Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding is a Japanese BL series about a celebrity chef, a magazine editor, and the significant age gap in their romance. The main character is in his...
Happy of the End is a Japanese crime BL series about two men whose lives become intertwined after a failed one-night stand. After getting dumped by his wealthy lover, the...
Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who become university roommates. As suggested by their families, the main characters move into the same apartment to...
Although I Love You and You is a Japanese BL series about a small restaurant owner and an office worker. After his last breakup, the main character only focuses on running...
Perfect Propose is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who start living together. As kids, they once joked about marrying each other. The pair lost contact during their youth,...
Cooking Crush is a Thai BL series about an aspiring chef in culinary school. One day, the main character stumbles upon a hungry medical student and prepares a free meal for...
Last Twilight is a Thai BL series about a visually impaired protagonist and his caregiver. The main character is an athlete who feels demoralized after losing his vision. His family hires...
VIP Only is a Taiwanese BL series about a restauranteur and a loyal customer. The main character is an author working on his next novel. He uses his favourite beef noodle...
My Dear Gangster Oppa is a Thai BL series about two online gamers from different walks of life. The main character is a lonely student who turns to video games for...
If It's With You is a sweet Japanese BL series about two high school students in a coastal town. After moving into his new home, the main character befriends a...
Bon Appetit is a Korean BL series about two neighbours who meet up for dinner every night. The main character is a workaholic who never has time for meal preparation. A...
La Pluie is a Thai BL series about two protagonists who can communicate telepathically in the rain. The main character has a rare condition that causes a temporary loss of his...