Antique Bakery is an anime series about a newly opened bakery shop. The protagonist hires a talented and openly gay pastry chef, despite sharing a troubled history together. They are...
The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name is a Hong Kong BL slice-of-life drama about two university roommates. This short six-episode series chronicles the relationship between the main characters, from...
Restart After Come Back Home is a Japanese BL movie that takes place in a small, sleepy rural town. After losing his job in the city, the main character returns...
Papa and Daddy is a slice-of-life Taiwanese BL drama about a gay couple raising their son together. They lead a happy, ordinary life despite facing some gossip from other parents...
As soon as you start watching A Man Who Defies the World of BL, you'll know this Japanese BL drama was adapted from a manga. Its influence is very obvious...
What Did You Eat Yesterday is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The story depicts the sweet and frequently funny day-to-day routine of an ordinary gay couple. Both main characters are in...