Unknown is a Taiwanese BL series about two orphans who grow up together. The main character comes from an abusive home. After losing his mother, he must look after his...
Love for Love's Sake is a Korean fantasy BL series where the main character unknowingly enters a virtual game. The simulation takes him to the past, where he relives his high...
My Dear Gangster Oppa is a Thai BL series about two online gamers from different walks of life. The main character is a lonely student who turns to video games for...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
Our Dating Sim is a Korean BL series about a workplace romance in a video game company. The protagonist is stressed when he reunites with his high school crush during a...
Senpai, This Can't Be Love! is a Japanese BL series about a cute and quirky workplace romance. The protagonist is a shy new employee at a 3D design agency. He has...
Semantic Error is a Korean BL series about two feuding university students. A serious programmer and a rebellious artist clash over a school project. Their animosity keeps escalating to new extremes,...
Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World is an 18+ BL anime adaptation, also known as Everything for Demon King Evelogia. In this nine-episode series, a young man is transported into a...
Adapted from a Korean novel, Semantic Error is a slice-of-life BL anime series with four short episodes. The main characters are two university students working on a video game project...