Soulmate is the sequel of the Thai BL series Roommate. The main characters have planned a weekend staycation at an old family home. However, the romantic getaway is interrupted by a...
My Love Mix-Up is a Japanese high school comedy BL series. The teenage main character is smitten with a female student, only to discover she likes another guy instead. When her...
Bite Me is a Thai BL series about a gentle romance that takes place in a restaurant. The main character's culinary talent is noticed by a famous restauranteur, who offers him...
Be Loved in House is a Taiwanese BL series about the office romance between a boss and his employee. When the new boss arrives at the company, he immediately clashes...
Ossan's Love Hong Kong is a remake of the popular Japanese BL series. This workplace comedy features an unexpected love triangle between a young real estate agent, his coworker, and their...
Sweet Munchies is a Korean drama featuring a restaurant chef, who pretends to be gay in order to land a lucrative TV hosting gig. As the show becomes popular, he...
Athlete is a Japanese BL movie about a former pro swimmer, who takes on a young male lover after his divorce. Although there is a lot of passion in the relationship,...
The Effect started out as an innocuous campus romance, just like many other Thai BL dramas. The main character is a university freshman, who develops a connection with a popular...
Papa and Daddy is a slice-of-life Taiwanese BL drama about a gay couple raising their son together. They lead a happy, ordinary life despite facing some gossip from other parents...
HIStory 4: Close to You is a Taiwanese BL drama about three friends who live together and work at the same company. One of the characters pretends to be interested...
Lovely Writer is a Thai BL drama about a shy author who rises to fame when his romance novel gets adapted into a popular series. He is flustered by all...