Smells Like Green Spirit is a Japanese BL series about a bullied high school student from a rural town. The main character is a gentle teenager mocked for his long...
Takara's Treasure is a Japanese BL series about the romance between a university freshman and the senior he idolizes. Years ago, the main character met a kind stranger and shared...
Y Journey: Stay Like a Local is a Thai BL anthology series with six short stories. Each episode focuses on a couple's adventure at a picturesque location. Some destinations include sandy...
I Feel You Linger in the Air is a Thai historical BL series with a fantasy twist. After an accident, the main character regains consciousness and finds himself stuck in the...
Wedding Plan is a Thai BL series about a mismatched couple looking to get married. Two childhood sweethearts approach a wedding planner, asking him to coordinate their ceremony on short notice....
Love Tractor is a Korean BL series about a law school student who relocates to the countryside. The main character defies his strict father and disregards his promising career prospects. He...
Chains of Heart is a Thai BL series about a grieving protagonist and his missing boyfriend. A few years ago, the couple was involved in a life-threatening encounter with a...
Oh My God is a Vietnamese BL series about a countryside romance. When the protagonist visits his grandmother in a rural town, he gets into an accident and clashes with...
The Star Always Follows You is a Vietnamese BL series about a teenager who moves to the countryside. Due to his poor grades, the protagonist's mother brings her son to live...
Once in Memory: Wish Me Luck is a short Thai BL movie about a camping trip. The main character celebrates his birthday by going on a lakeside getaway with his friends....
On Cloud Nine is a Thai fantasy BL series. The story begins with the main character meeting a mysterious stranger in the wilderness. This suspicious wanderer seems oddly intimate, following the...
My Secret Love is a Thai BL series about the romance between a student council president and a troublemaking prankster. The main characters clash over causing mischief on campus. As the...