Stormy Honeymoon is the sequel to the Vietnamese BL series The Star Always Follows You. This short special episode continues the original story, following the couple as they return to...
Our Winter is a short Thai BL series with fourteen one-minute episodes. The two main characters from Thailand travel to South Korea during an icy winter. They hang out and...
My Beautiful Man 2 is the sequel to the Japanese BL series My Beautiful Man. The main character's acting career has taken off in the second season, catapulting him to...
The Promise is the 2022 prequel for the 2023 Thai BL series with the same title. The main characters are university roommates who have been best friends for a long...
My Roommate is a Thai BL series about six young singles living together. The main character inherits his mother's house after she passes away. However, he discovers she has rented the...
Oh! My Assistant is a Korean BL comedy series about a webtoon artist and his new employee. The protagonist draws for a living and recently hires a assistant to help with...
Fools is a Vietnamese BL series about three teenagers and the emotional drama on their high school graduation day. These best friends realize it's their last time together before parting ways...
BOYS is a Hong Kong BL series about two young actors in a theatre play. The main character has unrequited feelings for his costar. Yet, his crush only sees them...
Self is a Thai BL series about two high school students who cross paths under strange, paranormal circumstances. The protagonist suddenly loses the ability to see his reflection in the mirror....
I'm a Fool for You Season 2 is the second season of the Hong Kong BL series. This sequel continues the story of two high school friends who fell out after...
In a Relationship is a Thai BL series about a teenage romance developed over video calls. After losing a bet, the main character must fulfill three wishes for the winner. Surprisingly,...
Follow My Sunshine is a Vietnamese BL series about a coming-of-age school romance. The story is about two childhood buddies who live together and attend the same university. The protagonist is...