Adapted from a Korean novel, Semantic Error is a slice-of-life BL anime series with four short episodes. The main characters are two university students working on a video game project...
Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year is a BL anime about two high-profile celebrities and their secret romance. The main character is a talented actor...
Love Stage!! is a BL anime series about the celebrity world. The main character comes from a family of actors and musicians, but he has no interest in chasing fame. His...
Yes, No, or Maybe Half? is a BL anime movie based on a Japanese light novel. The main character is a TV presenter who maintains a poised persona in public,...
Given Movie is the first movie sequel to the Japanese BL series. It follows an amateur rock band, their creative pursuits, and their romantic drama. The main character is the...
Twittering Birds Never Fly: The Clouds Gather is an anime movie based on a yaoi manga. This film explores the criminal underworld of a promiscuous yakuza and his spiraling life....
Yuri!!! on Ice is a BL anime about a figure skater's journey after he hit rock bottom in his professional career. Just as the main character was about to give...
Given is a Japanese BL anime series about a band and their mysterious new vocalist. The main character is a high school senior who plays music with college students. After...