Till the World Ends is a Thai BL dystopian series about the final days before Earth's destruction. There have been news reports about the moon striking the world. Suddenly, the government...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
Happy Ending Romance is a Korean BL series about a love triangle between two authors and a book publisher. The main character used to be a famous writer until he crossed...
Our Days is a Thai BL series about two university students who become enemies after a drunken night together. The main character cannot forgive his acquaintance over a stolen kiss. The...
Big Dragon is a spicy Thai BL series about two enemies feuding over a sex tape. The main character clashes with his university rival as they compete for a female classmate's...
Eternal Yesterday is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who experience a heartbreaking tragedy. The protagonist used to be a loner until his cheerful classmate befriends him. Despite...
Ghost Host, Ghost House is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted residence. The main character has returned from overseas and moves in with his aunt's family. However, he...
Beef, Cupcakes and Him is a Vietnamese BL movie about a chef and his childhood acquaintance. The main character was employed at a restaurant until he suddenly lost his job. Subsequently,...
The Eclipse is a Thai BL series about an uprising at an all-boys school. As the president of the prefects club, the main character is used to following the rules. He...
The Promise is a Vietnamese BL series about two stepbrothers and their budding romance. The feisty teenage protagonist has a rocky relationship with his older stepsibling. After getting into trouble at...
Want to See You is a Vietnamese BL series about a blind protagonist. After an accident, the main character loses his vision and requires long-term assistance. He hires a caretaker to...
Coffee Melody is a Thai BL series about a cute, flirty romance in a coffee shop. The main character is a songwriter going through a creative slump. After visiting a...