La Pluie is a Thai BL series about two protagonists who can communicate telepathically in the rain. The main character has a rare condition that causes a temporary loss of his...
Tokyo in April is... is a Japanese BL series about two office coworkers who used to be best friends in high school. The main character begins a new corporate job. Surprisingly,...
Going My Home is a Korean short movie about a gay man returning to his hometown. Personal troubles weigh heavily on his mind, but he doesn't communicate these concerns with his...
No Law, No Heaven is a Hong Kong short movie about an adolescent raised in an impoverished neighbourhood. Since childhood, the main character lived in poor conditions with his family. He...
Egoist is a Japanese BL movie about a couple who recently met and started dating. However, they face financial troubles. While the main character can afford luxury brands, his partner struggles...
Chains of Heart is a Thai BL series about a grieving protagonist and his missing boyfriend. A few years ago, the couple was involved in a life-threatening encounter with a...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
Our Dining Table is a Japanese BL series about a shy protagonist who bonds with a heartwarming family. The main character lives by himself and leads a lonely life. One...
Star Struck is a Korean BL series about two childhood friends from troubled homes. The main character lives with his depressed mother and struggles financially. His best friend is miserable due...
Let Me Hear It Barefoot is a Japanese movie about two friends who go on imaginary adventures. After the main character's grandmother is hospitalized, she wants him to travel the world...
Past-Senger is a Thai BL series about a time traveller trapped in the future. After passing his university entrance exams, the main character disrespects the sacred worship ceremony and calls it...
Buddy Daddies is a Japanese anime series about two professional assassins who must raise a kid together. During a shootout, the protagonists killed a four-year-old girl's father, leaving her parentless. They...