Rainbow Lagoon is a Thai BL series about two love rivals who turn into romantic companions. The main characters competed against each other over the same girlfriend, but she dumped them...
The 8.2 Second Rule is a Japanese BL series about a high school student and his ongoing pursuit of love. The teenage protagonist is a hopeless romantic who wants to find...
Fudanshi Bartender is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The main character may look like a suave bartender on the outside, but he hides his secret obsession with BL. The protagonist constantly...
I Just Want to See You is a Japanese BL series about a calm, gentle high school romance. The main characters are two childhood best friends about to enter their senior...
My Keychain is a short Thai BL series about a school romance. The young protagonist meets his love interest during a random encounter. The keychains in their backpacks accidentally get stuck...
Someone Else's BL Cartoon is a Korean BL anime about a high school romance. The story focuses on a straight-laced student who befriends a delinquent in his class. They develop an...
We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Moments before the ceremony, the main character suddenly admits he hasn't come out to his...
Partner's Territory is a short slice-of-life Korean BL anime. The first episode is a quick prologue that describes a critical moment in a gay couple's relationship. The second episode is an...
Boy Scouts is a short Thai BL series about the various misadventures in a scout camp. The main character is shy and physically fragile, so he gets teased by the other...
Country Boy 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama, continuing the teenage love story from the original series. The cheerful protagonist leaves the countryside to work in the city...
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL comedy. This sequel continues the story of the reluctant protagonist in a universe...