Why You… Y Me? is a Thai series told from a BL fangirl's perspective. The protagonist is obsessed with yaoi and likes to ship imaginary couples in real life. After befriending a male classmate, he introduces her to his indie band. The chummy interactions between the group members fuel her fantasies. She feels inspired to showcase their BL potential and make these unknown musicians famous.
Led by a female protagonist, Why You… Y Me? shines a spotlight on fan culture. This series uses cheerful humour to examine the good, bad, and ugly aspects of the yaoi phenomenon, albeit superficially. While the quirky story is sometimes entertaining, it doesn't make many profound revelations. There are two BL couples, but the romantic content feels too lightweight and unsatisfying.
Why You… Y Me? Summary
Series Info:
Thailand (2022)
Why You… Y Me? is a happy & funny drama.

Namwah is a university student who loves BL. Accompanied by her best friend Kanoon, they are obsessed with shipping an imaginary couple. Copter is a celebrity heartthrob, while Maitoon is an online personality specializing in cafe art. Although these two guys have never interacted, their supporters like fantasizing about them as a real-life couple. There are fan events for both Copter and Maitoon, which Namwah attends regularly. She joins the adoring crowd of fangirls to cheer on her favourite idol.
Namwah runs a small fan account that keeps track of Copter and Maitoon updates. Her rival, Star, runs a more prominent account with a larger fan following. Although they support the same people, the two fangirls don't get along. They often clash at fan events. As an influential fan, Star tends to receive more privileges, which she loves flaunting. Namwah resents her snobby competitor and wants to one-up her. Unfortunately, she hasn't succeeded so far.
During class, Namwah meets Gap and pairs up with him for a school project. Initially, they have a lousy first impression of each other. Namwah bumps into Gap and spills his drink over him. However, they overcome their differences and become on friendly terms. Namewah takes Gap to a fan meeting for Maipai, introducing him to her favourite hobby. He seems embarrassed to stand among the crowd of screaming fangirls.
Namwah's brother Shogun is a famous music producer. He runs a large music studio at his home. When Gap reveals he has a band, Namwah invites him to practice at her place for free. The band is called Evening Sunday and consists of five members. They include Gap (vocalist), Maitoh (drummer), Green (bassist), Nice (keyboardist), and Ford (guitarist). In addition, Paul is the band's manager. After meeting everyone, Namwah observes several suggestive interactions between the guys. Maitoh and Green seem chummy. So are Nice and Paul.
Gap's band is competing in a music competition. They want to meet Namwah's brother and seek his counsel. However, Namwah hesitates to introduce her new friends to her stern brother. Gap tries befriending her by offering VIP tickets for a Copter event. He also lies about being a BL fanboy to get into her good graces. As they become closer, Gap enjoys the perks that his friendship with Namwah brings. She's enthusiastic about Evening Sunday and wants to promote the band. However, Gap feels guilty about deceiving Namwah, especially since he isn't a real BL fan.
Why You… Y Me? Trailer
Why You… Y Me? Cast
Parn Nachcha Chuedang (ป่าน ณัชชา เชื้อแดง)

Namwah is a university student obsessed with BL culture. She loves shipping Copter and Maipai, two handsome celebrities, even though they aren't an actual couple. Namwah's best friend is Kanoon, and they attend many fan meetings together. Namwah runs an online fan account (@fruitylove) that keeps track of Copter x Maitoon updates. Her rival Star runs a more prominent account (@starship) with a bigger fan following.
Parn Nachcha Chuedang

Parn Nachcha Chuedang (ป่าน ณัชชา เชื้อแดง) is a Thai actress. He is born on September 22, 2000. Her first BL project is the 2022 series, Why You… Y Me?
Jump Pisitpol Ekaphongpisit (จั๊มพ์ พิสิฐพล เอกพงศ์พิสิฐ)

Gap is Namwah's classmate. They meet after the professor pairs them up for a school project. Gap is the lead vocalist of an indie band called Evening Sunday, which has five members. They are currently competing in a music contest. Gap befriends Namwah to get access to her brother's studio and music production experience. He also lies about being a BL fanboy to have a closer relationship.
Jump Pisitpol Ekaphongpisit

Jump Pisitpol Ekaphongpisit (จั๊มพ์ พิสิฐพล เอกพงศ์พิสิฐ) is a Thai actor. He is born on September 27, 2000. His first BL project is the 2020 series, Love By Chance 2. He starred in the 2022 drama, Why You… Y Me?
Save Saisawat (เชฟ ไซสวัสดิ์)

Maitoh is an engineering student and the drummer of the Evening Sunday band. He has been best friends with Green since childhood. Maitoh has a younger brother, Maitee, who travels to South Korea for an idol career. Unlike Gap's family, Maitoh's parents support Maitoh and Maitee's creative pursuits.
Save Saisawat

Save Saisawat (เชฟ ไซสวัสดิ์) is a Thai actor. He is born on September 9, 1998. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Ai Long Nhai. He has a supporting role in the 2022 drama, Why You… Y Me. Save also stars in the 2024 Korean BL series called Eccentric Romance.
Gun Tieosuwan (กันต์ กัญจน์ เตียวสุวรรณ)

Green is an engineering student and the bassist of the Evening Sunday band. He has been best friends with Maitoh since childhood. Green harbours a secret crush on Maitoh. However, he hasn't confessed his feelings at the risk of jeopardizing their friendship. Green has a kind personality and takes care of Maitoh very well.
Gun Tieosuwan

Gun Tieosuwan (กันต์ กัญจน์ เตียวสุวรรณ) is a Thai actor. He is born on November 12, 1999. His first BL project is the 2021 series, Love Area and its 2022 sequel, Love Area: Part 2. He also appears in the 2022 dramas, Ai Long Nhai and Why You… Y Me?
Jet Somjet Saejang (เจตน์ สมเจตน์ แซ่จาง)

Shogun is Namwah's older brother. He is a famous music producer known under his alias, Scorpion X. Shogun runs a music studio at his house. Unlike his cheerful sister, Shogun has a brooding personality and a stoic demeanour. He doesn't think highly of Namwah's BL obsession. Shogun's parents died in an accident, leaving Namwah under his care.
Jet Somjet Saejang

Jet Somjet Saejang (เจตน์ สมเจตน์ แซ่จาง) is a Thai actor. He is born on February 16, 1999. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Why You… Y Me? He is the lead of the 2023 drama, 7 Days Before Valentine.
Nu Potjanakorn Apipatcharapokee (นุ พจนกร อภิพัชรโภดี)

Nice is a communication arts student. He is also the keyboardist of the Evening Sunday band. Nice has a close relationship with his friend Paul, which intrigues the BL fangirl in Namwah. As they grow closer, Nice wrestles with his growing feelings for Paul.
Nu Potjanakorn Apipatcharapokee

Nu Potjanakorn Apipatcharapokee (นุ พจนกร อภิพัชรโภดี) is a Thai actor. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Why You… Y Me?
Maxky Ratchata Pichetshote (แม็กกี้ รชต พิเชฐโชติ)

Paul is a fourth-year business administration student. Officially, he is the manager of the Sunday Evening band. However, Namwah does a better job promoting the band than him. Paul is from a wealthy family, and his sister coddles him frequently. Paul's sister also has a close relationship with his best friend, Nice.
Maxky Ratchata Pichetshote

Maxky Ratchata Pichetshote (แม็กกี้ รชต พิเชฐโชติ) is a Thai actor. He is born on July 27, 1994. His first BL project is the 2017 series, Make It Right 2. He's one of the leads in the 2024 drama, Fourever You. Maxky also has a supporting role in the 2022 drama, Why You… Y Me?
Supporting Cast

Best Janewit Tangtrakarn (เบสท์ เจนวิทย์ ตั้งตระการ)

Mean Wichayaporn Jiravechsoontornkul (มีน วิชญาพร จิรเวชสุนทรกุล)

Ice Chawanya (ไอซ์ ชวัญยา)

Sam Prudtichai Ruayfupant (แซม พฤฒิชัย รวยฟูพันธ์)

Plan Rathavit Kijworalak (แปลน รัฐวิทย์ กิจวรลักษณ์)

Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn (พีรวิชญ์ อรรถชิตสถาพร)

Ton Koon Wattana Chumthong (ต้นคูณ วัฒนา ชุมทอง)

Paul's sister
Ice Apitsada Kreurkongka (อภิษฎา เครือคงคา)

Gap's dad
Jade Apivich Rinthapoln (เจต อภิวิชญ์ รินทพล)

Gap's mom

Star's friend
Plaifah Penpat Kairapee (ปลายฟ้า เพ็ญพัฒน์ ไกรราภี)

Star's friend
Cast Highlights
Jet Somjet Saejang
Shogun's actor is the lead of the 2023 fantasy series 7 Days Before Valentine.
Gun Tieosuwan
Green's actor is the star of the 2021 BL series Love Area and its 2022 sequel Love Area: Part 2.
Save Saisawat
Maitoh's actor is the star of the 2024 Korean mystery BL series Eccentric Romance.
Ai Long Nhai
Gun and Maitoh's actors have supporting roles in the 2022 BL drama Ai Long Nhai.
Love By Chance 2
The actors who portray Gap, Maipai, and Copter (Jump, Plan, and Mean) appear in the 2020 Thai BL drama Love By Chance 2.
Make It Right 2
Plan and Paul's actor (Maxky) appears in the 2017 BL series Make It Right 2.
Maxky is one of the leads in the 2024 university drama, Fourever You.
Why You… Y Me? Review
Drama Review Score: 6.7

Why You… Y Me? is a cheerful BL series packed with enthusiasm. Each episode contains a brisk pace, quirky humour, and lively energy. The characters like to be playful, making lighthearted jokes and cute mischief. There are also some serious storylines, although the carefree plot never feels too heavy. The silliness stands out more prominently and eclipses the few attempts at creating tension in the narrative. Why You… Y Me? comes across as slightly frivolous, unable to transition from a childish comedy into a mature drama.
In Why You… Y Me?, the protagonist is a BL fangirl. She gets excited when two guys come together, and her giddy fantasies contribute to the humourous scenarios. The series focuses on yaoi culture, highlighting how some fans cross the line and become obsessive. It clearly communicates that stalking celebrities and invading their privacy is the wrong thing to do. While I appreciate the messages, the story simply isn't that complex. It doesn't make bold statements or profound revelations that impact me significantly. Why You… Y Me could've gone deeper into expanding its themes.
Why You… Y Me? fetishizes gay men more than your typical BL drama. Namwah's yaoi fandom is played for laughs, but some of her behaviour makes me uncomfortable. When Namwah sees two guys in an intimate moment, she immediately points a camera at them. That's rude and invasive. Later, Namwah uploads the pictures as publicity tools for the band, which feels icky. I dislike how she treats their sexuality as a public spectacle for entertainment. With that said, I'm not overly outraged. I still like Namwah, who carries the series with her sweet, charming personality.
However, the other lead is sleazy. Gap pretends to be a yaoi fanboy to impress Namwah. While BL is accessible to everyone, the genre appeals primarily to women and the LGBT+ community. Yet, this straight guy misrepresents himself and appropriates a culture in which he has no genuine interest. The optics don't sit right with me. Also, Gap's intentions with Namwah are sketchy. Initially, he gets close to Namwah for her family connections. He then continues lying to her. Their relationship is built on deceit and opportunism. Gap never redeems himself in my eyes.
Although the primary pairing is a BG couple, there are two secondary BL romances. I enjoy Nice & Paul's funny scenes, but the series hardly develops their relationship. They get relegated to comic relief and receive little focus beyond a few amusing exchanges. The other BL storyline is a love triangle, which plays out frustratingly. Maitoh and Shogun look attractive together, yet their bond is shallow. I don't sense a meaningful connection between them. Also, I hate how Maitoh treats Green in Episode 8. Maitoh handles a delicate situation with his friend quite insensitively.
Why You… Y Me? delivers a polished production with bright visuals and a cheerful soundtrack. In addition, both leads (Parn and Jump) are energetic, bringing much youthful exuberance to their roles. The rest of the supporting cast isn't as smooth. A few actors may lack on-camera experience, which you notice in their rookie performances. Overall, I enjoy some aspects of Why You… Y Me? It has a zany story, goofy characters, and good closure for the ending. With that said, this BL drama is too casual and lightweight. I'm left with tepid feelings after finishing a fairly average series.
Cheerful story
Why You… Y Me? is a quirky story told from a BL fangirl's perspective. The tone is cute and cheerful. However, the simple plot doesn't explore its themes deeply. It never matures into a complex drama.
Shallow romance
There are two secondary BL romances. The love triangle plays out frustratingly, although I like the closure in the finale. Paul & Nice are a funny couple, but they get relegated to comic relief.
Upbeat acting
The leads (Parn and Jump) are bubbly performers who inject lots of upbeat energy into their roles. The supporting cast seems less smooth. A few actors are inexperienced, giving rookie performances.
Happy ending
Why You… Y Me? has a happy ending that wraps up multiple storylines satisfyingly. The finale gathers all the characters on the beach for a festive celebration and a romantic confession.
Bright artistry
This series delivers polished production values with bright visuals and an energetic soundtrack. I like the cinematography in the outdoor scenes more than the indoor counterparts.
Why You… Y Me is a lighthearted BL drama that exudes humour, enthusiasm, and charm. However, the slightly frivolous story lacks complexity. I'm also irked by a few annoying characters.
Why You… Y Me? Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date October 19, 2022
- End Date December 19, 2022
- Episodes 10 episodes
- Episode Length 40 to 45 minutes
Why You… Y Me? has a total of 10 episodes. Each episode is around 40 to 45 minutes long. It is a long BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in around 7 hours. Why You… Y Me? started on October 19, 2022 and ended on December 19, 2022.
Episode Reviews
Episode 1
This ghost ship is so random? I don't understand why the fans pair two real-life people who never interacted. Also, Namwah bothers me when she takes invasive pics of intimate moments.
Episode 2
Gap's actor is perky and delivers an energetic performance. However, his character gives huge red flags. I don't like how this straight guy pretends to like BL to get close to a girl. He's kinda gross.
Episode 3
I'm surprised Paul and Nice actually started a romance. I thought the love triangle would be the only BL content, but I guess not! However, their characters feel like comic relief instead of a real couple.
Episode 4
So far, the plot feels too frivolous and lightweight. There could be many exciting angles when dissecting BL culture, but this series doesn't dig deeply. I wish there were fewer Namwah & Gap scenes.
Episode 5
This episode is enjoyable! I like learning more about the characters' backstories. I also appreciate both BL couples getting more development. The Maitoh x Shogun scene at the music shop is great.
Episode 6
Paul and Nice are a cute, funny couple, but I wish their storyline had more substance. I'm surprised that Shogun rejects Maitoh. That's an unexpected twist. Does Green have a chance in the love triangle?
Episode 7
Initially, I shipped Maitoh and Shogun since they made an attractive couple. However, I've converted to Team Green. Sorry, but Shogun missed his chance in the last episode. Green FTW!
Episode 8
"Do I disgust you this much!?" That line stings~ Maitoh isn't obliged to reciprocate Green's feelings, but I dislike his insensitive response. After rejecting his friend, he flaunts his affections with another guy!?
Episode 9
Kanoon's stalker subplot can be fascinating, but it doesn't get enough development beyond the reveal. For every storyline, this series explores the topics superficially without much nuance.
Episode 10
This finale is decent. I like Maitoh's heartfelt chat with Green on the beach. It's a much better exchange than how he handled his friend's confession. However, I don't ship Maitoh x Shogun anymore.
Why You… Y Me? Music
Why You… Y Me? Information
- MyDramaList Why You… Y Me? MyDramaList
- YouTube Why You… Y Me? YouTube

MChoice, also known as Millennial Choice, is a Thai BL studio that produced Why You… Y Me? (2022). It is the studio's first BL drama. In the past, MChoice has done a music event with the Love By Chance 2 cast.
Pat Thachai Komolphet (ฐชัย โกมลเพ็ชร์) is a Thai director. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Why You… Y Me? In addition, he has directed various dramas with gay subplots.