Historical BL dramas are very rare, and the unique setting in Nobleman Ryu's Wedding is a major selling point for this innovative Korean series. The story begins on the day...
His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love is a Japanese BL series focusing on adolescent love. This short, leisurely drama features four teenagers in a beachside community, as...
A Man Who Defies the World of BL is a hilarious Japanese BL comedy series about a university student and his aversion to falling in love. The main character lives...
You Make Me Dance is a Korean BL drama about a student dancer. He forms an unlikely romance with his loan shark. Yes, you read that right. He falls in...
Craving You is a Taiwanese BL drama about the love story of a bakery owner and a famous musician. Their relationship seems cute and lighthearted at the beginning. However, it...
To My Star is a Korean BL drama about a famous celebrity who goes into hiding after he's rocked by a public scandal. In his hideout, he gets acquainted with...
Where Your Eyes Linger is a Korean BL drama about a wealthy student and his devoted live-in bodyguard. Their close adolescent friendship intensifies over time, complicated by a love triangle...
Mr. Heart is a Korean BL drama about a university athlete who competes in marathons. This upbeat love story begins when he's introduced to a cute guy who motivates him...
Color Rush is a Korean BL drama with a colourblind protagonist. When the main character meets his soulmate, he magically regains the colours in his vision. However, this miraculous ability only...
Long Time No See is a Korean BL drama about an assassin whose life changes course after he falls in love. The drama was originally released as a short five-episode...
Out of all the BL dramas in the HIStory franchise, HIStory 2: Crossing the Line is probably my personal favourite. This is an energetic and upbeat Taiwanese BL drama involving...
WISH YOU: Your Melody From My Heart is a Korean BL drama about an aspiring musician. The protagonist is at the start of a promising career, but he faces various...