Star Struck is a Korean BL series about two childhood friends from troubled homes. The main character lives with his depressed mother and struggles financially. His best friend is miserable due...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
Remember Me is a Thai BL series about a group of childhood friends. The main characters have known each other since they were young. Recently, they welcomed a new member to...
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend is a Japanese BL series about a picture-perfect marriage falling apart. The female lead character enjoys blissful matrimony with her sweet, sensitive husband....
A Shoulder to Cry On is a Korean BL series about two high school students who go from enemies to friends. The main character is the star of the archery club....
Never Let Me Go is a Thai BL series about a wealthy teenager and his bodyguard. The protagonist is a hotel heir in his final year of high school. After...
I Will Knock You is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader. To his dismay, they...
My School President is a Thai BL series about an enchanting teenage love story. The protagonist is an aspiring musician who forms a high school band with his friends. He clashes...
Hit Bite Love is a Thai BL series about three high school couples and their spicy romantic drama. The main character feels miserable about his secret relationship with a closeted gay...
My Only 12% is a Thai BL series that follows two childhood best friends from high school to university. The main characters are neighbours who grew up together and developed a...
Eternal Yesterday is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who experience a heartbreaking tragedy. The protagonist used to be a loner until his cheerful classmate befriends him. Despite...
Fools is a Vietnamese BL series about three teenagers and the emotional drama on their high school graduation day. These best friends realize it's their last time together before parting ways...