Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL drama about a workplace romance with a quirky twist. The protagonist is an ordinary office worker, who never had any sexual relationships during his...
Hometown's Embrace is a BL series that takes place in rural Thailand. The protagonist returns to his hometown after a personal tragedy, hoping to make a positive difference. Along with...
If you're looking for a sweet and sensitive high school love story, The Best Story is a short series that you can finish in under two hours. In this Thai...
HIStory: My Hero is a Taiwanese BL drama with a supernatural twist. The protagonist is a female ghost who possesses her male classmate to spend more time with her grieving boyfriend....
Be Loved in House is a Taiwanese BL series about the office romance between a boss and his employee. When the new boss arrives at the company, he immediately clashes...
Red Wine in the Night is a Thai supernatural thriller that focuses on a precarious gay romance. The protagonist is a young man who has been unlucky in love, until...
YYY is a wacky Thai BL comedy, featuring an eclectic group of apartment residents with larger-than-life personalities. When a relatively normal tenant moves in, he gets entangled in the chaos...
He She It is a short Thai BL horror series. The drama highlights a clandestine romance between the two main characters, one of whom is already committed to an existing...
Ingredients is a slice-of-life Thai BL series about food, music, and love. The two main characters live together, one of whom is an indie musician and the other is a...
You Never Eat Alone is an innovative Thai BL series that focuses on mental health. In this offbeat comedy, the lead character has a unique phobia of eating alone. Incapable...
Love Stage!! is a BL anime series about the celebrity world. The main character comes from a family of actors and musicians, but he has no interest in chasing fame. His...
Country Boy is a short BL miniseries that takes place in rural Thailand. A small group of friends go on a trip by the countryside, staying with a mother-and-son duo...