Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL anime series about an office worker with mind-reading powers. The main character is an ordinary employee who has never dated anyone before. He feels insecure...
Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main...
Cherry Magic Thailand is the Thai remake of the famous Japanese BL series. The main character is a single office worker with low self-esteem. Suddenly, he gains the power to read...
My New Boss Is Goofy is a Japanese anime series about an office employee and his mentor. The main character recently quit his job at a toxic workplace. His old employer...
Step by Step is a Thai BL series about an office employee and his boss. When the main character starts working for a corporation, he struggles to fit in with the...
Middleman's Love is a Thai BL comedy series about two office employees. After a new intern joins the company, the main character helps him settle in the workplace. They develop a...
You Are Mine is a Taiwanese office BL series about a business executive and his assistant. The main character has started a new job as a secretary. His boss is notoriously...
Bon Appetit is a Korean BL series about two neighbours who meet up for dinner every night. The main character is a workaholic who never has time for meal preparation. A...
Jun and Jun is a Korean office BL series about a marketing intern and his boss. After starting his first day of work, the main character is surprised to reunite with...
Tokyo in April is... is a Japanese BL series about two office coworkers who used to be best friends in high school. The main character begins a new corporate job. Surprisingly,...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...