My Love Mix-UpΒ is a Japanese high school comedy BL series. The teenage main character is smitten with a female student, only to discover she likes another guy instead. When her...
Hyperventilation is an 18+ Korean BL anime series with six short episodes. The protagonist used to be a social outcast in high school due to his lung condition, causing him...
I Go To School Not By Bus is a Hong Kong BL movie about a high school romance. An artistic student and his athletic classmate begin a sweet friendship that...
Sweet Boy is a Thai BL movie about a high school student entangled in scandalous campus drama. The main character excels academically, but he is inexperienced with romance and slowly navigates...
Red Balloon is a Taiwanese BL drama featuring a poignantly told high school love story. After his emotional divorce, the main character reminisces about his first crush from years ago....
Brothers is a Thai BL series about the budding romance between two stepbrothers. After their parents remarried, the main characters are now siblings who live together in the same house....
Location is a short Thai BL movie about a sweet and simple romance between two neighbours. The main character is a bubbly high school student who recently moved into a...
Given is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a manga, focusing on a group of musicians in a band. When the main characters meet in school, they form a connection...
The Yearbook is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends in their senior year of high school. The main characters have been best friends, classmates, and neighbours for many...
Siew Sum Noi is a Thai BL series about sports, music, and romance in northeastern Thailand. The two main characters meet in school, where they both play for the football...
Light On Me is a Korean BL drama that takes place in an all-boys high school. The main character is a lonely outcast until he joins the school's student council....
If you're looking for a sweet and sensitive high school love story, The Best Story is a short series that you can finish in under two hours. In this Thai...