On Cloud Nine is a Thai fantasy BL series. The story begins with the main character meeting a mysterious stranger in the wilderness. This suspicious wanderer seems oddly intimate, following the...
Double is a Japanese drama about two friends with an unusually codependent relationship. They have been aspiring actors and next-door neighbours for many years, bonding over their love for theatre performances....
DNA Says I Love You is a unique Taiwanese BL series with a groundbreaking concept. However, the story begins ordinarily as a boy-meets-boy romance. The main character befriends a mysterious stranger,...
Not Me is a Thai BL action series. The protagonist assumes his twin's identity to investigate what happened to his hospitalized brother. Previously, his sibling was part of a mysterious group...
You're My Sky is a Thai BL sports drama. The main character is a motivated university student who wants to revive his school's ailing basketball team. He encourages his childhood friend...
First Love Again is a Korean fantasy BL series about a reincarnated man searching for his long-lost love. The protagonist is a famous author who carries the memories from his two...
Malila: The Farewell Flower is a Thai movie about two former lovers who reunite in a rural village. Both men have experienced devastating tragedies that changed their lives dramatically. After...
Soulmate is the sequel of the Thai BL series Roommate. The main characters have planned a weekend staycation at an old family home. However, the romantic getaway is interrupted by a...
Tinted With You is a historical BL series from South Korea. The protagonist is a high school student who gets magically transported to the feudal period. Confused by his surroundings, he...
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....
Antique Bakery is an anime series about a newly opened bakery shop. The protagonist hires a talented and openly gay pastry chef, despite sharing a troubled history together. They are...
Also known as Twilight's Kiss, Suk Suk is a Hong Kong movie about a secret romance between two elderly gay men. Both characters are deeply closeted seniors who married, raised children,...