Cooking Crush is a Thai BL series about an aspiring chef in culinary school. One day, the main character stumbles upon a hungry medical student and prepares a free meal for...
Only Friends is a Thai BL series about a group of university students involved in complicated relationship drama. The main character is kind, intelligent, and sexually inexperienced. His buddy introduces him...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
The Eclipse is a Thai BL series about an uprising at an all-boys school. As the president of the prefects club, the main character is used to following the rules. He...
Vice Versa is a Thai BL series about a love story in a parallel universe. After life-threatening encounters, the protagonists regain consciousness to discover they have been magically transported to another...
Fish Upon the Sky is a Thai BL comedy series, offering a modern take at the story of the ugly duckling. The main character is a nerdy and lonely social...
Tonhon Chonlatee is a Thai BL drama about the brotherly love and affection between two childhood friends. One of them is staunchly straight, while the other has been pining after...