died!? Can you chill out with your stupid pics of a high school swimming pool!? From the way Sam was behaving, you'd think he was photographing the Olympics, but no it's a photo shoot at the local high school.
Anyway, the important point is that Sam acted like a total douchebag towards Chol and nobody called him out on it. I don't care what famous credentials he has. Showing some respect is the bare minimum for a decent human being. What's worse about Sam's character reveals he's IN LOVE with Chol in the next episode. The subplot is so offensively stupid that I refuse to acknowledge it. 🤡
💋 Episodes with kissing
Episode 11, 13

Khul and Kaow kissed twice during Episode 11. Their first kiss was when the lights went out in Kaow's house, and the two boyfriends used this opportunity to kiss in the darkness. Their next kiss came in the morning, as Khul lures his boyfriend into bed for a quick morning kiss.
Meanwhile, Chol and Prab also shared their first kiss in Episode 13. After the two of them become boyfriends, they steal a sneaky kiss with each other in the kitchen. Of course, their parents walk in on them at the exact moment, exposing their romantic relationship.
There's also an alleged kiss between Maping and Mhok in Episode 12, but it never actually happened. One of the students took a picture from an angle that looked like they were kissing, but the two characters never got romantically involved.
💪🏻 Episodes with skin
All episodes

One of the unique features in Brothers is how they parade their shirtless cast members in those transition sequences. Every time there's a break in the episode, we get a quick five-second shot of various cast members without their clothes. The actors would pose in front of the cameras while smiling and flashing their nipples.
Oh my god, I'M SCREAMING at the tackiness of these shirtless sequences. It's like the most extra thing ever. 😂 If you looked at their YouTube channel, apparently almost everyone in the cast did these shirtless photoshoots for promotional purposes. Due to these sequences, we see all the characters presenting their nipples in every single episode.
In the actual episodes, the characters do get shirtless a couple of times as well. Usually, it's Prab who comes out of the shower in just a towel. We also see Khul shirtless once in the bedroom.
Brothers BL Series Information
- Facebook Brothers Facebook
- Instagram Brothers Instagram
- MyDramaList Brothers MyDramaList
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I feel I have to say a few words about BL Watcher's review. I agree with most of what he/she says. It is not a very good BL series but the acting of Chol and Prab makes it worth watching. Most of the other relationships are very uninteresting, not to say boring. What disturbs me is that the reviewer is so morally upset because two stepbrothers fall in love with each other. They are not genetically related so you can hardly talk about incest. To me (a Swedish elderly man) it is a very outdated point of view. As for the teacher-student relationship it would even to me (a former upper secondary school teacher) be very deplorable had it been real. But such things occur! Take it as a warning. The teacher was taken in by the student but when he reveals his feelings he is fortunately turned down by the student. What upsets me is the photo taken by a hostile student who publishes it to incriminate the teacher "to save the image of the school"! As for Prab's mother marrying Chol's father I think it illustrates what can happen when parents interfere with their children's lives in the wrong way – but that might be a Swedish point of view! I totally agree with BL Watcher that a sequel is a bad idea!
𝑰 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒊 𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆.𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒐𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕.
Guys please tell the people who made this bl series to make a season 2 because many of us did not understand when did Prab and Chol even agree to date each other .Prab even told Tri that he is dating Chol and he did protest against the two dating since there were now brothers I was literally shocked when Prab said he is dating Chol . Please make a season because season 2 was a bit incomplete and I think there were some cut scenes