Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
Twins is a Thai sports BL drama about a volleyball team. A pair of identical twins separated after their parents' divorce. Years later, both have become aspiring university athletes. The main...
Bake Me Please is a Thai BL series about a pastry chef and his new assistant. The main character used to sell homemade delicacies with his grandmother in a humble small...
Love in Translation is a Thai BL series about the two owners of a general goods shop. The main characters meet through a mutual acquaintance. Despite not getting along, they want...
Stay by My Side is a Taiwanese BL series about two university roommates who don't get along. The main character used to live alone until a new student moves into his...
The Luminous Solution is a Thai fantasy BL series about a coffee shop that grants wishes. The main character is in a committed relationship with his successful boyfriend. However, he...
Past-Senger is a Thai BL series about a time traveller trapped in the future. After passing his university entrance exams, the main character disrespects the sacred worship ceremony and calls it...
Destiny Seeker is a Thai BL series about two feisty university rivals. The main characters attend a prestigious engineering school, which requires all students to live on campus. Both protagonists are...
A Shoulder to Cry On is a Korean BL series about two high school students who go from enemies to friends. The main character is the star of the archery club....
Oh My God is a Vietnamese BL series about a countryside romance. When the protagonist visits his grandmother in a rural town, he gets into an accident and clashes with...
I Will Knock You is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader. To his dismay, they...
Candy Color Paradox is a Japanese BL series about two tabloid journalists. The protagonist is an investigative reporter for a magazine. One day, his boss assigns him to collaborate with...