I Just Want to See You is a Japanese BL series about a calm, gentle high school romance. The main characters are two childhood best friends about to enter their senior year, facing uncertainty over their futures. They have maintained a platonic relationship all these years. However, this dynamic will soon change in their final summer of adolescence together.
If you enjoy laidback love stories, I Just Want to See You will certainly be appealing. This relaxing BL drama portrays the delicate coming-of-age journeys of two teenage boys. I like the first two episodes, where the charming leads convey a sweet, soft, and simple romance. However, the second half starts drifting aimlessly and almost feels too snoozy.
I Just Want to See You Summary
Series Info:
Japan (2022)
High school romance
I Just Want to See You is a nice & heartwarming BL drama.

Sakura and Yuma are best friends who have known each other since childhood. Both are seventeen and about to enter their senior year of high school. However, neither teenage boy has any clear ambitions. Sakura enjoys playing the piano, but he doesn't have plans to go to a music university like everyone assumes. Meanwhile, Yuma is more concerned about cracking jokes and living freely in the moment. Their teachers, Mr. Ishino and Ms. Nakayama, have noted their lack of future plans.
Between the pair, Yuma is livelier and bound to moments of playful spontaneity. He likes hanging out with Sakura and making him laugh with silly antics. However, Yuma is unaware that his childhood best friend has a crush on him. Sakura harbours secret feelings for Yuma, but he fears his confession might jeopardize their friendship. His mind weighs heavily as summer break begins, aware this will be their last year of adolescence together. As the two teenage boys say goodbye, Sakura makes a bold decision that will change their friendship dynamic forever.
I Just Want to See You BL Trailer
I Just Want to See You Cast
Yuki Kura (倉悠貴)

Sakura Asakura is a high school student and Yuma's childhood best friend. He is a talented musician who enjoys playing the piano. Everybody assumes Sakura will enroll in music university, but the teenager doesn't have any actual plans for the future. Sakura has harboured a secret crush on Yuma for a long time.
Yuki Kura

Yuki Kura (倉悠貴) is a Japanese actor. He is born on December 19, 1999. His first BL project is the 2019 drama, His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love. Yuki is also the lead of the 2022 series, I Just Want to See You.
Rintaro Mizusawa (水沢林太郎)

Yuma Nagase is a high school student and Sakura's childhood best friend. He is a bubbly, enthusiastic, and playful free-spirit who likes to live in the moment. Yuma enjoys hanging out with Sakura and does silly antics to make his friend laugh. Yuma has no concrete plans for the future as he enters his senior year.
Rintaro Mizusawa

Rintaro Mizusawa (水沢林太郎) is a Japanese actor. He is born on February 5, 2003. His first BL project is the 2022 series, I Just Want to See You.
Supporting Cast

Mr. Ishino
Jiro Okawara (大河原次郎)

Ms. Nakayama
Yuki Katayama (片山友希)

Ruka Ishikawa (石川瑠華)

Kento Sakurai (櫻井健人)
Cast Highlights
- The actor who portrays Sakura (Yuki Kura) starred in another 2019 Japanese BL series His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love, another teenage romance.
- The actor who plays Norio (Kento Sakurai) appeared in the 2021 Japanese BL series My Beautiful Man. He had a supporting role as one of the protagonist's friends.
I Just Want to See You Review
Drama Review Score: 7.6

I Just Want to See You is a calm and soothing Japanese BL series. The laidback love story depicts a sweet teenage romance between two best friends. It also highlights their coming-of-age journeys as the characters transition between adolescence and adulthood. They are uncertain about their feelings for each other and their plans for the future. With a simple yet compelling concept, I Just Want to See You provides a relaxing experience with lots of gentle charm.
This series has a promising beginning. It introduces the main characters well, showcasing their distinct personalities with quirky and memorable scenes. Also, it emphasizes their camaraderie using cute flashbacks, funny exchanges, and a persuasive bond between the leads. Then, an intriguing twist shakes up their current relationship dynamics, opening the story to many possibilities. You will feel comfortable watching the first two episodes, which progress the narrative at a smooth and delightful pace.
I Just Want to See You is supported by two charismatic young actors with a sparkling rapport. Yuma's actor (Rintaro Mizusawa) is vibrant and energetic, appearing cheeky without veering into obnoxiousness. Likewise, his costar (Yuki Kura) exudes genuine warmth in his eyes, smile, and natural expressions. What a pleasant surprise to see Yuki star in another BL drama since he last appeared in His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love years ago. Compared to his past performance, he shows a remarkable improvement with more confidence, control, and maturity.
Unfortunately, I Just Want to See You doesn't carry the positive momentum into its second half. The story and romance stall after a strong start. Once the series transitions into summer vacation, the narrative also seems to take a break and barely budges forward. Subplots that were introduced earlier have stopped developing. The supporting cast also doesn't have much significance. Even Sakura and Yuma's relationship isn't that riveting anymore. Despite captivating me initially, this BL drama loses its spark midway and feels pretty snoozy towards the end.
I Just Want to See You becomes a slice-of-life drama, describing a sleepy summer where the leads enjoy leisurely time. There's a lackadaisical vibe as Sakura and Yuma drift casually through their ordinary routines. Everything has slowed down, following a relaxed approach with many mundane moments. The third episode slogs dully and almost feels like pointless filler. The finale is more intimate, but it still continues a pattern of aimlessness in the plot. I was often bored during the uneventful second half, like someone fired a tranquillizer shot into this lethargic series.
Although the brisk pace at the beginning resonates with me more, this series always remains warm and cozy. The story ends happily, even if the leads haven't sorted out their unclear prospects. Let these two carefree teens savour their last summer of youth together, free from expectations. The protagonists only reach one decisive conclusion, realizing they want each other's company no matter where their futures take them. Overall, I Just Want to See You excels in cultivating a soft, serene atmosphere. This zen drama captures the essence of adolescence magically.
Laidback story
I Just Want to See You tells a gentle, laidback story about two teenagers and their coming-of-age journeys. This BL drama is calm, cozy, and effortlessly charming.
Sweet romance
Sakura and Yuki have a mild-mannered love story, navigating their feelings between friendship and attraction. Their interactions are delicate and delightful.
Charming acting
The two charismatic young actors bring warmth and sincerity to their performances. They share a sparkling rapport that highlights their genuine friendship.
Happy ending
I Just Want to See You has a happy ending. The two teenage protagonists enjoy a carefree summer, free of expectations. It captures the essence of adolescence subtly and magically.
Cozy artistry
The production is a bit stripped back, but the simplicity works in conveying a relaxed atmosphere. However, the solar glare effect doesn't work for me, making the visuals look washed out.
I Just Want to See You is a warm and cozy BL series depicting a sweet teenage love. Although the second half might be too slowly paced, the overall story is a wonderfully soothing experience.
I Just Want to See You Series Explained

I Just Want to See You highlights the delicate transition between adolescence and adulthood. Being seventeen is a crucial time, nearly marking the end of your youth. You are about to become an adult, faced with a different set of responsibilities, and overwhelmed by an uncertain future. There is much confusion over what you want to do with your life. The two leads face this exact predicament, indicated by their blank career development forms at school.
The series uses at least two pieces of symbolism to convey this hazy period. In Episode 1, Yuma casually remarks about tadpoles and frogs before asking, "But what are tadpoles called when they get legs?" His question reflects a teenager's existential crisis around this age. You're not really a kid anymore, but you're also not yet an adult. You constantly struggle with your self-identity.
The second symbolism is the colour flaxen. The characters debate over how to describe this enigmatic shade. The ambiguity of flaxen is an apt comparison to your adolescence. This period in your life is difficult to define precisely and carries various meanings for different people. If you have to describe your teenage years as a colour, it would be something with as much ambiguity as flaxen. Like the pale yellowish-gray tone, the transition between youth and adulthood is a concept that seems vague, unclear, and mysterious.

On top of the confusion over your identity, you also start questioning your attraction during adolescence. It's a time of romantic awakening as you explore the blurry lines between friendship and romance. Sakura harbours a secret crush on his childhood best friend. However, he's afraid to confess his feelings for fear of jeopardizing their relationship. He can only pine after Yuma through longing gazes. Only when Yuma is asleep does Sakura have the courage to examine his friend's face closely.
Episode 1 establishes why Sakura likes Yuma. It's easy to understand his attraction because Yuma's character has such a bright and vivacious personality. He's a delightful goofball, making Sakura laugh with his silly, boyish antics. He also appreciates Sakura's talents, full of genuine praise for his friend's piano music. In addition, Yuma shows integrity beneath his playful persona. He doesn't hesitate to disrupt the perverted students, scaring them away when they spied on his female classmates. Yuma's positivity is enticing, demonstrating why Sakura admires him so much.
Sakura hesitates to admit his love until Mr. Ishino & Ms. Nakayama announce their marriage. Inspired by his teachers' courage, Sakura reveals his secret feelings in a spontaneous moment. "You can hate me all you want," he says during his confession. Sakura is insecure, aware of the consequences if Yuma doesn't reciprocate his kiss. He takes a chance anyway. For Sakura, he doesn't want to let his adolescence slip away with unspoken regrets. The summer before his adulthood marks his last chance for a teen romance. Perhaps Yuma may surprise him with his response.

Yuma doesn't flat-out reject the confession, but he's definitely confused. He perceived Sakura as a friend until now and never considered the possibility of romance. Sensing Yuma's uneasiness, Sakura pretends their earlier kiss was a joke. His backpedalling works and restores the lighthearted normalcy in their dynamic. However, Sakura's smile strains after he observes Yuma's enormous relief. Deep down, Sakura must be thinking: You're not supposed to react to my kiss this way.
Sakura could've returned to being platonic friends with Yuma, admiring him in secrecy. Yet, that isn't what he wanted anymore. When Sakura chatted with Ms. Nakayama, he admired her relationship with Mr. Ishino and desired that same happiness for himself. The teachers in this story serve as role models, giving Sakura optimism about his love life. At the end of Episode 2, his translation exercise turns into a renewed confession. "I have always loved Yuma since I met him," Sakura repeats until Yuma gets the message. There's no way to misconstrue the meaning this time.
Sakura is faced with much indecision in his life. He has no plans, no aspirations, and no idea about himself. He doesn't want to go to college, pursue his piano talent, or find work in the city. When his teacher prods further, Sakura wishes to continue being a kid. Despite the confusion over his impending adulthood, Sakura knows there's one thing he wants at this moment. He wants to be with Yuma. This decisiveness is uncharacteristic of him, who can't make up his mind about anything else. Yet, Yuma gives Sakura clarity, conviction, and a commitment for the future.

Yuma responds to Sakura's confession in Episode 3. But first, we must sit through a 20-minute camping trip with longwinded ghost stories. Despite being immersed in the romance, my interest fizzled by the end of this boring episode. The series starts going off track, focusing on the supporting cast instead of the intimate drama between the leads. These minor characters are a liability, like dull diversions in a short series with limited storytelling time.
Thankfully, Yuma's heart-to-heart with Sakura is worth the wait. Yuma shows his sensitive side, carefully reflecting on what Sakura means to him. We hear his thought process, including the panic and confusion in the beginning. Ultimately, Yuma admits that being with Sakura makes him happy. Yet, he understands their happy memories together will fade away as they grow up. Maybe one day, he won't even remember what happened on this camping trip. Loving Sakura is a way for Yuma to preserve the happiness from the past while creating new joyous memories in the future.
It's a sweet sentiment from a teenager confessing his feelings to another boy for the first time. Like Sakura, Yuma doesn't have many ambitions and even wrote a joke in his career form. Yet, we can see from this conversation that he has thought about his future happiness. It's a future that includes having Sakura by his side. The two leads didn't seem like they were ready to grow up at the start of the series. However, their love for each other has helped them ease into adulthood. They're making plans, moving forward, and maturing from lost boys to self-assured men.
I Just Want to See You Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date June 17, 2022
- End Date June 17, 2022
- Episodes 4 episodes
- Episode Length 20 minutes
I Just Want to See You has a total of 4 episodes. Each episode is around 20 minutes long. It is a short BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 2 hours. I Just Want to See You aired on June 17, 2022.
I Just Want to See You is connected to the 2022 Japanese movie BL Metamorphosis. The film is about a teenager and an old woman forming a friendship over their mutual love for BL. I Just Want to See You was initially a story in the movie's fictional universe. It got made into a live-action drama, released on the same day as the film.
Happy ending

I Just Want to See You has a happy ending where Sakura and Yuma start dating. However, their relationship dynamic doesn't change drastically. They still hang out like casual friends, eating popsicles and chatting lightheartedly. Sakura and Yuma decide to make a checklist of everything they want to do during the summer break. They're small tasks, like making spaghetti or mastering a childhood game. Nonetheless, the couple is spending time together and having fun.
On some occasions, the lead characters chat about their relationship thoughtfully. For example, Yuma reflects on how he was oblivious to his boyfriend's secret crush on him all these years. Sakura jokes he was "scarred". Even though it was a cheeky comment, Yuma feels genuinely upset for hurting Sakura with his insensitivity. This moment of introspection is appreciated, adding nuance to the love story between two childhood best friends.
Attack on Sakura

I Just Want to See You is a relaxing series without much conflict or tension. However, the final episode introduces an unusual subplot that disrupts the tranquillity. Sakura and his friend Riko encounter an unfriendly stranger on the streets. This anonymous individual bumps into them with brute force, knocking them to the ground. It sounds scary, as some random stranger targets you to intentionally cause harm.
This mysterious attacker is like an abstract symbolism, representing the misfortunes in life. You can't foresee or control when something terrible suddenly happens to you in the future. It could be an accident, a traumatic event, or just an ill-willed person who wants to sabotage you. Growing up is scary because we can't control the uncertain circumstances. Maybe misfortune lurks in the shadows, ready to attack you anytime and deliver setbacks. Life's hardships might knock you down, but you must cope and get back up again.
Yuma can't react fast enough to rescue his boyfriend from the hostile attacker. Fortunately, Sakura isn't injured. However, the night's events still scared Yuma, who thought he might've lost his partner during that moment. This incident reaffirms how much Sakura means to Yuma. The one good thing to come out of misfortune is that it forces you to assess your priorities. Yuma feels troubled because his boyfriend is a cherished loved one whom he wants to protect from harm.
Ending explained

I Just Want to See You doesn't end with the leads suddenly gaining clarity over their futures. Sakura and Yuma are still aimless with no purposeful plans for adulthood. In some coming-of-age stories, the teenage protagonists become enlightened, determined, and insightful. That storytelling magic doesn't happen here. Instead, Sakura and Yuma are ordinary seventeen-year-old boys who haven't figured out the trajectory of their lives over summer break.
Yet, this ending is still thematically powerful, highlighting Yuma and Sakura's carefree time together as teenagers. For the entire episode, they do seemingly childish things from an adult's perspective. They design a juvenile game out of kicking rocks, which isn't the most reassuring sign of maturity. Nonetheless, the mundane activities are suitable for this stage of their adolescence. At age seventeen, it's their last summer together where they can just be kids. Let these two teenage boys do whatever silly shenanigans and create lasting memories to cap off their childhoods.
Yuma and Sakura have their whole lives ahead of them. At this moment in time, we don't have to burden them with serious expectations or detailed plans for the future. They can worry about their adult responsibilities next summer and many years to come. The leads only reach one decisive conclusion in this ending, as they have figured out their feelings for each other. Their only plans for the future involve spending more time together. Wherever their lives take them, Yuma and Sakura are committed to moving forward as a pair.
I Just Want to See You Movie
BL Metamorphosis

I Just Want to See You is a spin-off drama. Its original story is the 2022 Japanese movie BL Metamorphosis. In this film, the leads are female BL fans who read a serialized manga called "I Just Want to See You". The manga is a high school love story between two teenage boys, Yuma and Sakura. Occasionally, we'd see art panels of the manga appear in the movie.
Although the drama and the movie are connected, you don't need to watch BL Metamorphosis to understand I Just Want to See You. Their plots aren't related. The film characters only read the manga and address the events vaguely. Overall, I enjoy the warm and cozy story in BL Metamorphosis. It depicts a cute friendship between a teenage girl and a senior woman. There are compassionate messages about personal growth. However, the film doesn't include any BL romance. As such, it may not appeal to viewers who want to watch a love story.
I Just Want to See You BL Information
- Hulu I Just Want to See You Hulu
- MyDramaList Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai MyDramaList
- Wikipedia BL Metamorphosis Wikipedia