No Law, No Heaven is a Hong Kong short movie about an adolescent raised in an impoverished neighbourhood. Since childhood, the main character lived in poor conditions with his family. He...
Chains of Heart is a Thai BL series about a grieving protagonist and his missing boyfriend. A few years ago, the couple was involved in a life-threatening encounter with a...
Our Dining Table is a Japanese BL series about a shy protagonist who bonds with a heartwarming family. The main character lives by himself and leads a lonely life. One...
Destiny Seeker is a Thai BL series about two feisty university rivals. The main characters attend a prestigious engineering school, which requires all students to live on campus. Both protagonists are...
The Eighth Sense is a Korean BL series about the emotional relationship between two university students. The main character has moved away from a small town to study in a big...
All the Liquors is a Korean BL series about a small restaurant owner who dislikes alcohol. Despite running a popular diner, the main character won't allow anyone to drink alcoholic beverages...
I Will Knock You is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader. To his dismay, they...
Moonlight Chicken is a Thai BL series about a restaurant owner's romance with his customer. The protagonist runs a local diner that sells chicken rice. On a fateful evening, he encounters...
My Tooth Your Love is a Taiwanese BL series about a dentist, his patient, and their romance. The main character suffers from a toothache, but he'd rather endure the pain...
Beef, Cupcakes and Him is a Vietnamese BL movie about a chef and his childhood acquaintance. The main character was employed at a restaurant until he suddenly lost his job. Subsequently,...
Rainbow Lagoon is a Thai BL series about two love rivals who turn into romantic companions. The main characters competed against each other over the same girlfriend, but she dumped them...