Candy Color Paradox is a Japanese BL series about two tabloid journalists. The protagonist is an investigative reporter for a magazine. One day, his boss assigns him to collaborate with...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
Magic of Zero is a Thai anthology series about three lighthearted love stories with a fantasy twist. The third episode, "Zero Supporter", showcases a BL couple. It features the leads from...
Enchanté is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends who reunite after years of separation. The main character moved overseas and lived in France until his grandmother's death. After returning...
My Secret Love is a Thai BL series about the romance between a student council president and a troublemaking prankster. The main characters clash over causing mischief on campus. As the...
Secret Crush on You is a Thai BL series about a school misfit and his infatuation with the campus jock. The lead has an obsessive crush on a popular university student....
Spring Like a Lover is a Japanese movie about three gay men and their intertwining love lives. The main characters are going through a rough patch in their relationship. After an...
Kissable Lips is a Korean BL drama about vampires. The main character is a dying vampire who suffers from deteriorating health. According to urban legend, his only way to stay alive...
My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
Bite Me is a Thai BL series about a gentle romance that takes place in a restaurant. The main character's culinary talent is noticed by a famous restauranteur, who offers him...
See You After Quarantine? is a Taiwanese BL drama that takes place during the COVID pandemic. The story is told through a series of video calls, in which the characters meet,...
Red Balloon is a Taiwanese BL drama featuring a poignantly told high school love story. After his emotional divorce, the main character reminisces about his first crush from years ago....