Pornographer: Playback is a Japanese BL film and the final instalment in an ongoing trilogy. It is the movie sequel of The Novelist, continuing the story two years later with...
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese is a Japanese BL movie based on a manga. The main character is an unfaithful married man cheating on his wife. When his detective friend...
Call It What You Want is a Thai BL drama that explores the sinister and scandalous side of the acting industry. When a new director joins the production of a...
Mood Indigo is a Japanese BL drama about a struggling author, who begins to write pornographic novels at the urging of his friend. Although the main character is initially reluctant...
I Told Sunset About You is a coming-of-age Thai BL drama about two childhood friends who turned into bitter rivals. They become close again during the university admission process, as...
Where Your Eyes Linger is a Korean BL drama about a wealthy student and his devoted live-in bodyguard. Their close adolescent friendship intensifies over time, complicated by a love triangle...
Long Time No See is a Korean BL drama about an assassin whose life changes course after he falls in love. The drama was originally released as a short five-episode...
Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL comedy series about an office love triangle. The main character is a real estate agent in his thirties. One day, he discovers his significantly older...