Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
Enchanté is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends who reunite after years of separation. The main character moved overseas and lived in France until his grandmother's death. After returning...
Vice Versa is a Thai BL series about a love story in a parallel universe. After life-threatening encounters, the protagonists regain consciousness to discover they have been magically transported to another...
Bad Buddy is a Thai BL series about two university students with an intense rivalry. The main characters are neighbours whose families have feuded for many decades. Their friends from the...